A Temple Studies Bibliography
© 2013 Danel W. Bachman
Compiled by Danel W. Bachman, Donald W. Parry, Stephen D. Ricks, John W. Welch
Updated 12 September 2013
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Oaks, Dallin H. “The Challenge to Become.” Ensign 30 (November 200): 32-34.
Oaks, Dallin H. “Family History: ‘In Wisdom and Order.’” Ensign 2 (October 1972): 20-24.
[Mormon/Family/Salvation of the Dead]
Oaks, Dallin H. His Holy Name. Salt Lake City: Bookcraft, 1998.
[Mormon/Theology/Ritual/Liturgy/Worship/Divine Name]
Oaks, Dallin H. “Taking upon Us the Name of Jesus Christ.” Ensign 15 (May 1985): 80-83.
[Mormon/Theology/Ritual/Liturgy/Worship/Divine Name]
Obbink, H. Th. “The Horns of the Altar in the Semitic World, Especially in Jahwism.” Journal of Biblical Literature 56 (1937): 43-49.
[Israel/Near East/Sacrifice/Offerings/Furnishings]
Oblath, Michael. “‘To Sleep, Perchance to Dream…’: What Jacob Saw at Bethel (Genesis 28:10-22).” Journal for the Study of the Old Testament 26 (September 2001): 117-26.
O’Brien, Julia M. “Priest and Levite in Malachi.” PhD diss., Duke University, 1988.
O’Brien, Julia M. Priest and Levite in Malachi. Society of Biblical Literature Dissertation Series 121. Atlanta: Scholars Press, 1990.
O’Brien, Terry J. “A Study of the Effects of Color in the Utah Temple Murals.” M.A. thesis, Brigham Young University, 1968.
O’Connell, Laurence J. The Book of Ceremonies. Milwaukee: Bruce, 1943.
O’Connor, David. “Architecture of Infinity: In Their Temples, the Ancient Egyptians
Followed a Simple Plan that Mirrored the Creation of the Universe.” Archaeology Odyssey 2 (Sept-Oct 1999): 45-47.
O’Connor, David. “The Status of Early Egyptian Temples: An Alternate Theory.” In The Followers of Horus: Studies Dedicated to Michael Allen Hoffman, edited by Renee F. Friedman and Barbara Adams, 83-98. Oxbow Monograph 22. Oxford: Oxbow Books1992.
Odell, Margaret S. “‘The Wall is No More:’ Temple Reform in Ezekiel 43:7-9.” In From the Foundations to the Crenellations: Essays on Temple Building in the Ancient Near East and Hebrew Bible, edited by Mark J. Boda and Jamie Novotny, 339-56. Alter Orient und Altes Testament 366. Munster: Ugarit-Verlag, 2010.
→Oden, R. A., Jr. “The Place of Covenant in the Religion of Israel.” In Ancient Israelite Religion: Essays in Honor of Frank Moore Cross, edited by Patrick D. Miller Jr., Paul D. Hanson and S. Dean McBride, 429-47. Philadelphia: Fortress Press, 1987.
Oesterley, William O. E. “Early Hebrew Festival Rituals.” In Myth and Ritual, edited by Samuel H. Hooke, 111-46. London: Oxford University Press, 1933.
Oesterley, William O. E. “Herod’s Temple.” In A History of Israel: From the Fall of Jerusalem, 586 B.C. to the Bar Kokhba Revolt, A.D. 135, edited by T. H. Robinson and W. O. E. Oesterley, 376-78. Volume 2. Oxford: Clarendon, 1932.
Oesterley, William O. E. The Jewish Background to the Christian Liturgy. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1925. Reprint, Gloucester, MA: P. Smith, 1965.
Oesterley, William O. E. ed., Judaism and Christianity, Volume 1: The Age of Transition. New York: Macmillan, 1937.
Oesterley, William O. E. Sacrifices in Ancient Israel: Their Origin, Purposes and Development. London: Hodder and Stoughton, 1937.
→Oesterley, William O. E. The Sacred Dance: A Study in Comparative Folklore. Cambridge, UK: The University Press, 1923.
[Israel/Sacred Space/Ritual/Liturgy/Worship]
Oesterley, William O. E. “The Temple.” In A Dictionary of Christ and the Gospels, edited by James Hastings, 2: 208-13. 2 vols. New York: Scribners & Sons, 1908.
Oestreicher, Theodor. Reichstempel und Ortsheiligtumer in Israel. Giitersloh: Bertelsmann, 1930.
→Offord, Joseph. “The Elephantine Papyri as Illustrative of the Old Testament. Palestine Exploration Quarterly 47 (April 1915): 72-80; 47 (July 1915): 144-51.
Offord, Joseph. “The Mountain Throne of Jahveh.” Palestine Exploration Fund Quarterly 51 (1919): 39-45.
Ogden, Graham S. “The Use of Figurative Language in Malachi 2:10-16.” Bible Translator 39 (1988): 223-30.
Ogden, D. Kelly. “I Have A Question.” [When did the use of consecrated olive oil in priesthood blessings originate, and what part does the oil play in the blessing?] Ensign 21 (October 1991): 60-62.
Ogden, D. Kelly. “Jesus and the Temple.” Ensign 21 (April 1991): 13-19.
Ogden, D. Kelly. “Moriah–The Mount of Temples and Sacrifice.” Jerusalem: Mormon House, 1985.
O’Hare, Daniel M. “‘Have You Seen, Son of Man,’ Preliminary Studies in the Translation and Vorlage of LXX Ezekiel 40-48.” PhD diss., University of Notre Dame, 2009.
[Israel/Ezekiel/Ascent/New Temple]
Ohler, Markus. “The Expectation of Elijah and the Presence of the Kingdom of God.” Journal of Biblical Literature 118 (Autumn 1999): 461-76.
[Israel/Elijah/Salvation of the Dead]
Okland, Jorunn. “The Language of Gates and Entering: On Sacred Space in the Temple Scroll.” In New Directions in Qumran Studies: Proceedings of the Bristol Colloquim on the Dead Sea Scrolls, 1-10 September 2003, edited by William J. Lyons, Jonathan G. Campbell, Lloyd K. Petersen, 149-65. London: T&T Clark, 2005.
[Israel/Qumran/Temple Scroll/Sacred Space/Furnishings]
Olford, Stephen F. The Tabernacle: Camping with God. Neptune: Loizeaux Brothers, 1971.
Oliva, Manuel. “Interpretacion teologica del culto en la pericopa del Sinai de la Historia Sacerdotal.” Biblica 49 (1968): 345-54.
Oliver, Hannes. “Die mensbeeld in die skeppingsverhale van Genesis [in German].” Journal for Semitics 1, no. 1 (1989): 70-87.
Ollenburger, Ben C. Zion, The City of the Great King: A Theological Symbol of the Jerusalem Cult. Shefield, UK: Sheffield Academic Press,1987.
Olley, J W. “Pharaoh’s Daughter, Solomon’s Palace, and the Temple: Another Look at the Structure of 1 Kings 1–11.” Journal for the Study of the Old Testament 27 (2003): 355-69.
Olmstead, Jacob W. “From Pentecost to Administration: A Reappraisal of the History of the Hosanna Shout.” Mormon Historical Studies 2 (Fall 2001): 7-37.
Olsen, C. “The Closet, the House and the Sanctuary.” Christian Century 98 (1981): 1285-89.
Olsen, Daniel H. “Contesting Identity, Space and Sacred Site Management at Temple Square in Salt Lake City, Utah.” PhD diss., University of Waterloo (Ontario, Canada), 2008.
[Mormon/Salt Lake/Sacred Space]
Olsen, Steven L. “Baptized, Consecrated, and Sealed: The Covenantal Foundations of Mormon Religious Identity.” In Mormons, Scripture, and the Ancient World: Studies in Honor of John L. Sorenson, edited by Davis Bitton, 1-26. Provo, UT: FARMS, 1998.
Olsen, Steven L. “Joseph Smith’s Concept of the City of Zion.” In Joseph Smith: The Prophet, the Man, edited by Susan Easton Black and Charles D. Tate, Jr., 203-11. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 1993.
[Mormon/Sacred Space/Theology]
Olsen, Steven L. “The Mormon Ideology of Place: Cosmic Symbolism of the City of Zion, 1830-46.” PhD diss., The University of Chicago, 1985.
[Mormon/Sacred Space/Cosmology/Symbolism]
Olson, Dan. “What Got the Gatekeepers into Trouble?” Journal for the Study of the Old Testament 30 (December 2005): 223-42.
Olson, Jess. “‘Jerusalem Rebuilt’: The Temple in the Fin-de-siecle Zionist Imagination.” In The Temple of Jerusalem, from Moses to the Messiah: Studies in Honor of Professor Louis H. Feldman, edited by Steven Fine, 329-48. Brill Reference Library of Judaism 29. Leiden: Brill Academic, 2011.
[Israel/Construction/New Temple]
Oluwafemi, Titus Oluwafidipe. “Jesus’ Resurrection as the Ultimate ‘Sign’ of His Messianic Authority. (A Special Reference Study of the Jonah-Sign In Matthew-Luke and the Temple-Sign in John.)” PhD diss., Baylor University, 1979.
Olyan, Saul M. Asherah and the Cult of Yahweh in Israel. Atlanta: Scholars Press, 1988.
Olyan, Saul M. “Ben Sira’s Relationship to the Priesthood.” Harvard Theological Review 80 (1987): 261-86.
Olyan, Saul M. “Honor, Shame, and Covenant Relations in Ancient Israel and Its Environment.” Journal of Biblical Literature 115 (1996): 201-18.
Olyan, Saul M. “The Oaths of Amos 8:14.” In Priesthood and Cult in Ancient Israel, edited by Gary A. Anderson and Saul M. Olyan, 121-49. Journal for the Study of the Old Testament Supplement 125. Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 1991.
Olyan, Saul M. Rites and Rank: Hierarchy in Biblical Representations of the Cult. Princeton: NJ: Princeton University Press, 2000.
Olyan, Saul M. “Sacrifices and Offerings.” In The Eerdmans Dictionary of Early Judaism, edited by John J. Collins and Daniel C. Harlow, 1176-79. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2010.
Olyan, Saul M., ed. Social Theory and the Study of Israelite Religion. Atlanta: Society of Biblical Literature, 2012.
Olyan, Saul M. “What Do Shaving Rites Accomplish and what Do they Signal in Biblical Ritual Contexts?” Journal of Biblical Literature 117 (Winter 1998): 611-22.
Olyan, Saul M. “Zadok’s Origins and the Tribal Politics of David.” Journal of Biblical Literature 101 (June 1982): 177-93.
Oman, Richard G. “Exterior Symbolism of the Salt Lake Temple: Reflecting the Faith that Called the Place into Being.” Brigham Young University Studies 36 (1996-97): 6-68.
[Mormon/Salt Lake/Design/Symbolism]
LOmerzu, Heike. “Die Rezeption von Psalm 22 im Judentum zur Zeit des Zweiten Tempels.” In Psalm 22 und die Passionsgeschichten der Evangelien, edited by Dieter Sänger, 33-76. Neukirchen-Vluyn: Neukirchener Verlag, 2007.
O’Niell, J. C. “The Desolate House and the New Kingdom of Jerusalem: Jewish Oracles of Ezra in 2 Esdras 1-2.” In Templum Amicitiae: Essays on the Second Temple Presented to Ernst Bammel, edited by William Horbury, 226-36. Sheffield: JSOT Press, 1991.
O’Neill, J. C. “Son of Man, Stone of Blood (John 1:51).” Novum Testamentum 45 (October 2003): 374-81.
Oppenheim, Adela. “Aspects of the Pyramid Temple of Senworsret III at Dahsur: The Pharaoh and Deities.” PhD diss., New York University, 2008.
Oppenheim, A. Leo. “The Golden Garments of the Gods.” Ancient Near Eastern Studies 8 (1949): 172-93.
[Near East/Sacred Vestments]
Oppenheim, A. Leo. “The Mesopotamian Temple.” The Biblical Archaeologist 7 (September 1944): 54-63. Also in The Biblical Archaeologist Reader, edited by G. Ernest Wright and David Noel Freedman, 1:147-58. Garden City, NY: Doubleday, Anchor Books, 1961.
Oppenheim, A. Leo. “The Significance of the Temple in the Ancient Near East: II –The Mesopotamian Temple.” Biblical Archaeologist 7, no. 3 (1944): 54-63. Also in The Biblical Archaeologist Reader, edited by G. Ernest Wright and David Noel Freedman, 1:147-58. Garden City, NY: Doubleday, Anchor Books, 1961.
[Near East/Mesopotamia]
Orchard, R. K. “On the Composition of Luke vii 36-50.” Journal of Theological Studies 38 (1937): 243-45.
Orchard, William Edwin. The Temple: A Book of Prayers. New York: E. P. Dutton, 1918.
O’Reilly, Jennifer. “The Trees of Eden in Mediaeval Iconography.” In A Walk in the Garden: Biblical, Iconographical and Literary Images of Eden, edited by Paul Morris and Deborah Sawyer, 167-204. Journal for the Study of the Old Testament Supplement Series 136. Edited by David J. A. Clines and Philip R. Davies. Sheffield: JSOT Press, 1992.
[Eden/Tree of Life]
Oren, E. D. “Excavations at Qasrawet in NW Sinai.” Israel Exploration Journal 32 (1982): 203-11.
Orgill, Helen K. “Dedication of the Canadian Temple.” Relief Society Magazine 14 (November 1927): 548-49.
Orlandos, Anastasios K. Les materiaux de construction et la technique architecturale des anciens Grecs. Paris: de Boccard, 1966-68.
Orlin, Eric M. “Deorum Causa: The Politics of Republican Temple Building.” PhD diss., University of California, Berkeley, 1994.
Orlin, Eric M. Temples, Religion and Politics in the Roman Republic. Leiden: Brill, 1997.
Orlinsky, Harry M. “The Destruction of the First Temple and the Babylonian Exile in the Light of Archaeology.” In Essays in Biblical Culture and Bible Translation, 144-61. New York: KTAV, 1974.
Orlov, Andrei A. Dark Mirrors: Azazel and Satanael in Early Jewish Demonology. State University of New York Press, 2011.
[Israel/Heavenly Temple/Mysticism/Ascent/Presence/Ritual/Festivals/Sacred Vestments]
Orlov, Andrei A. Divine Manifestations in the Slavonic Pseudepigrapha. Orientalia Judaica Christiana 2. Piscataway, NJ: Gorgias Press, 2009.
Orlov, Andrei A. “Enoch as the Heavenly Priest.” In The Enoch-Metatron Tradition, 70-76. Texts and Studies in Ancient Judaism 107. Teubingen: Mohr-Siebeck, 2005.
Orlov, Andrei A. The Enoch-Metatron Tradition. Texts and Studies in Ancient Judaism107.
Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2005.
Orlov, Andrei A. “ Eschatological Yom Kippur in the Apocalypse of Abraham: The Scapegoat Ritual.” In Dark Mirrors: Azazel and Satanael in Early Jewish Demonology, 27-46. State University of New York Press, 2011.
[Israel/Festivals/Sacrifice/Heavenly Temple]
Orlov, Andrei A. “The Face as the Heavenly Counterpart of the Visionary in the Slavonic Ladder of Jacob.” In Of Scribes and Sages, edited by Craig Evans, 59-76. London: T&T Clark, 2004.
Orlov, Andrei A. “The Flooded Arboretums: The Garden Traditions in the Slavonic Version of 3 Baruch and the Book of Giants.” In Dark Mirrors: Azazel and Satanael in Early Jewish Demonology, 113-25. State University of New York Press, 2011.
Orlov, Andrei A. From Apocalypticism to Merkabah Mysticism. Supplements to the Journal for the Study of Judaism 114. Leiden: Brill, 2007.
Orlov, Andrei A. “The Garment of Azazel in the Apocalypse of Abraham.” In Dark Mirrors: Azazel and Satanael in Early Jewish Demonology, 47-81. State University of New York Press, 2011.
