Williamson, H. G. M. “The Temple in the Books of Chronicles,” in William Horbury, ed., Templum Amicitiae: Essays on the Second Temple Presented to Ernst Bammel, (Sheffield: JSOT Press, 1991), pp. 15-31. [Israel/Solomon]
A wonderfully insightful article showing that the author of the books of Chronicles attempted to use the temple as a unifying factor to restore divided Israel. To do this he went back in time before the division to an important element common to both, in this case the tabernacle/temple. (p. 19.) Its site is connected to Abraham and its design to Moses–the two most revered leaders of Judaism. The details showing the Chronicler’s references to the temple and their purpose is interesting and insightful. In his treatment of Solomon for example, the three themes for which he is most well known building the temple, wealth, and wisdom, are all oriented in Chronicles around the temple. At the end of the article Williamson connects Ezra 1-6 with the same intent as Chronicles. I found this argument more difficult to follow, and therefore, less persuasive. The article also contains a brief but important statement about the use of typology in Chronicles. (p. 21)