Category Archives: Article Abstracts

Abstract of Hamblin, William J. “The Sod of YHWH and the Endowment.”

Hamblin, William J.  “The Sod of YHWH and the Endowment.”  Interpreter: A Journal of Mormon Studies 4 (2013): 147-154. [Israel/Mormon/Ascent/Theology]

This is a short but provocative article.  Hamblin defines the Hebrew word sod and its use in the Bible as having to do with the council of the Gods, their secrets and plans for the salvation of man. Continue reading

Abstract of Brown, S. Kent. “The Temple in Luke and Acts.”

Brown, S. Kent.  “The Temple in Luke and Acts.”  In Revelation, Reason, and Faith: Essays in Honor of Truman G. Madsen, edited by Donald W. Parry, Daniel C. Peterson, and Stephen D. Ricks, 615-33.  Provo, UT: FARMS, 2002. [Israel/Herod/Christian/Theology]

This is an interesting and helpful article about Jesus and the Temple and the Temple in the New Testament generally. Continue reading

Abstract of Young, Brigham. “Ordinances that Can Only Be Administered in the Temple–Endowments, Etc.”

Young, Brigham.  “Ordinances that Can Only Be Administered in the Temple–Endowments, Etc.”  In Journal of Discourses 16:185-89.  Liverpool: Joseph F. Smith, 1884.  Reprint, Salt Lake City: Bookcraft, 1964. [Mormon/Ritual/Liturgy/Worship]

Brigham talks mainly about those ordinances which cannot be done unless inside a temple–sealings of children to parents, and endowments for the dead.  Contains a good quotation about being worthy of a temple recommend.  Children born in the covenant have the keys of the kingdom.

Abstract of Barker, Margaret. “Temple Imagery in Philo: An Indication of the Origin of the Logos.”

Barker, Margaret.  “Temple Imagery in Philo: An Indication of the Origin of the Logos.”  In Templum Amicitiae: Essays on the Second Temple Presented to Ernst Bammel, edited by William Horbury, 70-102.  Sheffield: Journal for the Study of the Old Testament Press, 1991. [Israel/Christian/Symbolism/Theology]

Philo is one of the most difficult of all the ancient authors of Judaism and early Christianity.  Yet, Margaret Barker has a penchant for him as for all the ancient sources. Continue reading

Bergera, Gary James. “The Earliest Eternal Sealings for Civilly Married Couples Living and Dead.”

Bergera, Gary James.  “The Earliest Eternal Sealings for Civilly Married Couples Living and Dead.”  Dialogue: A Journal of Mormon Thought 35 (Fall 2002): 41-66. [Mormon/Ritual/ Liturgy/Worship/Salvation of the Dead/Marriage/Sealings]

The author investigates the evidence for the practice of sealing previously married couples, living and dead, during the life of Joseph Smith. Continue reading

Van Ruiten, Jacques T. A. G. M. “Visions of the Temple in the Book of Jubilees.”

Van Ruiten, Jacques T. A. G. M.  “Visions of the Temple in the Book of Jubilees.”  In Gemeinde ohne Tempel (Community without Temple): Zur Substituierung und Transformation des Jerusalemer Tempels und seines Kults im Alten Testament, antiken Judentum und frühen Christentum, edited by B. Ego, A. Lange and P. Pilhofer, 215-27.   Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament 118.  Tubingen: Mohr Siebeck, 1999.  [Israel]

The author’s conclusions are an adequate summary of this article.  He wrote: “Jubilees speaks in a negative way of the actual Temple. Continue reading

Abstract of Stapley, Delbert L. “The Straight Gate–Repentance and Baptism.”

Stapley, Delbert L.  “The Straight Gate–Repentance and Baptism.”  Improvement Era 58 (June 1955): 416-18. [Mormon/Theology/Priesthood/Ritual/Liturgy/Worship]

The title of this sermon would not alert the reader that it contains a major insight into the teachings of Jesus Christ and his prophets about the importance of Temple ordinances and worship. Continue reading

Abstract of Deist, F. E. “The Implied Message of the Reference to Shiloh in Jeremiah 7:12.”

Deist, F. E.  “The Implied Message of the Reference to Shiloh in Jeremiah 7:12.”  Journal for Semitics 5, no. 1 (1993): 57-67.

Shiloh is used by Jeremiah as a precedent and it renders his initial warning and the ensuing argument valid and conclusive, so it is crucial to grasp the implication of the reference to Shiloh in verse 12. Continue reading

Abstract of Montefiore, Hugh W. “The Position of the Cana Miracle and the Cleansing of the Temple in St. John’s Gospel.”

Montefiore, Hugh W.  “The Position of the Cana Miracle and the Cleansing of the Temple in St. John’s Gospel.”  Journal of Theological Studies 50 (1949): 183-86.

Montefiore provides a suggestion as to the relationship between the miracle of turning water into wine at Cana and the cleansing of the temple, both in John 2. Continue reading