[Israel/Eden/Festivals/Sacred Vestments/Ascent/Heavenly Temple]
Orlov, Andrei A. “God’s Face in the Enochic Tradition.” In Paradise Now: Essays on Early Jewish and Christian Mysticism, edited by April D. DeConick, 179-93. Society of Biblical Literature Symposium Series 11. Leiden: Brill, 2006.
Orlov, Andrei A. “Heir of Righteousness and the King of Righteousness: The Priestly Noachic Polemics in 2 Enoch and the Epistle to the Hebrews.” Journal of Theological Studies 58 (April 2007): 45-65. Reprinted in Selected Studies in the Slavonic Pseudepigrapha, 111-32. Studia in Veteris Testamenti Pseudepigrapha 23. Leiden: Brill, 2009.
Orlov, Andrei A. “Introduction: Lightless Shadows: Symmetry of Good and Evil in Early Jewish Demonology.” In Dark Mirrors: Azazel and Satanael in Early Jewish Demonology, 1-8. State University of New York Press, 2011.
[Israel/Heavenly Temple/Presence]
Orlov, Andrei A. “‘The Likeness of Heaven’: Kavod of Azazel in the Apocalypse of Abraham.” In Dark Mirrors: Azazel and Satanael in Early Jewish Demonology, 11-26. State University of New York Press, 2011.
[Israel/Heavenly Temple/Furnishings/Presence]
Orlov, Andrei A. “The Likeness of Heaven’: The Kavod of Azazel in the Apocalypse of Abraham.” In With Letters of Light: Studies in the Dead Sea Scrolls, Early Jewish Apocalypticism, Magic, and Mysticism, in Honor of Rachel Elior, edited by Daphna Arbel and Andrei Orlov, 232-53. Ekstasis: Religious Experience from Antiquity to the Middle Ages 2. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter, 2011.
Orlov, Andrei A. “Melchizedek.” In The Eerdmans Dictionary of Early Judaism, edited by John J. Collins and Daniel C. Harlow, 931-32. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2010.
Orlov, Andrei A. “In The Mirror of the Divine Face: The Enochic Features of the Exagoge of Ezekiel the Tragedian.” In Selected Studies in the Slavonic Pseudepigrapha, 165-82. Studia in Veteris Testamenti Pseudepigrapha 23. Leiden: Brill, 2009.
Orlov, Andrei A. “Moses’ Heavenly Counterpart in the Book of Jubilees and the Exagoge of Ezekiel the Tragedian.” In Selected Studies in the Slavonic Pseudepigrapha, 165-82. Studia in Veteris Testamenti Pseudepigrapha 23. Leiden: Brill, 2009.
Orlov, Andrei A. “Praxis of the Voice: The Divine Name Traditions in the Apocalypse of Abraham.” Journal of Biblical Literature 127, no. 1 (2008): 53-70. Reprinted in Divine Manifestations in the Slavonic Pseudepigrapha, 155-75. Orientalia Judaica Christiana 2. Piscataway, NJ: Gorgias Press, 2009.
[Israel/Ritual/Liturgy/Worship/Divine Name]
Orlov, Andrei A. “Priestly and Liturgical Roles of Metatron.” In The Enoch-Metatron Tradition, 113-20. Texts and Studies in Ancient Judaism 107. Teubingen: Mohr-Siebeck, 2005.
Orlov, Andrei A. “The Roles and Titles of the Seventh Antediluvian Hero in the Parables of Enoch: A Departure from the Traditional Pattern?” In Enoch and the Messiah Son of Man: Revisiting the Book of Parables, edited by Gabriele Boccaccini, 110-36. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2007.
[Israel/Ascent/Heavenly Temple/Priesthood/Anointing]
Orlov, Andrei A. “Satan and the Visionary: Apocalyptic Roles of the Adversary in the Temptation Narrative of the Gospel of Matthew.” In Dark Mirrors: Azazel and Satanael in Early Jewish Demonology, 107-12. State University of New York Press, 2011.
[Israel/Herod/Christian/Heavenly Temple]
Orlov, Andrei A. Selected Studies in the Slavonic Pseudepigrapha. Studia in Veteris Testamenti Pseudepigrapha 23. Leiden: Brill, 2009.
[Israel/Second Temple/Mysticism/Ascent]
Orlov, Andrei A. “Vested with Adam’s Glory: Moses as the Luminous Counterpart of Adam in the Dead Sea Scrolls and in the Macarian Homilies.” In L’Église des deux Alliances. Mémorial Annie Jaubert (1912–1980), edited by Basil Lourié, Andrei Orlov, and M. Petit, 135-52. Piscataway, NJ: Gorgias Press, 2009.
Orlov, Andrei A. “The Watchers of Satanail: The Fallen Angels Traditions In 2 (Slavonic) Enoch.” In Selected Studies in the Slavonic Pseudepigrapha, 133-64. Studia in Veteris Testamenti Pseudepigrapha 23. Leiden: Brill, 2009. Reprinted in Dark Mirrors: Azazel and Satanael in Early Jewish Demonology, 85-106. State University of New York Press, 2011.
[Israel/Heavenly Temple/Presence]
Orme, Lafayette. “Baptism for the Dead.” Millennial Star 70 (April 9, 1908): 225-29.
[Mormon/Salvation of the Dead]
O’Rourke, William J. “Israelite Sacrifice.” American Ecclesiastical Review 149 (1963): 259-74.
Orrieux, C. “Le Temple de Salomon.” In Temples et Sanctuaires: Seminaire de recherche 1981-1983, edited by G. Roux, 51-59. Lyon: Maison de l’Orient, 1984.
Osborne, Robin, and Susan E. Alcock., eds. Placing the Gods: Sanctuaries and Sacred Space in Ancient Greece. Oxford: Clarendon, 1994.
[Greek/Sacred Space/Presence]
Osburn, William, Jr. The Monumental History of Egypt, as Recorded on the Ruins of Her Temples, Palaces and Tombs. London: Triibner, 1854.
Osiek, Carolyn. “The Bride of Christ (Ephesians 5:22-33): A Problematic Wedding.” In Sacred Marriages: The Divine-Human Sexual Metaphor from Sumer to Early Christianity, edited by Martti Nissinen and Risto Uro, 371-92. Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns, 2008.
Osgood, Phillips Endecott. The Temple of Solomon: A Study of Semitic Culture. Chicago: The Open Court Publishing, 1910.
[Near East/Egypt/Canaan/Israel/Solomon/Architecture/Design]
Osing, Jurgen. Der Tempel Sethos I in Gurna. Mainz: von Zabern, 1977.
Ostby, Erik. “Twenty-five Years of Research on Greek Sanctuaries: A Bibliography.” In Greek Sanctuaries: New Approaches, edited by Nanno Marinatos and Robin Hagg, 192-227. London: Routledge, 1993.
Ostler, Blake. “Clothed Upon: A Unique Aspect of Christian Antiquity.” Brigham Young University Studies 22 (Winter1982): 31-45.
[Christian/Sacred Vestments]
Ostler, Blake. “The Covenant Tradition in the Book of Mormon.” In Rediscovering the Book of Mormon, edited by John L. Sorenson and Melvin J. Thorne, 230-40. Salt Lake City: Deseret Book, 1991.
→Ostler, Blake T. Fire on the Horizon: A Meditation on the Endowment and Love of Atonement. Salt Lake City: Kofford, 2013.
Ostler, Blake. “The Throne-Theophany and Prophetic Commission in 1 Nephi: A Form-Critical Analysis.” Brigham Young University Studies 26 (Fall 1986): 67-95.
Ostman, Kim B. ‘”The Other’ in the Limelight: One Perspective on the Publicity Surrounding the New LDS Temple in Finland.” Dialogue, a Journal of Mormon Thought 40 (Winter 2007): 71-106.
Ott, Amanda Beth Crecelius. “A Human Narrative in the Metopes from the Temple of Zeus at Olympia.” PhD diss., University of Louisville, 2004.
Otto, Eberhard. Das agyptische Mundoffnungsritual. 2 vols. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 1960.
Otto, Eberhard. Gott und Mensch nach den agyptischen Tempelinschriften der griechisch-romischen Zeit. Heidelberg: Winter, 1964.
Otto, Eberhard. “Les Inscriptions du Temple d’Opet, a Karnak III: Traduction integrate des texts rituels.” Biblitheca Qrientalis 28 (1971): 41-42.
Otto, Eberhard. Osiris und Amon: Kult und heilige Statten. Munich: Hirmer, 1966. In English as Ancient Egyptian Art: The Cults of Osiris and Amon. Translated by Kate B. Griffiths. New York: Abrams, 1967.
Otto, Eckart. “El und JHWH in Jerusalem: Historische und theologische Aspekte einer Religionsintegration.” Vetus Testamentum 30 (1980): 316-29.
Otto, Eckart. “Silo und Jerusalem.” Theologische Zeitschrift 32 (1976): 65-77.
Otto, Walter G. A. Priester und Tempel im hellenistischen Agypten. 2 vols. Leipzig: Teubner, 1905-8.
Ottosson, Magnus. “hekhal.” In Theological Dictionary of the Old Testament, edited by G. Johannes Botterweck, and Helmer Ringgren, 3:382-88. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1977.
Ottosson, Magnus. Temples and Cult Places in Palestine. Stockholm: Almquist and Wiksell, 1980.
Ouellette, Dana. “Driving Out Injustice: A Socio-Economic Interpretation of Mark 11:11-25 in Light of Mark’s Listening Audience.” M. A. thesis, Trinity Western University, 2005.
Ouellette, Jean. Atumim in I Kings 6:4.” Bulletin of the Institute of Jewish Studies (1974): 99-102.
Ouellette, Jean. “Basic Structure of Solomon’s Temple and Archaeological Research.” In Temple of Solomon, 1-20. Missoula, Montana: Scholars Press, 1976.
Ouellette, Jean. “Jachin and Boaz.” In The Interpreter’s Dictionary of the Bible, edited by George A. Buttrick, supp., vol., 469. Nashville: Abingdon Press, 1962.
Ouellette, Jean. “The Solomonic debir according to the Hebrew Text of I Kings 6.” Journal of Biblical Literataure 89 (1970): 338-43.
Ouellette, Jean. “Temple of Solomon.” In The Interpreter’s Dictionary of the Bible, edited by George A. Buttrick, supp., vol., 873-74. Nashville: Abingdon Press, 1962.
Ouellette, Jean. “The Temple of Solomon: A Philological and Archaeological Study.” PhD diss., Hebrew Union College, 1966.
Ouellette, Jean. “Le vestibule du Temple de Salomon etait-il un Beit Hilani?” Revue Biblique 76 (1969): 365-78.
Ouellette, Jean. “The Yasia and the Selaot: Two Mysterious Structures in Solomon’s Temple.” Journal of Near Eastern Studies 31 (July 1972): 187-91.
Ouellette, Richard D. “Zion’s Gallows: The Cultural Geography of the Mormon Temple Lot Site.” The John Whitmer Historical Association Journal 25 (2005): 161-74.
→Ovadiah, Asher., Moshe Fischer and Israel Roll. “The Architectural Design of the Roman Temple at Kedesh.” Eretz Israel 18 (1985): 353-60, 77* (Hebrew; *English summary).
→Ovadiah, Asher., Moshe Fischer and Israel Roll. “The Epigraphic Finds from the Roman Temple at Kedesh in the Upper Galilee.” Tel Aviv 13-14 (1986-87): 60-66.
→Ovadiah, Asher., Moshe Fischer and Israel Roll. “An Inscribed Altar from the Roman Temple at Kedesh (Upper Galilee).” Zeitschrift fur Papyrologie und Epigraphik 49 (1982): 155-58.
Ovadiah, Asher., Israel Roll and Moshe Fischer. “The Roman Temple at Kedesh in Upper Galilee: A Response.” Israel Exploration Journal 43, no. 1 (1993): 60-63.
→Ovadiah, Asher., Moshe Fischer and Israel Roll. “The Roman Temple at Qedesh in Upper Galilee” (Hebrew). Qdmoniot 15 (1982): 121-25.
Owen, Paul. “Monotheism, Mormonism, and the New Testament Witness.” In The New Mormon Challenge: Responding to the Latest Defenses of a Fast-Growing Movement, edited by Francis J. Beckwith, Carl Mosser, and Paul Owen, 271-314. Grand Rapids, Mich: Zondervan, 2002.
P. “‘The House of God.’” Messenger and Advocate, 1 (July 1835): 147-48.
Pace, Glenn L. “A Temple for West Africa.” Ensign 30 (May 2000): 25-26.
Packer, Boyd K. Address. In Genealogical Research Seminar Devotional Addresses–1970, 19-26. Provo, UT: Brigham Young University, 1971(?)
[Mormon/Theology/Family/Salvation of the Dead]
Packer, Boyd K. “Come to the Temple.” Ensign 37 (October 2007): 18-22.
[Mormon/Ritual/Liturgy/Worship/Salvation of the Dead]
Packer, Boyd K. “Covenants.” Ensign 17 (May 1987): 22-25.
Packer, Boyd K. “The Family and Eternity.” Ensign 1 (February 1971): 7-11.
Packer, Boyd K. The Holy Temple. Salt Lake City: Bookcraft, 1980.
Packer, Boyd K. “The Holy Temple.” Ensign 25 (February 1995): 32-36.
Packer, Boyd K. “Ordinances.” In 1980 Devotional Speeches of the Year: BYU Devotional and Fireside Addresses, 12-18. Provo, UT: Brigham Young University Press, 1981.
Packer, Boyd K. Preparing to Enter the Holy Temple. Salt Lake City: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 2002. Adapted from The Holy Temple. Salt Lake City: Bookcraft,
Packer, Boyd K. “The Redemption of the Dead.” Ensign 5 (November 1975): 97-99.
[Mormon/Salvation of the Dead]
Packer, Boyd K. “Someone up there Loves You.” Ensign 7 (January 1977): 8-12.
[Mormon/Salvation of the Dead]
Packer, Boyd K. “The Temple, the Priesthood.” Ensign 23 (May 1993): 18-21.
Packer, Boyd K. “A Temple to Exalt.” Ensign 23 (August 1993): 6-15.
[Mormon/Theology/Salt Lake]
Packer, Boyd K. “Temples & Eternal Marriage.” Ensign 25 (February 1995): 41-45. [Mormon/Marriage/Ritual/Liturgy/Worship]
Packer, Boyd K. “Temple Work.” In Mine Errand from the Lord: Selections from the Sermons and Writings of Boyd K. Packer, 483-513. Salt Lake City: Deseret Book, 2008.
[Mormon/Salvation of the Dead/Theology/Ritual/Liturgy/Worship]
Paden, William M. Temple Mormonism: Its Evolution, Ritual and Meaning. New York: A. J. Montgomery, 1931. Reproduced as Temple Mormonism. Salt Lake City: Modern Microfilm, 1964.
Paganini, Simone. ‘Nicht darfst du zu diesen Wörtern etwas hinzufügen’: Die Rezeption
des Deuteronomius in der Tempelrolle: Sprache, Autoren, Hermeneutik. Beihefte zur
Zeitschrift für die Altorientalische und Biblische Rechtsgeschichte 11. Wiesbaden:
Harrassowitz, 2009.
[Israel/Qumran/Temple Scroll]
Pagels, Elaine. Adam, Eve, and the Serpent. New York: Vintage Books, 1989.
Pailloux, Xavier. Monographic du Temple de Salomon. Paris: Roger and Chernoviz, 1885.
Paine, Timothy O. Solomon’s Temple and Capitol, Ark of the Flood and Tabernacle; or, The Holy Houses of the Hebrew, Chaldee, Syriac, Samaritan, Septuagint, Coptic, and Itala Scriptures. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1885.
Paine, Timothy O. Solomon’s Temple; or The Tabernacle; First Temple; House of the King, a House of the Forest of Lebanon; Idolatrous High Places; The City on the Mountain (Rev. XXI); The Oblation of the Holy Portion; and the Last Temple. Boston: George Phinney, 1861.
Paine, Timothy O. Solomon’s Temple, Including the Tabernacle. Boston: Phinney, 1861.
Painter, J. “Johannine Symbols: A Case Study in Epistemology.” Journal of Theology for Southern Africa 27 (1979): 26-41.
→Pais, Ettore. “The Temple of the Sirens in the Sorrentine Peninsula.” American Journal of Archaeology 9 (January/March 1905): 1-6.
→Pakkanen, Jari. “The Erechtheion Construction Work Inventory (IG1s 474) and the Dorpfeld Temple.” American Journal of Archaeology 110 (April 2006): 275-81.
Pallis, Svend A. The Babylonian Akitu Festival. Copenhagen: Bianco Lunos Bogtrykkeri, 1926.
Pallu de Lessen, Augustin C. De la formule ‘Translata de sordentibus locis’: trouvee sur des monuments de cherchel. Paris: Leroux, 1888.
Palmer, James. “Exodus and the Biblical Theology of the Tabernacle.” In Heaven on Earth: The Temple in Biblical Theology, edited by T. Desmond Alexander and Simon Gathercole, 11-22. Carlisle, UK: Paternoster, 2004.
Palmer, Hoyt. “For those Who are Waiting: Blessings and Inspiration Reward Genealogists’ Searching Process.” Ensign 4 (August 1974): 70-77.
[Mormon/Salvation of the Dead]
Palmer, Martin. “The Cardinal Points in Psalm 48.” Biblica 46 (1945): 357-58.
Palmer, Paul F. “Christian Marriage: Contract or Covenant?” Theological Studies 33 (1972): 617-65.
Paramentier, Martin. “No Stone Upon Another? Reactions of Church Fathers Against the Emperor Julian’s Attempt to Rebuild the Temple.” In The Centrality of Jerusalem: Historical Perspectives, edited by Marcel Poorthuis and Chana Safrai, 143-59. Kampen: Kok Pharos, 1996.
[Israel/Christian/Julian/New Temple]
Parassoglou, G. M. “A Prefectural Edict Regulating Temple Activities.” Zeitschrift fur Papyrologie und Epigrafik 13 (1974): 21-37.
Pardee, Dennis. “RS 1.005 and the Identification of gtrm.” In Ritual and Sacrifice in the Ancient Near East: Proceedings of the International Conference Organized by the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven from the 17th to the 20th April of 1991, edited by J. Quaegebeur,301-18 . Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta 55. Leuven: Peeters en Department Orientalistick, 1993.
[Near East/Ritual]
Parente, Fausto. “Onias III’s Death and the Founding of the Temple of Leontopolis.” In Josephus and the History of the Greco-Roman Period: Essays in Memory of Morton Smith, edited by Fausto Parente and Joseph Silvers, 69-98. Leiden: Brill, 1994.
Paribeni, R. Igrandi santuari dell “Antica Grecia.” Milano: Societa editrice “Vita e pensiero,” 1947.
Park, Benjamin E. “‘A Uniformity So Complete’: Early Mormon Angelology.” Intermountain West Journal of Religious Studies 2, no. 1 (2010): 1-37.
Park, Benjamin E. “Salvation through a Tabernacle: Joseph Smith, Parley P. Pratt, and Early Mormon Theologies of Embodiment.” Dialogue: A Journal of Mormon Thought 43 (Summer 2010): 1-44.
Park, Benjamin E. “‘Thou Wast Willing to Lay Down Thy Life for Thy Brethren’: Zion’s Blessings in the Early Church.” John Whitmer Historical Association Journal 29 (2009): 27-37.
Park, Sang-Kyu. “Spatial Eschatology: A Reading of the New Temple of God in the Fourth Gospel.” PhD diss., Graduate Theological Union, 2011.
[Israel/Christian/New Temple]
Park, Sejin. “The Red Heifer Rite in the Dead Sea Scrolls.” M. A. thesis, Trinity Western University, 1998.
Park, Sejin. Pentecost and Sinai: The Festival of Weeks as a Celebration of the Sinai Event. Library Hebrew Bible /Old Testament Studies 342. NY: T&T Clark, 2008.
Parke, H. W. “The Temple of Apollo at Didyma: The Building and Its Function.” Journal of Hellenic Studies 106 (1986): 121-31.
Parker, Jared T. “Cutting Covenants.” In The Gospel of Jesus Christ in the Old Testament, edited by D. Kelly Ogden, Jared W. Ludlow, and Kerry Muhlestein, 109-28. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2009.
Parker, Jared T. “The Doctrine of Christ in 2 Nephi 31-32 as an approach to the Vision of the Tree of Life.” In The Things Which My Father Saw: The 40th Annual Brigham Young University Sidney B. Sperry Symposium, edited by Daniel L. Belnap, Gaye Strathearn and Stanley A. Johnson, 161-78. Salt Lake City: Deseret Book, 2011.
[Mormon/Eden/Tree of Life/Theology]
Parker, Jimmy B. “I Have a Question.” [I’ve frequently heard that the world’s great interest in genealogy began with Elijah’s visit to Joseph Smith in 1836. Could you give me more details?] Ensign 7 (January 1977): 72-73.
[Mormon/Elijah/Salvation of the Dead]
Parker, K. I. “Solomon as Philosopher King? The Nexus of Law and Wisdom in 1 Kings 1-11.” Journal for the Study of the Old Testament 17 (January 1992): 75-91.
Parker, Percy G. The Tabernacle of Israel: Its History and Mystery. London: Victory, 1932.
Parker, Simon B. “The Holiness-Code and Ezekiel.” The Presbyterian and Reformed Review 26 (1896): 98-115.
Parker, Simon B. “The Marriage Blessing in Israelite and Ugaritic Literature.” Journal of Biblical Literature 95 (March 1876): 23-30.
Parkinson, Julia. “Twentieth-Century Temples.” Brigham Young University Studies 39, no. 4 (2000):162-63.
Parmentier, Martien. “The Lasting Sanctity of Bethesda.” In Sanctity of Time and Space in Tradition and Modernity, edited by A. Houtman, M. Poorthuis, and J. Schwartz, 73-93. Jewish & Christian Perspective Series, Volume 1. Leiden: Brill, 1998.
[Israel/Sacred Space]
Parrish, Alan K. “Contributions to Temple Work.” In John A. Widtsoe: A Biography, 299-325. Salt Lake City: Deseret Book, 2003.
Parrish, Alan K. “Modern Temple Worship Through the Eyes of John A. Widtsoe, a Twentieth-Century Apostle.” In The Temple in Time and Eternity, edited by Donald W. Parry and Stephen D. Ricks, 143-82. Provo, UT: FARMS, 1999.
Parrish, Mary Pratt. “Guardians of the Covenant.” Ensign 2 (May 1972): 25-28.
Parrot, Andre. “Ceremonie de la main et reinvestiture.” In Studia Mariana, edited by Andre Parrot, 37-50. Leiden: Brill, 1950.
[Sacred Vestments]
Parrot, Andre. Le Temple d’Ishtar. Paris: Geuthner, 1956.
Parrot, Andre. The Temple of Jerusalem. London: SCM Press, 1957.
Parrot, Andre. “La Tour de Babel et les Ziggurats.” La Nouvelle Clio 2 (1950): 153-61.
Parrot, Andre. The Tower of Babel. Translated by Edwin Hudson. London: SCM, 1955.
→Parry, Donald W. “Angels as Sentinels Protecting Sacred Space.” In Angels Agents of Light, Love, and Power, 181-87. Salt Lake City: Deseret Book, 2013.
[Mormon/Sacred Space/Ascent/Theology]
→Parry, Donald W. “Demarcation between Sacred Space and Profane Space: The Temple of Herod Model.” In Temples of the Ancient World: Ritual and Symbolism, edited by Donald W. Parry, 413-39. Salt Lake City: Deseret Book, 1994.
[Israel/Herod/Sacred Space/Architecture/Design]
Parry, Donald W. “Garden of Eden: Prototype Sanctuary.” In Temples of the Ancient World: Ritual and Symbolism, edited by Donald W. Parry, 126-51. Salt Lake City: Deseret Book, 1994.
Parry, Donald W. “The Garden of Eden: Sacred Space, Sanctuary, Temple of God.” Explorations: A Journal for Adventurous Thought 5, no. 4 (Summer 1987): 83-107.
[Eden/Sacred Space]
Parry, Donald W. “Introduction.” In Temples of the Ancient World: Ritual and Symbolism, edited by Donald W. Parry, xi-xxiv. Salt Lake City: Deseret Book, 1994.
→Parry, Donald W. “Key to Detecting False Spirits.” In Angels Agents of Light, Love, and Power, 188-96. Salt Lake City: Deseret Book, 2013.
Parry, Donald W. “Messiah Becomes the New King: Notes on Isaiah 9:3-7.” In The Disciple as Scholar: Essays on Scripture and the Ancient World in Honor of Richard Lloyd Anderson, edited by Stephen D. Ricks, Donald W. Parry, and Andrew H. Hedges, 305-21. Provo, UT: FARMS, 2000.
Parry, Donald W. “Ritual Anointing with Olive Oil in Ancient Israelite Religion.” In The Allegory of the Olive Tree, edited by Stephen D. Ricks and John W. Welch, 262-89. Salt Lake City: Deseret Book, 1994.
Parry, Donald W. “Service & Temple in King Benjamin’s Speech.” Journal of Book of Mormon Studies 16, no. 2 (2007): 42-47.
Parry, Donald W. “The Significance of Graded Temple Space: The Temple of Herod Model.” PhD diss., University of Utah, 1992.
[Israel/Herod/Sacred Space/Symbolism]
Parry, Donald W. “Sinai as Sanctuary and Mountain of God.” In By Study and Also By Faith: Essays in Honor of Hugh W. Nibley, edited by John M. Lundquist and Stephen D. Ricks, 1:482-500. 2 vols. Salt Lake City: Deseret Book, 1990.
Parry, Donald W., ed. Temples of the Ancient World: Ritual and Symbolism. Salt Lake City: Deseret Book, 1994.
[Israel/Canaan/Near East/Egypt/Rome/Greek/Ritual/Liturgy/Worship/Symbolism]
Parry, Donald W. “Temple Worship and a Possible Reference to a Prayer Circle in Psalm 24.” Brigham Young University Studies 32, no. 4 (1992): 57-62.
Parry, Donald W. ‘”Who Shall Ascend into the Mountain of the Lord?’: Three Biblical Temple Entrance Hymns.” In Revelation, Reason, and Faith: Essays in Honor of Truman G. Madsen, edited by Donald W. Parry, Daniel C. Peterson and Stephen D. Ricks, 729-42. Provo, UT: FARMS, 2002.
→Parry, Donald W., and Florentino Garcia Martinez. Bibliography of the Finds in the Desert of Judah, 1970-95. Leiden: Brill, 1996.
[Israel/Qumran/Temple Scroll]
Parry, Donald W., and Jay A Parry. Symbols & Shadows: Unlocking a Deeper Understanding of the Atonement. Salt Lake City: Deseret Book, 2009.
Parry, Donald W., and Stephen D. Ricks. The Temple in Time and Eternity. Salt Lake City: Deseret Book, 1994.
[Israel/Near East/Egypt/Sumer/Ritual/Liturgy/Worship/Priesthood/ Mormon]
Parry, Donald W., Daniel C. Peterson, and Stephen D. Ricks, eds. Revelation, Reason, and Faith: Essays in Honor of Truman G. Madsen. Provo, UT: FARMS, 2002.
Parry, Jay A., and Donald W. Parry. “The Temple in Heaven: Its Description and Significance.” In Temples of the Ancient World: Ritual and Symbolism, edited by Donald W. Parry, 515-32. Salt Lake City: Deseret Book, 1994.
[Heavenly Temple]
Parunak, H. Van Dyke. “The Literary Architecture of Ezekiel’s Mar to ‘Elohim.” Journal of Biblical Literature 99 (1980): 61-74.
Parunak, H. “Was Solomon’s Temple Aligned to the Sun?” Palestine Exploration Quarterly 110 (1978): 29-33.
Passaro, Angelo. “The Secrets of God: Investigation into Sir. 3:21-24.” In The Wisdom of Ben Sira: Studies on Tradition, Redaction, and Theology, edited by Angelo Passaro and Guiseppe Bellia,155-172. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter, 2008.
Patai, Raphael. “The Goddess Cult in the Hebrew-Jewish Religion.” In Realm of the Extra-Human: Agents and Audiences, edited by A. Bharati, 197-210. The Hague: Mouton, 1976.
Patai, Raphael. “Hebrew Installation Rites.” Hebrew Union College Annual 20 (1947): 143-225. Also in On Jewish Folklore, 110-73. Detroit: Wayne State University Press, 1983.
Patai, Rapahel. Man and Temple in Ancient Jewish Myth and Ritual. New York: KTAV, 1967.
Paton, Lewis B. “The Holiness-Code and Ezekiel.” The Presbyterian and Reformed Review 26 (1896): 98-115.
Paton, Lewis B. “The Location of the Temple.” In Jerusalem in Bible Times, 1-7. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1908.
[Israel/Solomon/Second Temple]
Paton, Lewis B. “The Use of the Word ‘Kohen’ in the Old Testament.” Journal of Biblical Literature 12 (1893): 1-14.
Patrick, John R. “The School of the Prophets: Its Development and Influence in Utah Territory.” M. A. thesis, Brigham Young University, 1970.
[Mormon/Kirtland/Salt Lake]
Patrich, Joseph. “538 BCE-70 CE: The Temple (Beyt ha-Miqdash) and Its Mount.” In Where Heaven and Earth Meet: Jerusalem’s Sacred Esplanade, edited by Oleg Grabar and Benjamin Z. Kedar, 36-71. Jamal and Rania Daniel Series in Contemporary History, Politics, Culture, and Religion of the Levant. Austin,TX: University of Texas Press, 2010.
[Israel/Second Temple/Herod]
Patrich, Joseph. “מבט חדש על מקום המקדש, השערים והלשכות [The Location of the Second Temple: A New Proposal].” In חידושים בחקר ירושלים, הקובץ השנים-עשר [New Studies on Jerusalem, Volume 12], edited by Eyal Baruch and Avraham Faust, 41-48. Ramat Gan: Bar Ilan University Press, 2006.
[Israel/Second Temple]
Patrich, Joseph. “The Mesibbah of the Temple According to the Tractate Middot.” Israel Exploration Journal 36, nos. 3-4 (1986): 215-33.
[Israel/Second Temple/Herod]
Patrich, Joseph. “Picturing the Second Temple.” Eretz Magazine (Spring 1987: 67-70.
[Israel/Second Temple/Herod/Design]
Patrich, Joseph. “The Pre-Herodian Temple: Reassessing the House of the Laver and the House of Utensils in the Temple Scroll.” Revue Biblique 116, no. 4 (2009): 505-26.
[Israel/Second Temple/Furnishings]
Patrich, Joseph. “Reconstructing the Magnificent Temple Herod Built.” Bible Review 4 (October 1988): 16-29.
Patrich, Joseph. “Samaria-Sebaste.” In The Eerdmans Dictionary of Early Judaism, edited by John J. Collins and Daniel C. Harlow, 1184-86. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2010.
Patrich, Joseph. “המקדש השני ועזרותיו: הצעה חדשה למיקומם ברחבת הר הבית [The Second Temple and its Courts: A New Proposal about Their Location on the Temple Mount].” Eretz Israel (Teddy Kolek Volume) 28 (2007): 173-83.
[Israel/Second Temple/Design]
Patrick, D. “Election.” In The Anchor Bible Dictionary, edited by David Noel Freedman, 3:434-41. 6 vols. New York: Doubleday, 1992.
Patrick, James E. “Living Rewards for Dead Apostles” ‘Baptized for the Dead’ in 1 Corinthians 15.29.” New Testament Studies 52 (2006): 71-85.
[Christian/Salvation of the Dead]
Patterson, Jane Lancaster. “Keeping the Feast: Metaphors of Sacrifice in First Corinthians and Phillipians.” PhD diss., Southern Methodist University, 2009.
Patton, Corrine L. “Ezekiel’s Blueprint for the Temple of Jerusalem.” PhD diss., Yale University, 1991.
[Israel/Ezekiel/New Temple/Design]
Patton, Corrine L. “Priest, Prophet and Exile: Ezekiel as a Literary Construct.” Society of Biblical Literature 2000 Seminar Papers 39 (2000): 700-27.
Paul, Charles Randall. “The Sacred Secret Open to All: Ye Are Gods.” Sunstone 146 (May 2009): 13-19.
Paul, Shalom M. Studies in the Book of the Covenant in the Light of Cuneiform and Biblical Law. Supplements to Vetus Testamentum 18. Leiden: Brill, 1970.
Paul, S. M., and William G. Dever. “Cultic Structures.” In Biblical Archaeology, edited by Geoffrey Wigoder, 54-83. New York: Quadrangle, 1974.
Paulien, Jon. “The Role of the Hebrew Cultus, Sanctuary, and Temple in the Plot and Structure of the Book of Revelation.” Andrews University Seminary Studies 33 (Autumn 1995): 245-64.
[Israel/Tabernacle/Solomon/Second Temple/Herod/Christian]
Paulme, Denise. “La notion de sacrifice chez un peuple ‘fetichiste.’” Revue de l’histoire des religions 132 (1946-B): 48-66.
Paulsen, David L., and Brock M. Mason. “Baptism for the Dead in Early Christianity.” Journal of Book of Mormon and Other Restoration Scriptures 19, no. 2 (2010): 22-49.
[Israel/Christian/Salvation of the Dead]
Paulsen, David L., Judson Burton, Kendel J. Christensen, and Martin Pulido. “Redemption of the Dead: Continuing Revelation After Joseph Smith.” Journal of Book of Mormon and Other Restoration Scriptures 20, no. 2 (2011): 53-69.
[Mormon/Salvation of the Dead]
Paulsen, David L., Kendel J. Christensen, and Martin Pulido. “Redeeming the Dead: Tender Mercies, Turning of Hearts, and Restoration of Authority.” Journal of Book of Mormon and Other Restoration Scriptures 20, no. 1 (2011): 28-51.
[Mormon/Salvation of the Dead/Priesthood]
Paulsen, David L., Roger D. Cook, and Kendel J. Christensen. “The Harrowing of Hell: Salvation for the Dead in Early Christianity.” Journal of Book of Mormon and Other Restoration Scriptures 19, no. 1 (2010): 56-77.
[Israel/Christian/Salvation of the Dead]
Paulsen, David L., and Brent Alvord. “Joseph Smith and the Problem of the Unevangelized,” The Farms Review 17 no 1, (2005): 171-204.
[Mormon/Salvation of the Dead]
Payne, Brian Keith. “The Summing Up of All Things in Christ and the Restoration of Human Viceregency: Implications for Ecclesiology.” PhD diss., Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, 2008.
[Israel/Presence/New Temple/Heavenly Temple]
Payne, Elizabeth E. “The Craftsmen of the Neo-Babylonian Period: A Study of the Textile and Metal Workers of the Eanna Temple.” PhD diss., Yale University, 2007.
Pearce, R. A. “Shiloh and Jer. VII 12, 14 & 15.” Vetus Testamentum 23 (January 1973): 105-8. [Israel/Shiloh/Destruction]
Pearson, Berger A. “Melchizedek in Early Judaism, Christianity, and Gnosticism.” In Biblical Figures Outside the Bible, edited by Michael E. Stone and Theodore A. Bergin, 176-202. Harrisburg, PA: Trinity Press International, 1998.
→Pedaya, Haviva. “The Divinity as Place and Time and the Holy Place in Jewish Mysticism.” In Sacred Space: Shrine, City, Land: Proceedings of the International Conference in Memory of Joshua Prawer, edited by Benjamin Z. Kedar and R. J. Zwi Werblowsky, 84-111. New York: New York University Press, 1998.
[Israel/Mysticism/Sacred Space]
Pedersen, Johannes. “Feasts and Sacred Customs.” In Israel: Its Life ana Culture, translated by Annie E. Fausboll, 4:376-465. 4 vols. London: Oxford University Press, 1940.
Pedersen, Johannes. “Holy Places and Holy Things.” In Israel: Its Life and Culture, translated by Annie E. Fausboll, 3:235-63. 4 vols. London: Oxford University Press, 1940.
[Israel/Canaan/Sacred Space/Ritual/Liturgy/Worship]
Peery, Joseph S. “Why Baptize for the Dead?” Improvement Era 24 (May 1921): 638-39.
[Mormon/Salvation of the Dead]
Pekka, Pitkanen. Central Sanctuary and the Centralization of Worship in Ancient Israel: From Settlement to the Building of Solomon’s Temple. Piscataway, NJ: Gorgias Press, 2003.
Peleg, Yehoshua. “המתחם המקודש הקדם-הרודיאני [The Pre-Herodian Sanctified Temple Area and Outer Court].” New Studies on Jerusalem 14 (2008): 169-93.
[Israel/Second Temple/Architecture/Sacred Space]
Pelletier, Andre. “Le grand rideau du vestibule du Temple de Jerusalem.” Syria 35 (1958): 218-26.
Pelletier, Andre. “Une particularite du rituel des ‘pains d’oblation’ conservee par la Septante (Lev. xxiv 8 & Ex. xxv 30).” Vetus Testamentum 17 (1967): 364-67.
Pelletier, Andre. “Le ‘voile du Temple’ de Jerusalem en termes de metier.” Revue des dtudes grecques 11 (1964): 70-75.
Pelletier, Andre. “Le ‘voile’ du temple de Jerusalem est-il devenu la ‘portiere’ du temple d’ Olympie?” Syria 32 (1955): 289-307.
Pemberton, Joseph H. The Coronation Service According to the Use of the Church of England. London: Skeffington and Son, 1901.
Penner, Jeremy. “Patterns of Daily Prayer in Second Temple Period Judaism.” PhD diss., McMaster University (Canada), 2010.
Penney, Russell L. “The Relationship of the Church to the New Covenant.” Conservative Theological Journal 2 (December 1998): 457-77.
Penrose, Charles W. “Baptism for the Dead.” Millennial Star 100 (February 3, 1938): 74-76.
[Mormon/Salvation of the Dead]
Penrose, Charles W. “Leaves from the Tree of Life.” Eighth Leaf. The Contributor 2 (May 1881): 231-33.
[Mormon/Theology/Salvation of the Dead]
Penrose, Charles W. “Leaves from the Tree of Life.” Ninth Leaf. The Contributor 2 (June 1881): 264-66.
[Mormon/Theology/Salvation of the Dead]
Penrose, Charles W. “Leaves from the Tree of Life.” Eleventh Leaf. The Contributor 2 (August 1881): 337-39.
Penrose, Charles W. “Salvation for the Dead.” Utah Genealogical and Historical Magazine 4 (January 1913): 1-18.
[Mormon/Salvation of the Dead]
Penrose, Charles W. “Salvation for the Dead.” Millennial Star 100 (January 27, 1938): 58-60.
[Mormon/Salvation of the Dead]
Penrose, Charles W. “Salvation for the Living and the Dead.” Utah Genealogical and Historical Magazine 5 (October 1914): 157-72. Also in Scrap Book of Mormon Literature, Vol. 2, Religious Tracts, compiled by Ben. E. Rich, 59-77. Chicago: Henry C. Etten, n.d. [Discourse of 19 August 1900 in Salt Lake City, Utah, reported by Arthur Winter.]
[Mormon/Theology/Salvation of the Dead]
Penrose, Charles W. “Vicarious Work for the Dead.” Millennial Star 71 (November 11, 1909): 712-16.
[Mormon/Salvation of the Dead]
Peppard, Michael. “Music.” In The Eerdmans Dictionary of Early Judaism, edited by John J. Collins and Daniel C. Harlow, 976-77. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2010.
Percer, Leo R. “The War in Heaven: Michael and Messiah in Revelation 12.” PhD. diss., Baylor University, 1999.
Percy, Emily C. The Figures of the True. London: Chiswick, 1903.
Perdue, Leo G. Wisdom and Cult: A Critical Analysis of the Views of the Cult in the Wisdom Literatures of Israel and the Ancient Near East. Society of Biblical Literature Dissertation Series 30. Missoula, MT: Scholars Press, 1977.
[Israel/Near East/Canaan]
Perella, Nicholas J. The Kiss Sacred and Profane. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1969.
Perkey, Joshua J. “‘A Contagious Fire.’” Ensign 39 (October 2009): 52-57.
[Mormon/Salvation of the Dead]
Pernier, Luigi. II tempio e Valtare di Apollo a Cirene. Bergamo: Istituto Italiano d’arti grafiche, 1935.
→Perrier, Luigi. “New Elements for the Study of the Archaic Temple of Prinias.” American Journal of Archaeology 38 (January-March 1934): 171-77.
Perrin, N. “Interpretation of a Biblical Symbol.” Journal of Religions 55 (July 1975): 348-70.
Perrin, N. Jesus the Temple. Grand Rapids: Baker Academic Books, 2010.
[Israel/Herod/Christian/New Temple]
Perry, L. “Let Us Go Up to the House of God.” Ensign 12 (May 1982): 53-54, 59.
[Mormon/Ritual/Liturgy/Worship/Salvation of the Dead]
Perry, L. Tom. “My Father and My Temple Recommend.” Liahona (May 1991): 42.
Perry, William J. “The Cult of the Sun and the Cult of the Dead in Egypt.” Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 11 (1925): 191-200.
[Egypt/Cosmology/Salvation of the Dead]
Peter, A. “Der Segensstrom des endzeitlichen Jerusalem: Herkunft und Bedeutung eines prophetischen symbols.” In Miscellanea Fuldensia: Beitrage aus Geschichte, Theologie, Seelsorge (Festschrift Adolf Bolte), edited by Franz Scholz, 109-34. Fulda: Parzeller, 1966.
Peters, Dorothy M. “The Primacy and Shunning of a Priestly Noah in 4QCommentary on Genesis A-D and the Damascus Document at Qumran.” In With Wisdom as a Robe: Qumran and Other Jewish Studies in Honour of Ida Fröhlich, ed. Károly Daniel Dobos and Miklós Köszeghy, 301-9. Hebrew Bible Monographs 121. Sheffield: Sheffield Phoenix, 2009.
Peters, Dorothy M. “The Story of the Yahad, An Acceptable Sacrifice Atoning for the Land: The Day of Atonement Reinterpreted.” M. A. thesis, Trinity Western University, 2002.
Peters, Frank E. “Not a Stone Upon a Stone: The Destruction of the Holy City.” In Jerusalem: The Holy City in the Eyes of Chroniclers, Visitors, Pilgrims, and Prophets from the Days of Abraham to the Beginnings of Modern Times, 88-130. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1985.
Peters, Frank E. “Rival Claims: Christians, Muslims, and the Jerusalem Holy Places.” In The Temple of Jerusalem, from Moses to the Messiah: Studies in Honor of Professor Louis H. Feldman, edited by Steven Fine, 171-81. Brill Reference Library of Judaism 29. Leiden: Brill Academic, 2011.
[Israel/Christian/Islam/Sacred Space]
Peters, John P. “A Jerusalem Processional.” Journal of Biblical Literature 39 (1920): 52-59.
→Peters, John P. “Some Recent Results of the University of Pennsylvania Excavations at Nippur. Especially on the Temple Hill.” American Journal of Archaeology and of the History of the Fine Arts 10 (January/March 1895): 13-46.
Peters, T. “Monotheism and Kingship in Ancient Memphis: A Study in Egyptian Mythology.” Perspectives in Religious Studies 4 (Summer 1977): 160-73.
→Petersen, Allan R. The Royal God: Enthronement Festivals in Ancient Israel and Ugarit? Journal for the Study of the Old Testament Supplement Series 259. Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 1998.
Petersen, David L. “Covenant Ritual: A Traditio-Historical Perspective.” Biblical Research 22 (1977): 7-18.
Petersen, David L. Engaging with God: A Biblical Theology of Worship. Leicester: Apollos, 1992.
Petersen, David L. “The New Temple: Christology and Ecclesiology in Ephesians and 1 Peter.” In Heaven on Earth: The Temple in Biblical Theology, edited by T. Desmond Alexander and Simon Gathercole, 161-76. Carlisle, UK: Paternoster, 2004.
[Christian/New Temple]
→Petersen, David L. “The Temple in Persian Period Prophetic Texts.” Biblical Theology Bulletin: A Journal of Bible and Theology 21 (1991): 88-96.
[Israel/Solomon/Second Temple/Theology]
Petersen, David L. “Zechariah’s Visions: A Theological Perspective.” Vetus Testamentum 34 (April 1984): 195-206.
[Israel/Second Temple]
Petersen, David L. “Zerubbabel and Jerusalem Temple Reconstruction.” Catholic Biblical Quarterly 36 (July 1974): 366-72.
[Israel/Second Temple/Construction]
Petersen, Mark E. “Devotional Speech.” In Syllabus for the Ninth Annual Priesthood Genealogy Seminar July 30-August 3, 1974, compiled by Roger C. Flick and James B. Parker, 503-12. Provo, UT: Brigham Young University Press, 1974.
[Mormon/Salvation of the Dead]
Petersen, Mark E. “Early Christian Historians Tell of Baptism for the Dead.” Utah Genealogical and Historical Magazine 24 (April 1933): 63-64.
[Mormon/Salvation of the Dead]
Petersen, Mark E. “For All Live unto Him.” In Genealogical Research Seminar Devotional Address and Priesthood Instruction, 27-40. Provo, UT: Brigham Young University Press, 1968.
[Mormon/Salvation of the Dead]
Petersen, Mark E. “The Message of Elijah.” Ensign 6 (May 1976): 14-16.
[Mormon/Elijah/Salvation of the Dead]
Petersen, Mark E. “The Mission of Elijah.” Ensign 11 (August 1981): 64-65.
[Mormon/Elijah/Salvation of the Dead/Priesthood]
Petersen, Mark E. “Why Mormons Build Temples.” Ensign 2 (January 1972): 42-49, 52-55.
[Mormon/Salvation of the Dead]
Petersen, Melvin J. “I Have a Question?” [Does D&C 84:19-22 indicate that a person has to have the Melchizedek Priesthood in order to see God?] Ensign 15 (December 1985): 60-61.
Peterson, B. J. Fomegyptisk tempelarkitektur 3000-1000 F. K. R. Stockholm: Medelhausmuseet, 1976.
Peterson, Brian Neil. “Ezekiel in Context: Ezekiel’s Message Understood in its Historical Setting of Covenant Curses and Ancient Near Eastern Mythological Motifs.” PhD diss., University of St. Michael’s College (Canada), 2009.
[Israel/Canaan/Near East/Solomon/Covenant/New Temple]
Peterson, Daniel C. “A Divine Mother in the Book of Mormon?” In Mormonism and the Temple: Examining an Ancient Religious Tradition, edited by Gary N. Anderson, 109-25. Provo, UT: Brigham Young University, 2013.
Peterson, Daniel C. “Nephi and his Asherah.” Journal of Book of Mormon Studies 9, no. 2 (2000): 16-25.
Peterson, Daniel C. “Nephi and his Asherah: A Note on 1 Nephi 11:8-23.” In Mormons, Scripture, and the Ancient World: Studies in Honor of John L. Sorenson, edited by Davis Bitton, 191-243. Provo, UT: FARMS, 1998.
Peterson, Daniel C. “‘Ye are Gods’: Psalm 82 and John 10 as Witnesses to the Divine Nature of Humankind.” In The Disciple as Scholar: Essays on Scripture and the Ancient World in Honor of Richard Lloyd Anderson, edited by Stephen D. Ricks, Donald W. Parry, and Andrew H. Hedges, 471-594. Provo, UT: FARMS, 2000.
Peterson, H. Burke. Address. Syllabus for the Eighth Annual Priesthood Genealogical Research Seminar July 30-August 3, 1973, compiled by Roger C. Flick, 457-64. Provo, UT: Brigham Young University Press, 1973.
[Mormon/Salvation of the Dead]
Peterson, Lauritz G. “The Kirtland Temple.” Brigham Young University Studies 12 (Summer 1972): 400-9.
Peterson, Levi S. “My Mother’s House.” Dialogue: A Journal of Mormon Thought 24 (Fall 1991): 79-88.
Peterson, Orlen Curtis. “A History of the Schools and Educational Programs of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Ohio and Missouri, 1831-1839.” M. A. thesis, Brigham Young University, 1972.
Petitjean, Albeit. “La mission de Zorobabel et la reconstruction du Temple, Zach. iii, 8-10.” Ephemerides Theologicae Lovanienses 42 (1966): 40-71.
[Israel/Second Temple]
Petitjean, Albert. Les oracles du Proto-Zacharie. Paris: Gabalda, 1969.
[Israel/Second Temple]
Petrey, Taylor. “Christian Temple Builders and the Latter-day Saints.” In Archive of Restoration Culture: Summer Fellows’ Papers 2000-2002, edited by Richard L. Bushman, 139-46. Provo, UT: Joseph Fielding Smith Institute for Latter-day Saint History, Brigham Young University, 2005.
Petrie, W. M. Flinders. “The Altars and the Offerings.” In Researches in Sinai, 133-53. New York: E. P. Dutton, 1906.
→Petrie, W. M. Flinders. Catalogue of a Collection of Antiquities from the Temple of Koptos, Discovered 1894: Exhibited in the Edwards’ Library, University College, Gower St., London, July 23rd to Sept. 1st, 1894. London: J. H. Deakin & Co, 1894.
Petrie, W. M. Flinders. “The History and Purpose of the Temple.” In Researches in Sinai, 96-108. New York: E. P. Dutton, 1906.
Petrie, W. M. Flinders. “Osiris in the Tree and Pillar.” Ancient Egypt 2, Pt. 1(1928): 40-44.
Petrie, W. M. Flinders. The Pyramids and Temples of Gizeh. New York: Scribner & Welford, 1883.
Petrie, W. M. Flinders. Researches in Sinai. New York: E. P. Dutton, 1906.
Petrie, W. M. Flinders. “Serabit El Khadem and the Bethels.” In Researches in Sinai, 55-71. New York: E. P. Dutton, 1906.
Petrie, W. M. Flinders. Six Temples at Thebes. London: Quaritch, 1897.
Petrie, W. M. Flinders. “The Temple at Serabit.” In Researches in Sinai, 72-95. New York: E. P. Dutton, 1906.
→Petrie, W. M. Flinders. “The Ten Temples of Abydos.” American Antiquarian and Oriental Journal 26 (1904): 273-80.
→Petrie, W. M. Flinders. “The Ten Temples of Abydos.” Harper’s Monthly Magazine 107 (November 1903): 834-40.
→Petrie, W. M. Flinders. “Temples of the Gods.” In Wonders of the Past, edited by John Alexander Hammerton, 166-82. London,1923. Reprinted in 2 vols. New York: Wise & Co., 1952.
Petrie, W. M. Flinders. “The Worship at Serabit.” In Researches in Sinai, 186-93. New York: E. P. Dutton, 1906.
Petropoulou, Maria-Zoe. Animal Sacrifice in Ancient Greek Religion, Judaism, and Christianity, 100 BC to AD 200. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2008.
Petrowski, J. J., and M. Brocke. The Lord’s Prayer and Jewish Liturgy. New York: Seabury, 1978.
Pettegrew, Larry D. “The New Covenant.” The Master’s Theological Journal 10 (Fall 1999): 251-70.
Petuchowski, Jakob J. “The Creation in Jewish Liturgy.” Judaica 28 (Summer 1972): 309-15.
Petuchowski, Jacob J., ed. Contributions to the Scientific Study of Jewish Liturgy. New York: KTAV, 1970.
Pfeifer, C. J. “Ezekiel and the New Jerusalem.” Bible Today 18 (1980): 22-27.
[Israel/Ezekiel/New Temple]
Pfeiffer, R. H. “Cherubim.” Journal of Biblical Literature 41 (1922): 249-50.
Phelps, W. W.,[Pseud. Joseph’s Speckled Bird], “Paracletes,” Times and Seasons 6 (1 May 1845): 891-92; “The Paracletes, Continued,” Times and Seasons 6 (1 June 1845): 917-18.
Phillips, Anthony. “David’s Linen Ephod.” Vetus Testamentum 19 (October 1969): 485-87.
[Israel/Priesthood/Sacred Vestments]
Phillips, Arthur B. “Baptism for the Dead.” Saints’ Herald 51 (August 31, 1904): 812-13.
[Mormon/Salvation of the Dead]
Phillips, C. Robert. “Julian’s Rebuilding of the Temple: A Sociological Study of Religious Competition.” In Society of Biblical Literature Seminar Papers, Volume 2, edited by Paul J. Achtemeier, 167-72. Missoula, MT: Scholars Press, 1979.
Phinney, D. Nathan. “Ezekiel, Book of.” In The Eerdmans Dictionary of Early Judaism, edited by John J. Collins and Daniel C. Harlow, 619-20. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2010.
Piankoff, Alexandre. The Shrines of Tut-Ankh-Amon. New York: Pantheon Books, 1955.
→Picon, Carlos Arturo. “The Ilissos Temple Reconsidered.” American Journal of Archaeology 82 (Winter 1978): 47-81.
Pierce, Chad T. “Reexamining Christ’s Proclamation to the Spirits in Prison: Punishment Traditions in the Book of Watchers and Their Influence on 1 Peter 3:18-22.” Henoch 28, no. 2 (2006): 27-42.
[Israel/Christian/Salvation of the Dead]
Pierce, Chad T. “Spirits and the Proclamation of Christ: 1 Peter 3:18-22 in Its Tradition-Historical and Literary Context.” PhD diss., Durham University, 2009.
[Israel/Christian/Salvation of the Dead]
Pierce, Ronald W. “Covenant Conditionality and a Future for Israel.” Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society 37 (1994): 27-38.
Pierik, Marie. The Psalter in the Temple and the Church. Washington, D.C: Catholic University of America, 1957.
Pike, Dana M. “Before Jeremiah Was: Divine Election in the Ancient Near East.” In A Witness for the Restoration: Essays in Honor of Robert J. Matthews, edited by Kent P. Jackson and Andrew C. Skinner, 33-59. Provo, UT: Brigham Young University, Religious Studies Center, 2007.
Pike, Dana M. “Seals and Sealing Among Ancient and Latter-day Israelites.” In Thy People Shall Be My People and Thy God My God, edited by Paul Y. Hoskisson, 101-17. Salt Lake City: Deseret Book, 1994.
Pillet, Maurice. “Les scenes de naissance et de circoncision dans le temple nordest de Mout, a Karnak.” Annales du Service des antiquites de l’Egypte 52 (1952): 77-104.
Pillet, Maurice. “Le Temple de Byblos.” Syria 8 (1927): 105-12.
Pinches, Theodore G. “Notes on the Deification of Kings and Ancestor-Worship in Babylonia.” Proceedings of the Society of Biblical Archaeology 37 (1915): 87-95, 126-34.
→Pinches, Theodore G. “A Tablet Referring to Dues Paid to the Temple of the Sun at Sippara.” American Journal of Archaeology and of the History of the Fine Arts 8 (April-June 1893): 190-91.
Pinches, Theophilus G. “Assur and Nineveh.” Records of the Past 12 (1913): 23-41.
Pinegar, Ed. J., and Richard J. Allen. Look to the Temple: Finding Joy in Your Temple Worship. American Fork, UT: Covenant Communications, 2007.
Pinegar, Rex D. “Devotional Address.” In Eleventh Annual Priesthood Genealogical Research Seminar, compiled by the Priesthood Genealogy Division of the Genealogical Department of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 296-302. Provo, UT: Brigham Young University, 1976.
[Mormon/Theology/Salvation of the Dead]
Pink, A. W. The Divine Covenants. Grand Rapids: Baker, 1973.
Pinnock. C. H. A Wideness in God’s Mercy. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1992.
[Christian/Salvation of the Dead]
Pitard, Wayne T. “Temple Building in Northwest Semitic Literature of the Late Bronze and Iron Ages.” In From the Foundations to the Crenellations: Essays on Temple Building in the Ancient Near East and Hebrew Bible, edited by Mark J. Boda and Jamie Novotny, 91-108. Alter Orient und Altes Testament 366. Munster: Ugarit-Verlag, 2010.
[Near East/Construction]
Pitkanen, Pekka. Central Sanctuary and the Centralization of Worship in Ancient Israel from the Settlement to the Building of Solomon’s Temple. Piscataway, NJ: Gorgias Press, 2003.
Pitkanen, Pekka. “From Tent of Meeting to Temple: Rejection and Renewal of Divine Favour.” In Heaven on Earth: The Temple in Biblical Theology, edited by T. Desmond Alexander and Simon Gathercole, 23-34. Carlisle, UK: Paternoster, 2004.
[Israel/Tabernacle/Canaan/ Presence]
Pitkanen, Pekka. “Temple Building and Exodus 25-40.” In From the Foundations to the Crenellations: Essays on Temple Building in the Ancient Near East and Hebrew Bible, edited by Mark J. Boda and Jamie Novotny, 255-80. Alter Orient und Altes Testament 366. Munster: Ugarit-Verlag, 2010.
Pitre, Brant. “Jesus, the New Temple, and the New Priesthood.” Letter & Spirit 4 (2008): 47-83. [Christian/Priesthood/New Temple]
Platt, Elizabeth E. “The Signet.” In The Anchor Bible Dictionary, edited by David Noel Freedman, 3:829-30. New York: Doubleday, 1992.
Plewe, Brandon S., ed., “Temples 1836–Present.” In Mapping Mormonism: An Atlas of Latter-day Saint History, 182-83. Provo, UT: BYU Press, 2012.
Ploger, O. “Priesterund Prophet.” Zeitschrift fur die alttestamentliche Wissenschaft 63 (1951): 157-92.
Plommer, W. “The Temple of Poseidon on Cape Sunium: Some Further Questions.” Annual of the British School at Athens 55 (1960): 218-33.
Plooij, D. “The Attitude of the Outspread Hands (‘Orante’) in Early Christian Literature and Art.” Expository Times 23 (1912): 265-69.
Plooij, D. “Jesus and the Temple.” Expository Times 42 (1930-31): 36-40.
Plummer, Robert L. “Something Awry in the Temple? The Rending of the Temple Veil and Early Jewish Sources that Report Unusual Phenomena in the Temple Around AD. 30.” Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society 48 (June 2005): 301-16.
Pocknee, Cyril E. The Christian Altar in History and Today. London: Mowbray, 1963.
Poels, Henri. Le sanctuaire de Kirjath-Jearim. Louvain: Istas, 1894.
Pohl, A. “Das verschlossene Tor: Ez. 44:1-3.” Biblica 13 (1932): 90-92, 201.
[Israel/Second Temple]
Poirier, John C. “The Endtime Return of Elijah and Moses at Qumran.” Dead Sea Discoveries 10, no. 2 (2003): 221-41.
Poirier, John C. “Purity beyond the Temple in the Second Temple Era.” Journal of Biblical Literature 122 (Summer 2003): 247-65.
[Israel/Second Temple/Ritual/Liturgy/Worship]
Polen, Nehemia. “Leviticus and Hebrews…and Leviticus.” In The Epistle to the Hebrews and Christian Theology, edited by Richard Bauckham, Daniel R. Driver, Trevor A. Hard, and Nathan MacDonald, 213-25. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2009.
Politella, Joseph. “Before Babel: The Puzzle of Ancient Cosmogonies.” Encounter 29 (Summer 1968): 278-89.
[Near East/Creation/Cosmology]
Polk, Timothy. “The Levites in the Davidic-Solomonic Empire.” Studia Biblica et Theologica 9 (1979): 3-22.
Polzin, Robert. “HWQYc and Covenantal Institutions in Early Israel.” Harvard Theological Review 62 (April 1969): 227-40.
Poorthuis, Marcel. “Moses’ Rod in Zipporah’s Garden.” In Sanctity of Time and Space in Tradition and Modernity. Jewish & Christian Perspective Series 1, edited by A. Houtman, M. Poorthuis, and J. Schwartz, 231-64 . Leiden: Brill, 1998.
Pongratz-Leisten, Beate. “Sacred Marriage and the Transfer of Divine Knowledge: Alliances between the Gods and the King in Ancient Mesopotamia.” In Sacred Marriages: The Divine-Human Sexual Metaphor from Sumer to Early Christianity, edited by Martti Nissinen and Risto Uro, 43-73. Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns, 2008.
Pomeroy, Frank T. “Why the Latter-day Saints Build Temples.” Utah Genealogical and Historical Magazine 11 (July 1920): 122-27.
[Mormon/Salvation of the Dead]
Pop, Calin A. “The Function and Appeal of the Cultic Places in 1 Kings 1-11: A Rhetorical Approach.” PhD diss., Trinity International University, 2009.
[Israel/Solomon/Sacred Space/Kingship/Theology]
Pope, Hyrum C. “About the Temple in Hawaii.” Improvement Era 23 (December 1919): 149-53.
Pope, Marvin. “Oaths.” In The Interpreter’s Dictionary of the Bible, edited by George A. Buttrick, 3:575-77. 4 vols. Nashville: Abingdon Press, 1962.
Popko, Maciej. “Anikonische Gotterdarstellungen in der altanatolischen Religion.” In Ritual and Sacrifice in the Ancient Near East: Proceedings of the International Conference Organized by the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven from the 17th to the 20th April of 1991, edited by J. Quaegebeur, 319-27. Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta 55. Leuven: Peeters en Department Orientalistick, 1993.
[Near East/Ritual]
Popper, Julius. Der biblische Bericht uber die Stiftshutte: Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der Composition und Diaskeue des Pentateuch. Leipzig: Hunger, 1862.
Porcaro, David S. “Sacred Libraries in the Temples of the Near East.” Studia Antiqua: The Journal of the Student Society for Ancient Studies (Brigham Young University) 2 (Winter 2002): 63-70.
[Israel/Near East/Canaan]
Portaleone, Abraham. Shilte ha-Giborim. Jerusalem: n.p., 1969/1970.
Portaleone, Abraham. Ha-Shir sheba-Mikdash. Jerusalem: Yefeh-nof, 1964/1965.
Porten, Bezalel. “Did the Ark Stop at Elephantine?” Biblical Archaeology Review 21 (May/June 1995): 54-63, 66-67, 76-77.
Porten, Bezalel. “The Structure and Orientation of the Jewish Temple at Elephantine–A Revised Plan of the Jewish District.” Journal of the American Oriental Society 81 (1961): 38-42.
Porten, Bezalel. “Temple (Second Temple).” In Encyclopedia Judaica, edited by Cecil Roth, 15: 955-88. 17 vols. Jerusalem: Macmillan, 1971-1982.
[Israel/Second Temple]
Porten, Bezalel. “Temple: Temple of Zerubbabel.” In Encyclopedia Judaica, edited by Cecil Roth, 15: 955-58. 17 vols. Jerusalem: Macmillan, 1971-1982.
[Israel/Second Temple]
Porten, Bezalel, Yehoshua M. Grintz, Michael Avi-Yonah, and Shmuel Safrai. “Temple: Second Temple.” In Encyclopedia Judaica, edited by Cecil Roth, 15:955-83. 17 vols. Jerusalem: Macmillan, 1971-1982.
[Israel/Second Temple]
Porter, Arthur C. “Why Are They Baptized for the Dead?” Millennial Star 100 (March 31, 1938): 197-98, 204.
[Christian/Mormon/Salvation of the Dead]
Porter, Bertha, and Rosalind L. B. Moss. Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Reliefs, and Paintings. 2nd ed. 7 vols. London: Oxford University Press, 1976-82.
Porter, Bruce H. “Altar.” In Encyclopedia of Mormonism, edited by Daniel H. Ludlow, 1:36-7. 5 vols. New York: Macmillan, 1992.
Porter, Bruce H. and Stephen D. Ricks. “Names in Antiquity: Old, New, and Hidden.” In By Study and Also By Faith: Essays in Honor of Hugh W. Nibley, edited by John M. Lundquist and Stephen D. Ricks, 1:501-22. 2 vols. Salt Lake City: Deseret Book, 1990.
[Ritual/Liturgy/Worship/Divine Name]
Porter, H. B. “The Origin of the Medieval Rite for Anointing the Sick or Dying.” Journal of Theological Studies 1 (1956): 211-25.
Porter, Harvey. “Another Phoenician Inscription from the Temple of Esmun at Sidon.” Palestine Exploration Fund Quarterly Statement 35 (October 1903): 333-335.
Porter, Stanley D. “Levi.” In The Anchor Bible Dictionary, edited by David Noel Freedman, 4:295-95. 6 vols. New York: Doubleday, 1992.
Potts, D. T. “Elamite Temple-Building.” In From the Foundations to the Crenellations: Essays on Temple Building in the Ancient Near East and Hebrew Bible, edited by Mark J. Boda and Jamie Novotny, 49-70. Alter Orient und Altes Testament 366. Munster: Ugarit-Verlag, 2010.
[Near East/Construction]
Porter, J. “The Interpretation of 2 Sam. VI and Psalm CXXXII.” Journal of Theological Studies 5 (1954): 161-73.
Porter, Joshua R. “Ark.” In Harper’s Bible Dictionary, edited by Paul J. Achtemeier, 63-64. San Francisco: Harper & Row, 1985.
Porter, Joshua R. “Levites.” In Harper’s Bible Dictionary, edited by Paul J. Achtemeier, 557-58. San Francisco: Harper & Row, 1985.
Porter, Joshua R. “Tabernacle.” In Harper’s Bible Dictionary, edited by Paul J. Achtemeier, 1013-14. San Francisco: Harper & Row, 1985.
Porter, Larry C., and Milton V. Backman, Jr. “Doctrine and the Temple in Nauvoo.” Brigham Young University Studies 32, no. 1 (1992): 41-56.
Porter, S. “Can Traditional Exegesis Enlighten Literary Analysis of the Fourth Gospel? An Examination of the Old Testament Fulfillment Motif and the Passover Theme.” In The Gospels and the Scriptures of Israel, edited by Craig Evans and W. R. Stegner, 396-428. Journal for the Study of the New Testament Supplement Series 104. Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 1994. [Israel/Christian/Festivals]
Porter, S. E., and A. R. Cross, eds. Dimension of Baptism: Biblical and Theological Studies. Journal for the Study of the New Testament Supplement 234. Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 2003.
Porter, Stanley E., and Jacqueline C. R. de Roo, eds. The Concept of the Covenant in the Second Temple Period. Journal for the Study of Judaism Supplement 71. Leiden: Brill, 2003.
Porthuis, M. J. H. M., and J. Schwartz, eds. Purity and Holiness: The Heritage of Leviticus. Leiden: Brill, 2000.
Porzig, Peter. “The Ark of the Covenant in the Non-Biblical Texts from Qumran.” In The Dynamics of Language and Exegesis at Qumran, edited by Devorah Dimant and Reinhard G. Kratz, 203-18. Forschungen zum Alten Testament 35. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2009.
Porzig, Peter. Die Lade Jahwes im Alten Testament und in den Texten vom Toten Meer. Beihefte zur Zeitschrift für die alttestamentliche Wissenschaft 397. Berlin: W. De Gruyter, 2009. [Israel/Canaan/Furnishings]
Posener-Krieger, Paule. Les archives du temple funeraire de Neferirkare-Kakai. Cairo: Imprimerie de l’Institut francais d’archeologie orientale du Caire, 1976.
Posener-Krieger, Paule. “Les papyrus d’Abousir et l’economie des temple fundraires de l’Ancien Empire.” In State and Temple Economy in the Ancient Near East, edited by Edward Lipirisk, 1:133-52. 2 vols. Louvain: Departement Orientalistiek, 1979.
Post, Paul, G. Rouwhorst, L. van Tongeren, and A. Scheer, eds. Christian Feast and Festival: The Dynamics of Western Liturgy and Culture. Liturgica Condenda 12. Leuven: Peeters, 2001.
Postgate, J. N. “The bit akiti in Assyrian Nabu Temples.” Sumer 30 (1974): 51-74.
Postgate, J. N. “The Role of the Temple in Mesopotamian Secular Community.” In Man, Settlement and Urbanism: Research Seminar in Archaeology and Related Subjects, edited by P. J. Ucko, Ruth Tringham, and G. W. Dimbleby, 811-26. London: Duckworth, 1972.
Potgieter, Hermanus Philippus. “‘The Temple of God’–A Critical Analysis of the Sacrality of the Church Building.” PhD diss., University of South Africa, 1986.
[Israel/Christian/Architecture/Sacred Space]
Potin, J. “Le Temple.” Bible et Terre Sainte 20 (1959): 8-14.
Potter, H. D. “The New Covenant in Jeremiah XXXI 31-34.” Vetus Testamentum 33 (July 1983): 347-57.
Potter, R. Dennis. “Defending Magic: Explaining the Necessity of Ordinances.” Dialogue: A Journal of Mormon Thought 35 (Summer 2002): 139-46.
Potts, T. F. “The Cultic Stands,” in R. H. Smith and T. F. Potts, “The Iron Age.” In Pella in Jordan, edited by A.W. McNicoll, P. C. Edwards, J. Hanbury-Tenison, J. B. Hennessy, T. F. Potts, R. H. Smith, A. Walmsley, and P. Watson, 83-101. Mediterranean Archaeology Supplement 2. Sydney: Meditarch, 1992.
Poulssen, Niek. Konig und Tempel im Glaubenszeugnis des Alten Testamentes. Stuttgart: Katholisches Bibelwerk, 1967.
Poulssen, Niek. “Rex et templum in Israel.” Verbum Domini 40 (1962): 264-69.
→Powell, Benjamin. “Oeniadae: III. The Small Temple.” American Journal of Archaeology 8 (April-June 1904): 202-206.
Powell, Benjamin. “The Temple of Apollo at Corinth.” American Journal of Archaeology 9 (1905): 44-63.
Power, David, ed. Liturgy and Human Passage. New York: Seabury, 1979.
Powers, J. M., and E. Kilmartin. “Liturgical Theology.” Worship 50 (July 1976): 307-15.
Poznanski, L. “A propos de la collation du nom dans le monde antique.” Revue d’histoire des religions 194 (October 1978): 113-27.
Pratt, John P. “Passover: Was it Symbolic of His Coming?” Ensign 24 (January 1994): 38-45.
Pratt, John P. “The Restoration of Priesthood Keys on Easter 1836–Part 1:Dating the First Easter.” Ensign 15 (June 1985): 59-68; Part 2:Symbolism of Passover and of Elijah’s Return,” 15 (July 1985): 55-64.
Pratt, Orson. “Celestial Marriage.” In Journal of Discourses, 13:183-96. Liverpool: Joseph F. Smith, 1877. Reprint, Salt Lake City: Bookcraft, 1964.
Pratt, Orson. “Elijah’s Latter-day Mission.” Utah Genealogical and Historical Magazine 30 (April 1939: 65-71; (July 1939): 129-33.
[Elijah/Priesthood/Salvation of the Dead]
Pratt, Orson. “Marriage.” In Journal of Discourses 16: 171-85. Liverpool: Joseph F. Smith, 1974. Reprint, Salt Lake City: Bookcraft, 1964.
Pratt, Orson. “Remarks by Elder Orson Pratt.” In Journal of Discourses, 18: 131-132. Liverpool: Joseph F. Smith, 1877. Reprint, Salt Lake City: Bookcraft, 1964.
Pratt, Parley P. “Celestial Family Organization.” Millennial Star 5 (May 1845): 189-94. Reprinted in Improvement Era 64 (August 1961): 580-81, 603-4; Scrap Book of Mormon Literature, Vol. 2, Religious Tracts, collated by Ben. E. Rich, 52-58. Chicago: Henry C. Etten, n.d.
Pratt, Parley P. “Heirship and Priesthood.” In Journal of Discourses 1:256-63. Liverpool: F. D. and S. W. Richards, 1854. Reprint, Salt Lake City: Bookcraft, 1964.
Pratt, Parley P. “Spiritual Communication.” In Journal of Discourses, 2:44-47. Liverpool: F. D. Richards, 1855. Reprint, Salt Lake City: Bookcraft, 1964.
Pratt, Richard L. “Royal Prayer and the Chronicler’s Program.” ThD diss., Harvard University, 1987.
Pratte, Paul Alfred. “Temple of Refuge in the Pacific.” Improvement Era 72 (December 1969): 26-27.
“Presidents of the Church Speak on Temple Marriage.” New Era (June 1971): 7-8.
Prenter, Regin. “Worship and Creation.” Studia Liturgica 2 (June 1963): 82-95.
Prescott, J. E. “On the Gate Beautiful of the Temple.” Journal of Sacred Literature 5 ser. nos. 2-3 (1867): 33-45.
Prestel, Jakob. Die Baugeschichte des judischen Heiligthums und der Tempel Salomons. Strassburg: Heitz, 1902.
“President Hinckley & the Nauvoo Temple.” Ensign 32 (July 2002): 23-25.
→Press, Michael D. “A Problem of Definition: ‘Cultic’ and ‘Domestic’ Contexts in Philistia.” In Household Archaeology in Ancient Israel and Beyond, edited by Assaf Yasur-Landau, Jennie R. Ebeling and Laura B. Mazow, 361-90. Culture and History of the Ancient Near East 50. Leiden: Brill, 2011.
Price, Jonathan J. “Josephus and the Dialogue on the Destruction of the Temple.” In Josephus und das Neue Testament: Wechselseitige Wharnehmungen. II. Internationales Symposium zum Corpus Judaeo-Hellenisticum, 25.-28. Mai 2006, Greifswald, edited by Christfried Böttrich and Jens Herzer, 181-94. Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament 209. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2007.
Price, J. Robert. “From the Temples of Our Lord.” Millennial Star 124 (December 1962): 312-14.
Price, John Randall. “The Desecration and Restoration of the Temple as an Eschatological Motif in the Tanach Jewish Apocalyptic Literature and the New Testament.” PhD diss., University of Texas, Austin, 1993.
[Israel/Herod/Destruction/New Temple]
Price, R. The Coming Last Days Temple. Eugene, OR: Harvest House, 1999.
[New Temple]
Price, R. The Lost Ark and the Last Days: In Search of Temple Treasures. Eugene, OR: Harvest House, 1994.
Price, R. The Temple and Bible Prophecy. Eugene, OR: Harvest House, 2005.
[Israel/New Temple]
Price, Richard, and Pamela Price. The Temple of the Lord. Independence, MO: Price Publishing, 1982.
Price, S. R. F. “Between Man and God: Sacrifice in the Roman Imperial Cult.” Journal of Roman Studies 70 (1980): 28-43.
Priest, John F. “The Covenant of Brothers.” Journal of Biblical Literature 84 (1965): 400-6.
Prince, Gregory A. Power from on High: The Development of Mormon Priesthood. Salt Lake City: Signature Books, 1995.
Prince, J. Dyneley. “A Study of the Assyro-Babylonian Words Relating to Sacrifice.” Journal of Biblical Literature (1907): 54-61.
[Israel/Near East/Mesopotamia/Canaan/Sacrifice/Offerings]
Pritchard, James B. “The God and His Unknown Name of Power.” In Ancient Near Eastern Texts Relating to the Old Testament, 12-14. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1972.
[Israel/Near East/Divine Name]
Pritchett, Bruce M., Jr. “Lehi’s Theology of the Fall in Its Preexilic/Exilic Context.” Journal of Book of Mormon Studies 3, no. 2 (1994): 49-83.
Probert, Josh E., and Craig K. Manscill. “Artemus Millet: Builder of the Kingdom.” Mormon Historical Studies 5 (Spring 2004): 53-86.
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[Israel/Sacred Vestments/Symbolism]
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[Israel/Qumran/Temple Scroll]
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[Israel/Qumran/Temple Scroll]
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[Israel/Qumran/Temple Scroll]
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[Israel/Qumran/Temple Scroll]
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[Israel/Qumran/Temple Scroll]
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[Near East/Mesopotamia/Music]
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[Sacred Space]
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[Israel/Second Temple/Furnishings/Worship]
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[Israel/Herod/Christian/New Temple]
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[Israel/Beer Sheba/Arad/Furnishings]
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[Sacrifice/Offerings/Beer Sheba/Arad]
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[Israel/Second Temple/Priesthood/Dedication]
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[Mormon/Salt Lake/Construction]
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[Mormon/Salt Lake/Construction]
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[Mormon/Salvation of the Dead]
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[Mormon/Salvation of the Dead]
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[Mormon/Salvation of the Dead]
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[Mormon/Elijah/Salvation of the Dead]
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[Israel/Second Temple/Ritual/Liturgy/Worship]
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[Christian/Salvation of the Dead]
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[Israel/Eden/Tree of Life]
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[Israel/Solomon/Second Temple/Herod/Architecture/Design]
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[Mormon/Salvation of the Dead]
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[Israel/Canaan/Solomon/Second Temple/Herod]
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[Christian/Priesthood/Sacrifice/Heavenly Temple]
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[Ritual/Liturgy/Worship/Divine Name]
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[Mormon/Salvation of the Dead]
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[Mormon/Salvation of the Dead]
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[Mormon/Salvation of the Dead]
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[Mormon/Salvation of the Dead]
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[Mormon/Salvation of the Dead]
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[Mormon/Salvation of the Dead]
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[Mormon/Oakland/Theology/Salvation of the Dead]
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[Mormon/Salvation of the Dead]
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[Mormon/Salt Lake/Design/Architecture]
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[Israel/Solomon/Second Temple/Herod/Design/Architecture/Furnishings/Ritual]
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[Israel/Solomon/Second Temple/Herod/Design/Architecture/Furnishings/Ritual]
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[Mormon/Kirtland/ Elijah/Festivals]
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[Eden/Israel/Christian/Islam/Sacred Vestments]
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[Near East/Creation/Cosmology/Ritual/Liturgy/Worship]
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[Israel/Second Temple/Ablutions/Ritual/Liturgy/Worship]
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[Near East/Israel/Sacred Vestments]
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[Mormon/Salvation of the Dead/Marriage]
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[Israel/Near East/Christian/Symbolism]
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[Israel/Qumran/Temple Scroll]
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[Israel/Qumran/Temple Scroll]
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[Israel/Second Temple/Construction]
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[Mormon/Israel/Sacred Space/Architecture/Design/Ritual/Liturgy/Worship]
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[Israel/Canaan/Second Temple]
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[Mormon/Endowment House]
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[Eden/Tree of Life]
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[Mormon/Salvation of the Dead]
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[Israel/Tabernacle/Theology/Presence/Heavenly Temple]
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[Israel/Tabernacle/Theology/Sacrifice/Presence/Heavenly Temple]
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[Israel/New Temple/Design]
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[Israel/Herod/Destruction/New Temple]
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[Israel/Qumran/Temple Scroll]
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[Sacred Vestments]
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[Mormon/Colonia Juarez]
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[Israel/Second Temple/Priesthood]
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Root, Margaret Cool. “Palace to Temple–King to Cosmos: Achaemenid Foundation Texts in Iran.” In From the Foundations to the Crenellations: Essays on Temple Building in the Ancient Near East and Hebrew Bible, edited by Mark J. Boda and Jamie Novotny, 165-210. Alter Orient und Altes Testament 366. Munster: Ugarit-Verlag, 2010.
[Near East/Iran/Kingship]
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Rosa, Allen C. “Temple Ordinances.” In Encyclopedia of Mormonism, edited by Daniel H. Ludlow, 4:1444-45. 5 vols. New York: Macmillan, 1992.
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[Sacred Space]
Roscher, Wilhelm H. Der Omphalosgedanke bei verschiedenen Volkern, besonders den semitischen. In Berichte uber die Verhandlungen der Sachsischen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu Leipzig. Philologisch-historische Klasse 70/2 (1918). Reprinted in Roscher, Omphalos. Hildesheim: Olms, 1974.
[Sacred Space]
Rose, Cynthia A. “Consecration of an Egyptian Temple According to Foundation Scenes on the Outer Precinct Wall of the Temple (Edf. VII, 44,7-57,7).” PhD diss., Brandeis University, 1988.
Rosen, Baruch. “Early Israelite Cultic Centres in the Hill Country.” Vetus Testamentum 38 (January 1988): 114-17.
Rosen, Debra, and Alison Salvesen. “A Note on the Qumran Temple Scroll 56:15-18 and Psalm of Solomon 17:33.” Journal of Jewish Studies 38 (Spring 1987): 99-101.
[Israel/Qumran/Temple Scroll]
Rosen, Georg. Das Haram von Jerusalem und der Tempelplatz des Moria. Eine Untersuchung uber die Identitat beider Statten. Gotha: Besser, 1866.
Rosen, Leora Nadine. “Temple and Holiness in 1 Corinthians 5.” Tyndale Bulletin 42 (1991): 137-45.
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Rosenau, Helen. “The Synagogue and the Diaspora.” Palestine Exploration Quarterly 69 (1937): 196-202; 23 (1972): 72-81.
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Rosenfeld, Ben Zion. “Sage and Temple in Rabbinic Thought After the Destruction of the Second Temple.” Journal for the Study of Judaism in the Persian, Hellenistic, and Roman Period 28, no. 4 (1997): 437-64.
[Israel/Second Temple/Destruction]
Rosner, Brian S. “Temple Prostitution in 1 Corinthians 6:12-20.” Novum Testamentum 40 (October 1998): 336-51.
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Rost, Leonhard. “Die Wohnstatte des Zeugnisses.” In Festschrift F. Baumgartel, Erlanger Forschungen, Reihe A: Geisteswissenshaften, 10, edited by J. Hermann, 158-65. Erlangen: n.p., 1959.
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[Israel/Second Temple/Furnishings]
Rothkoff, Aaron. “Sacrifice.” In Encyclopedia Judaica, edited by Cecil Roth, 14:599-615. 17 vols. Jerusalem: Macmillan, 1971-1982.
Rothkoff, Aaron. “Sacrifice: Second Temple Period.” In Encyclopedia Judaica, edited by Cecil Roth, 14:607-12. 17 vols. Jerusalem: Macmillan, 1971-1982.
[Israel/Second Temple/Sacrifice/Offerings]
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[Sacred Vestments]
Roulstone, Darren T. “The Pervasiveness of the Temple in Religious Thought.” FARMS Review of Books 13, no. 2 (2001): 79-86.
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Rousseau, John J., and Rami Arav. “Temple, Solomon’s Portico.” In Jesus and His World: An Archaeological and Cultural Dictionary, 303-304. Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 1995.
Rousseau, John J., and Rami Arav. “Temple, Stairs and Gates.” In Jesus and His World: An Archaeological and Cultural Dictionary, 304-309. Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 1995.
Rousseau, John J., and Rami Arav. “Temple, Treasury.” In Jesus and His World: An Archaeological and Cultural Dictionary, 309-11. Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 1995.
Rousseau, John J., and Rami Arav. “Temple, Trumpeting Place.” In Jesus and His World: An Archaeological and Cultural Dictionary, 311-12. Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 1995.
Rousseau, John J., and Rami Arav. “Temple, Warning Signs.” In Jesus and His World: An Archaeological and Cultural Dictionary, 312-13. Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 1995.
Routledge, Robin. “Passover and Last Supper.” Tyndale Bulletin 53, no. 2 (2002): 203-21.
Rouwhorst, Gerard. “Liturgical Time and Space in Early Christianity in Light of Their Jewish Background.” In Sanctity of Time and Space in Tradition and Modernity. Jewish & Christian Perspective Series 1, edited by A. Houtman, M. Poorthuis, and J. Schwartz, 265-84. Leiden: Brill, 1998.
[Israel/Christian/Ritual/Liturgy/Worship/Sacred Space]
Rowe, Alan. Discovery of the Famous Temple and Enclosure of Serapis at Alexandria. Supplement aux Annales de Service, cahier no. 2. Cairo: Imprimerie de l’Institut francais d’archeologie orientale, 1946.
→Rowe, Alan. “Excavations at Beisan During the 1927 Season. Two Temples of Thothmes III, Etc.” Palestine Exploration Quarterly 60 (April 1928): 73-90.
[Israel/Beth Shean/Canaanite/Egypt/Design]
→Rowe, Alan. “The Famous Solar-City of On.” Palestine Exploration Quarterly 94 (December 1962): 133-42.
Rowe, Alan. The Four Canaanite Temples of Bethshan. Part 1: Temples and Cult Objects. Volume 1. Philadelphia: University Press for the University of Pennsylvania Museum, 1940.
[Israel/Canaan/Beth Shean]
Rowe, Alan., and Pere L. H. Vincent. “New Light on the Evolution of Canaanite Temples as Exemplified by Restorations of the Sanctuaries Found at Beth-Shan.” Palestine Exploration Quarterly 63 (1931): 12-21.
[Israel/Canaan/Beth Shean]
Rowley, Harold H. “Hezekiah’s Reform and Rebellion.” Bulletin of the John Rylands Library 44 (1961-62): 395-431. Also in Men of God: Studies in Old Testament History and Prophecy, 98-132. London: Nelson, 1963.
Rowley, Harold H. “The Meaning of Sacrifice in the Old Testament.” Bulletin of the John Rylands Library 33 (February 1950): 74-110.
Rowley, Harold H. “Melchizedek and Zadok (Gen 14 and Ps 110).” In Festschrift Alfred Bertholet zum 80. Geburtstag gewidmet von Kollegen und Freunden, edited by Walter Baumgartner et al., 461-72. Tubingen: Mohr, 1950.
Rowley, Harold H. “Ritual and the Hebrew Prophets.” Journal of Semitic Studies 1 (1956): 338-60. Also in Myth, Ritual, and Kingship: Essays on the Theory and Practice of Kingship in the Ancient Near East and In Israel, edited by S. H. Hooke, 236-60. Oxford: The Clarendon Press, 1958.
Rowley, Harold H. “Sanballat and the Samaritan Temple.” Bulletin of the John Rylands Library 38 (1955-56): 166-98.
Rowley, Harold H. Worship in Ancient Israel: Its Forms and Meaning. Edward Cadbury Lectures 1965. Philadelphia: Fortress, 1967.
Rowley, Harold H. “Zadok and Nehushtan.” Journal of Biblical Literature 58 (1939): 113-41.
Rowland, Christopher C. “The Second Temple: Focus of Ideological Struggle?” In Templum Amicitiae: Essays on the Second Temple Presented to Ernst Bammel, edited by William Horbury, 175-98. Sheffield: JSOT Press, 1991.
[Israel/Second Temple/Theology]
Rowland, Christopher. “The Temple in the New Testament.” In Temple and Worship in Biblical Israel. Proceedings of the Oxford Old Testament Seminar, edited by John Day, 469-83. London: T&T Clark, 2007.
Rowland, Christopher. “The Visions of God in Apocalyptic Literature.” Journal for the Study of Judaism 10 (December 1979): 137-54.
Rowland, Christopher C., and Christopher R. A. Morray-Jones. The Mystery of God: Early Jewish Mysticism and the New Testament. Edited by Pieter Willem van der Horst and Peter J. Tomson. Compendia Rerum Idaicarum ad Novum Testamentum 12. Leiden: Brill, 2009.
Rowton, M. B. “The Date of the Founding of Solomon’s Temple.” Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research 119 (1950): 20-22.
Royall, Paul F. Address. In First Annual Priesthood Genealogical Research Seminar Devotional Addresses, 1-3. Provo, UT: Brigham Young University, 1967.
[Mormon/Salvation of the Dead]
Royall, Paul F. Address. First Annual Priesthood Genealogical Research Seminar devotional Addresses, 26-35. Provo, UT: Brigham Young University, 1967.
[Mormon/Salvation of the Dead]
Royall, Paul F. “God’s Work Shall be Accomplished.” In Genealogical Research Seminar Devotional Addresses and Priesthood Instruction, 31-40. Provo, UT: Brigham Young University Press, 1968.
[Mormon/Salvation of the Dead]
Royall, Paul F. “That Our Children May Know.” Ensign 1 (October 1971): 6-8.
[Mormon/Salvation of the Dead]
Rubenstein, Jeffrey L. “The Sadducees and the Water Libation.” Jewish Quarterly Review 84 (1994): 413-40.
Rubenstein, Jeffrey L. “The History of Sukkot During the Second Temple and Rabbinic Periods: Studies in the Continuity and Change of a Festival.” PhD diss., Columbia University, 1992.
Rubenstein, Jeffrey L. “Sukkot, Eschatology and Zechariah 14.” Review Biblique 103 (1996): 161-95.
Rubenstein, Shmuel L. The Service in the Beis HaMikdosh. New York: Rubenstein, 1975.
Rubin, Benjamin B. “The Roman Imperial Cult in Asia Minor.” PhD diss., University of Michigan, 2008.
Rubin, Nissan, and Admiel Kosman. “The Clothing of the Primordial Adam as a Symbol of Apocalyptic Time in the Midrashic Sources.” Harvard Theological Review 90, no. 2 (April 1997): 155-74.
[Eden/Sacred Vestments/Symbolism]
→Rudnig, Thilo Alexander. “Konig ohne Tempel 2 Samuel 7 in Tradition und Redaktion (German).” Vetus Testamentum 61 (July 2011): 426-46.
Rudolph, Wilhelm. “Problems of the Books of Chronicles.” Vetus Testamentum 4 (October1954): 401-9.
Ruffini, Ernesto. “Il tempio di Gerusalemme.” In Conferenze hibliche, 138-57. Rome: Libreria editrice Ancora, 1966.
Ruger, H. P. “Tempel.” In Biblisch-historisches Handworterbuch, edited by Bo Reicke and L. Rost, 3:1940-47. Gottingen: Vandenhoeck and Ruprecht, 1966.
Ruggieri Tricoli, Maria C. Acropoli e Mito. Palermo: Flaccovio, 1979.
Runesson, Anders. “Water and Worship: Ostia and the Ritual Bath in the Diaspora Synagogue.” In The Synagogue of Ancient Ostia and the Jews of Rome: Interdisciplinary Studies, edited by B. Olsson, O. Brandt, and D. Mitternacht, 115-29. ActaRom-40 57. Stockholm: Paul Astroms, 2001.
Runesson, Anders, Donald D. Binder, and Birger Olsson. “Jewish Temples Outside Jerusalem.” In The Ancient Synagogue from its Origins to 200 C.E.: A Source Book, 274-94. Leiden: Brill, 2010.
[Israel/Near East/Mesopotamia/Egypt/Canaan]
Runnalls, Donna. “The King as Temple Builder: A Messianic Typology.” In Spirit Within Structure: Essays in Honor of George Johnston, edited by E. J. Furcha, 15-37. Allison Park, PA: Pickwick, 1983.
Runnalls, Donna. “The Parwar: A Place of Ritual Separation?” Vetus Testamentum 41 (July 1991): 324-31.
→Rupp, David W. “Reflections on the Development of Altars in the Eighth Century BC.” In The Greek Renaissance of the Eighth Century B.C.: Tradition and Innovation: Proceedings of the Second International Symposium at the Swedish Institute in Athens, 1-5 June, 1981, edited by Robin Hagg, 101-107. Stockholm: Svenska Institutet in Athen,1983.
Rupprecht, Konrad. “Nachrichten von Erweiterung und Renovierung des Tempels in 1 Konige 6.” Zeitschift des deutschen Palastina-Vereins 88 (1972): 38-52.
Rupprecht, Konrad. Der Tempel von Jerusalem: Griindung Salomos oder jebusitisches Erbe. Berlin: de Gruyter, 1976.
Rupprecht, Konrad. “Die Zuverlassigkeit der Uberlieferung von Salomos Tempelgriindung.” Zeitschrift fur die alttestamentliche Wissenschaft 89 (1977): 205-14.
Russell, Norman. The Doctrine of Deification in the Greek Patristic Tradition. Oxford Early Christian Studies, edited by Gillian Clark and Andrew Louth. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2004.
→Rutkowski, Bogdan. Cult Places in the Aegean World. Academia Scientiarum Poloma, Bibliotheca Antiqua 10. Warsaw: Zakad Narodowy, 1972.
→Rutkowski, Bogdan. Cult Places of the Aegean. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 1986.
Rutschmann, La Verne A. “Altar and Sacrifice in the Old Testament Nomadic Period with Relation to Sacred Space and Sacred Time.” PhD diss., Southern California School of Theology at Claremont, 1962.
[Israel/Sinai/Canaan/Sacrifice/Offerings/Sacred Space]
Ryan, Sean Michael. “In Animate Praise: The Heavenly Temple Liturgy of the Apocalypse and The Songs of the Sabbath Sacrifice.” Scripture Bulletin 62, no. 1 (January 2012): 13-25.
[Israel/Christian/Heavenly Temple/Ritual/Liturgy/Worship]
Ryckmans, Jacques. “Sacrifices, offrandes et rites connexes en Arabic du Sud pre-islamique.” In Ritual and Sacrifice in the Ancient Near East: Proceedings of the International Conference Organized by the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven from the 17th to the 20th April of 1991, edited by J. Quaegebeur, 355-80. Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta 55. Leuven: Peeters en Department Orientalistick, 1993.
[Near East/Sacrifice/Ritual]
Ryken, Lenald, James C. Wilhoit and Tremper Longman III, eds., “Altar.” In Dictionary of Biblical Imagery, 20-21. Downers Grove/Leicester: InterVarsity Press, 1998.
Ryken, Lenald, James C. Wilhoit and Tremper Longman III, eds., “Anointing.” In Dictionary of Biblical Imagery, 33-34. Downers Grove/Leicester: InterVarsity Press, 1998.
Ryken, Lenald, James C. Wilhoit and Tremper Longman III, eds., “Ark of the Covenant.” In Dictionary of Biblical Imagery, 42-3. Downers Grove/Leicester: InterVarsity Press, 1998.
Ryken, Leland, James C. Wilhoit and Tremper Longman III, eds. Dictionary of Biblical Imagery. Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 1998.
Ryken, Lenald, James C. Wilhoit and Tremper Longman III, eds., “Garments.” In Dictionary of Biblical Imagery, 317-20. Downers Grove/Leicester: InterVarsity Press, 1998.
[Israel/Sacred Vestments/Symbolism]
Ryken, Lenald, James C. Wilhoit and Tremper Longman III, eds., “Hand.” In Dictionary of Biblical Imagery, 360-62. Downers Grove/Leicester: InterVarsity Press, 1998.
Ryken, Lenald, James C. Wilhoit and Tremper Longman III, eds., “Sacred Space.” In Dictionary of Biblical Imagery, 748-49. Downers Grove/Leicester: InterVarsity Press, 1998.
[Israel/Sacred Space]
Ryken, Lenald, James C. Wilhoit and Tremper Longman III, eds., “Sacrifice.” In Dictionary of Biblical Imagery, 749-50. Downers Grove/Leicester: InterVarsity Press, 1998.
Ryken, Lenald, James C. Wilhoit and Tremper Longman III, eds., “Seal.” In Dictionary of Biblical Imagery, 766. Downers Grove/Leicester: InterVarsity Press, 1998.
Ryken, Lenald, James C. Wilhoit and Tremper Longman III, eds., “Tabernacle.” In Dictionary of Biblical Imagery, 837-40. Downers Grove/Leicester: InterVarsity Press, 1998.
Ryken, Lenald, James C. Wilhoit and Tremper Longman III, eds., “Temple.” In Dictionary of Biblical Imagery, 849-51. Downers Grove/Leicester: InterVarsity Press, 1998.
[Israel/Solomon/Second Temple/Herod]
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Sabourin, Leopold. “The Biblical Cloud: Terminology and Traditions.” Biblical Theology Bulletin: A Journal of Bible and Theology 4 (October 1974): 290-311.
[Near East/Sinai/Israel/Presence]
Sabourin, Leopold. “Liturgie du Sanctuaire et de la Tente Veritable (Heb. viii, 2).” New Testament Studies 18 (1971-72): 87-90.
Sabourin, Leopold. “Novum Templum.” Verbum Domini 47 (1969): 65-82.
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Sabourin, Leopold. “Sacrificium ut liturgia in Epistula ad Hebraeos.” Verbum Domini 46 (1968): 235-58.
Sabourin, Leopold. “The Temple and the Cult in Late Judaism.” Religious Studies Bulletin 1 (1981): 33-37.
[Israel/Second Temple]
Sacchi, Paolo. “Measuring Time Among the Jews: The Zadokite Priesthood, Enochism, and the Lay Tendencies of the Maccabean Period.” In The Early Enoch Literature, edited by Gabriele Boccaccini and John Collins, 95-118. Supplements to the Journal for the Study of Judaism 121. Leiden: Brill, 2007.
Sacchi, Paolo. “Scoperta di un nuovo rotolo in Palestina (Rotolo del Tempio).” Revista di Storia e Letteratura Religiosa 3 (1967): 579-80.
[Israel/Qumran/Temple Scroll]
Safrai, Shmuel. “Contribution to the History of Ritual in the Second Temple” (in Hebrew). In Yerushalayim, 2:5:35-41. 2 vols. Jerusalem: Rabbi Kook Foundation, 1955.
[Israel/Second Temple/Ritual/Liturgy/Worship]
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Safrai, Shmuel. “The Duty of Pilgrimage to Jerusalem and Its Performance During the Period of the Second Temple” (in Hebrew). Zion 25 (1960): 67-84.
Safrai, Shmuel. “The Festival of Pentecost in the Time of the Second Temple” (in Hebrew). In The Book of Festivals, edited by Z. Ariel, 313-15. Tel-Aviv: Am Oved, 1967.
Safrai, Shmuel. “The Heavenly Jerusalem.” Ariel 23 (1969): 11-16.
[Israel/Heavenly Temple]
Safrai, Shmuel. “Jerusalem and the Temple in the Tannaitic Literature of the First Generation after the Destruction of the Temple.” In Sanctity of Time and Space in Tradition and Modernity, edited by A. Houtman, M. Poorthuis and J. Schwartz, 135-52. Jewish & Christian Perspective Series 1. Leiden: Brill, 1998.
Safrai, Shmuel. “Jews of Eretz-Israel During the Second Commonwealth and the Talmudic Period.” In History of Eretz-Israel from Prehistory up to 1882, edited by Joel Rappel, 291-304. Tel-Avi: Ministry of Defense, 1980.
Safrai, Shmuel. Ha-Mikdash bi-Tekufat ha-Bayit ha-Sheni. Jerusalem: ha-Sokhut ha-Yehudit, 1958/1959.
Safrai, Shmuel. “Pilgrimage to Jerusalem at the End of the Second Temple Period.” In Studies on the Jewish Background of the New Testament, 12-21. Assen: van Gorcum, 1969.
[Israel/Second Temple/Festivals/Ritual/Liturgy/Worship]
Safrai, Shmuel. “Pilgrimage, Second Temple Period.” In Encyclopedia Judaica, edited by Cecil Roth,13:510-14. 17 vols. Jerusalem: Macmillan, 1971-1982.
[Israel/Second Temple/Festivals/Ritual/Liturgy/Worship]
Safrai, Shmuel. “Pilgrimage to the Temple at the Time of the Second Temple.” Emmanuel: Bulletin of Religious Thought and Research in Israel 5 (1975): 51-62.
[Israel/Second Temple/Festivals/Ritual/Liturgy/Worship]
Safrai, Shmuel. Pilgrimages during the Second Temple Period (in Hebrew). Jerusalem: Hebrew University, 1958.
[Israel/Second Temple/Festivals/Ritual/Liturgy/Worship]
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[Israel/Second Temple/Festivals/Ritual/Liturgy/Worship]
Safrai, Shmuel. “Pilgrimage to Jerusalem at the End of the Second Temple Period.” In Studies on the Jewish Background of the New Testament, edited by O. Michel, and Shmuel Safrai, 12-21. Assen, Netherlands: Van Gorcum, 1969.
[Israel/Second Temple/Festivals/Ritual/Liturgy/Worship]
Safrai, Shmuel. “Pilgrims in Jerusalem in Second Temple Times” (in Hebrew). In Jerusalem–The Holy City and the Temple, 98-110. Jerusalem: Mossad Harav Kook and Jerusalem Municipality, 1977.
[Israel/Second Temple/Festivals/Ritual/Liturgy/Worship]
Safrai, Shmuel. Pilgrims to Jerusalem during the Time of the Second Temple (in Hebrew). Jerusalem: Ministry of Education and Culture, 1976.
[Israel/Second Temple/Festivals/Ritual/Liturgy/Worship]
Safrai, Shmuel. “The Ritual in the Second Temple.” In Sefer Yerushalayim, edited by Michael Avi-Yonah. 369-91. Jerusalem and Tel-Aviv: Bialik Institute, 1956.
Safrai, Shmuel. “Die Stellung des Zweiten Tempels des Volkes.” Freiburger Rundbrief 28, no. 105-8 (1976): 158-65.
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Safrai, Shmuel. “Der Tempel.” In Das judische Volk im Zeitalter des zweiten Tempels, 56-60. Neukirchen-Vluyn: Neukirchener, 1978.
Safrai, Shmuel. “The Temple.” In The Jewish People in the First Century, edited by S. Safrai and M. Stern, 2: 865-907. 2 vols. Assen, Netherlands: Van Gorcum, 1974-76.
[Israel/Solomon/Second Temple/Herod]
Safrai, Shmuel. “The Temple.” In The Jewish People in the First Century 2, edited by Shmuel Safrai and Michael Stern, 865-907. Assen: van Gorcum, 1976.
Safrai, Shmuel. “The Temple and the Divine Service.” In The World History of the Jewish People, 7: The Herodian Period, edited by Michael Avi-Yonah, 282-337. Jerusalem: Masada, 1975.
Safrai, Shmuel. “Temple: Ritual.” In Encyclopedia Judaica (in Hebrew), edited by M. Berenbaum and F. Skolnik, 15:970-83. Detroit: Macmillan Reference, 2007.
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[Israel/Solomon/Second Temple/Herod]
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[Israel/Canaan/Sacred Space]
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[Israel/Herod/Christian/New Temple]
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[Christian/Salvation of the Dead]
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[Israel/Mesopotamia/Second Temple/Ascent]
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[Near East/Canaan]
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[Israel/Second Temple/Theology]
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[Israel/Solomon/Second Temple/Herod]
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[Israel/Solomon/Second Temple/Herod]
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[Mormon/Theology/Salvation of the Dead/Covenant]
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[Israel/Solomon/Second Temple/Herod/Mountain]
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[Israel/Second Temple]
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[Israel/Mesopotamia/Second Temple/Kingship]
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[Israel/Sacred Vestments]
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[Israel/Sacred Space]
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[Israel/Qumran/Temple Scroll/Architecture]
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[Israel/Qumran/Temple Scroll]
Schiffman, Lawrence H. “The Case of the Day of Atonement Ritual.” In Biblical Perspectives: Early Use and Interpretation of the Bible in Light of the Dead Sea Scrolls. Proceedings of the First International Symposium of the Orion Center for the Study of the Dead Sea Scrolls and Associated Literature, 12-14 May, 1996, 181-88. Studies on the Texts of the Desert of Judah 28. Leiden: Brill, 1998.
Schiffman, Lawrence H. “Community Without Temple: The Qumran Community’s Withdrawal from the Jerusalem Temple.” In Gemeinde ohne Tempel; zur Substituierung und Transformation des Jerusalemer Temples und seines Kults im Alten Testament, antiken Judentum und fruhen Christentum, 267-84. Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament 118. Tubingen: Mohr/Siebeck, 1999.
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[Israel/Qumran/Temple Scroll/Design/Construction]
Schiffman, Lawrence H. The Courtyards of the House of the Lord: Studies on the Temple Scroll. Studies on the Texts of the Desert of Judah 75, edited by Florentino Garcia Martinez. Leiden: Brill, 2008.
[Israel/Qumran/Temple Scroll/Design/Measurement]
Schiffman, Lawrence H. “Descriptions of the Jerusalem Temple in Josephus and the Temple Scroll.” In Historical Perspectives: From the Hasmoneans to Bar Kokhba in Light of the Dead Sea Scrolls. Proceedings of the Fourth International Symposium of the Orion Center for the Study of the Dead Sea Scrolls and Associated Literature, 27-31 January 1999, 69-82. Boston: Brill, 1992.
[Israel/Herod/Qumran/Temple Scroll]
Schiffman, Lawrence H. “The Early History of Jewish Liturgy and the Dead Sea Scrolls.” In Gemeinde ohne Tempel; zur Substituierung und Transformation des Jerusalemer Temples und seines Kults im Alten Testament, antiken Judentum und fruhen Christentum, 219-34. Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament 118. Tubingen: Mohr/Siebeck, 1999.
LSchiffman, Lawrence H. “[Hebrew word] in the Temple Scroll.” In Pomegranates and Golden Bells: Studies in Biblical, Jewish, and Near Eastern Ritual, Law, and Literature in Honor of Jacob Milgrom, edited by David P. Wright, David Noel Freedman and Avi Hurvitz, 39-48. Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns, 1995.
[Israel/Qumran/Temple Scroll]
Schiffman, Lawrence H. “The Enigma of the Temple Scroll.” In Reclaiming The Dead Sea Scrolls, 257-71. New York: Doubleday, 1994.
[Israel/Qumran/Temple Scroll]
Schiffman, Lawrence H. “The Furnishings of the Temple According to the Temple Scroll.” In The Madrid Qumran Congress. Proceedings of the International Congress on the Dead Sea Scrolls. Madrid 18-21 March, 1991, edited by Julio Trebolle Barrera and Luis Vegas Montaner, 2:621-34. Leiden: Brill, 1992.
[Israel/Qumran/Temple Scroll/Furnishings]
Schiffman, Lawrence H. “Holiness and Sanctity in the Dead Sea Scrolls.” In Gemeinde ohne Tempel; zur Substituierung und Transformation des Jerusalemer Temples und seines Kults im Alten Testament, antiken Judentum und fruhen Christentum, 256-69. Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament 118. Tubingen: Mohr/Siebeck, 1999. Also in A Holy People: Jewish and Christian Perspectives on Religious Communal Identity, edited by Marcel J. H. M. Poorthuis and Joshua Schwartz, 53-67. Jewish and Christian Perspectives 12. Leiden: Brill, 2006.
Schiffman, Lawrence H. “The House of the Laver in the Temple Scroll.” Eretz-Israel 26 (1999): 169-75. Also in Frank Moore Cross Volume, edited by Baruch A. Levine, Philip J. King, Joseph Naveh, and Ephraim Stern, 169-75. Eretz-Israel 26. Jerusalem: Israel Exploration Society, 1999.
[Israel/Qumran/Temple Scroll/Furnishings]
Schiffman, Lawrence H. “Ir ha-Miqdash’ and its Meaning in the Temple Scroll and other Qumran Texts.” In Sanctity of Time and Space in Tradition and Modernity, edited by A. Houtman, M. JH. H. M. Poorthuis, and J. Schwartz, 95-109. Leiden: Brill, 1998.
[Israel/Qumran/Temple Scroll/Sacred Space]
Schiffman, Lawrence H. “The Milluim Ceremony in the Temple Scroll.” In New Qumran Texts and Studies: Proceedings of the First Meeting of the International Organization for Qumran Studies, Paris, 1992, edited by George J. Brooke and Florentino Garcia Martinez, 255-72. Leiden: Brill, 1994.
[Israel/Qumran/Temple Scroll/Ritual]
Schiffman, Lawrence H. “Ola and hatta’t in the Temple Scroll.” In Pomegranates and Golden Bells: Studies in Biblical, Jewish, and Near Eastern Ritual, Law, and Literature in Honor of Jacob Milgrom, edited by David P. Wright, David Noel Freedman and Avi Hurvitz, 39-48. Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns, 1995.
[Israel/Qumran/Temple Scroll/Sacrifice/Offerings]
Schiffman, Lawrence H. “Priests.” In Harper’s Bible Dictionary, edited by Paul J. Achtemeier, 821-23. San Francisco: Harper & Row, 1985.
Schiffman, Lawrence H. “The Relationship of the Zadokite Fragments to the Temple Scroll.” In The Damascus Document: A Centennial of Discovery. Proceedings of the Third International Symposium of The Orion Center, 4-8 February, 1998, edited by Joseph M. Baumgarten, Esther G. Chazon, and Avital Pinnick, 133-45. Studies on the Texts of the Desert of Judah 34. Leiden: Brill, 2000.
[Israel/Qumran/Temple Scroll]
Schiffman, Lawrence H. “Sacral and Non-Sacral Slaughter According to the Temple Scroll.” In Time to Prepare the Way in the Wilderness: Papers on the Qumran Scrolls by Fellows of the Institute for Advanced Studies of the Hebrew University, Jerusalem, 1989-1990, edited by Devorah Dimant and Lawrence H. Schiffman, 69-84. Leiden: Brill, 1995.
[Israel/Qumran/Temple Scroll/Sacrifice/Offerings]
Shiffman, Lawrence H. “The Sacrificial System of the Temple Scroll and the Book of Jubilees.” Society of Biblical Literature 1985 Seminar Papers 24 (1985): 216-33.
[Israel/Qumran/Temple Scroll/Sacrifice/Offerings]
Schiffman, Lawrence H. “The Septuagint and the Temple Scroll : Shared ‘Halakhic’ Variants.” Septuagint, Scrolls and Cognate Writings, 277-97. Atlanta: Scholars, 1992.
[Israel/Qumran/Temple Scroll/Ritual/Liturgy/Worship]
Schiffman, Lawrence H. “Some Laws Pertaining to Animals in Temple Scroll Column 52.” In Legal Texts and Legal Issues, edited by Moshe J. Bernstein, Florentino Garcia Martinez, and John Kampen, 167-78. Studies on the Texts of the Desert of Judah 23. Leiden: Brill, 1997.
[Israel/Qumran/Temple Scroll/Sacrifice/Offerings]
Schiffman, Lawrence H. “Temple, Sacrifice and Priesthood in the Epistle to the Hebrews and the Dead Sea Scrolls.” In Echoes from the Caves: Qumran and the New Testament, edited by Florentino García Martínez, 165-76. Studies on the Texts of the Desert of Judah 85. Leiden: Brill, 2009.
Schiffman, Lawrence H. “Temple Scroll.” In The Anchor Bible Dictionary, edited by David Noel Freedman, 6:348-50. 6 vols. New York: Doubleday, 1992.
[Israel/Qumran/Temple Scroll]
Schiffman, Lawrence H. “The Temple Scroll and the Halakhic Pseudepigrapha of the Second Temple Period.” In Pseudepigraphical Perspectives: Proceedings of the Second International Symposium of the Orion Center for the Study of the Dead Sea Scrolls and Associated Literature, edited by E. G. Chazon and M. E. Stone, with the collaboration of Avital Pinnick, 91-120. Studies on the Texts of the Desert of Judah 31. Leiden: Brill, 1999.
[Israel/Qumran/Temple Scroll]
Schiffman, Lawrence H. “The Temple Scroll: A Utopian Temple Plan for Second Temple Times.” In The Temple of Jerusalem, from Moses to the Messiah: Studies in Honor of Professor Louis H. Feldman, edited by Steven Fine, 45-56. Brill Reference Library of Judaism 29. Leiden: Brill Academic, 2011.
[Israel/Qumran/Temple Scroll/New Temple/Heavenly Temple]
Schiffman, Lawrence H. “The Theology of the Temple Scroll.” Jewish Quarterly Review 85, nos. 1-2 (1995): 109-23.
[Israel/Qumran/Temple Scroll/Theology]
Schiffman, Lawrence H. “The Unfinished Scroll: A Reconsideration of the End of the Temple Scroll.” Dead Sea Discoveries 15, no. 1 (2008): 67-78.
[Israel/Qumran/Temple Scroll]
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[Israel/Qumran/Temple Scroll]
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[Israel/Ezekiel/New Temple]
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[Israel/Christian/New Temple]
Schmitt, John J. “Israel as Son of God in Torah.” Biblical Theology Bulletin: A Journal of Bible and Theology 34 (May 2004): 69-79.
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Schneiders, Sandra M. “The Face Veil: A Johannine Sign (John 20:1-10).” Biblical Theology Bulletin: A Journal of Bible and Theology 13 (August 1983): 94-97.
[Israel/Christian/Sacred Vestments]
Schneiders, Sandra M. “The Foot Washing (John 13:1-2): An Experiment in Hermeneutics.” Catholic Biblical Quarterly 43 (1981): 76-92.
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[Christian/New Temple]
Schneiders, Sandra M. “Symbolism and the Sacramental Principle in the Fourth Gospel.” In Segni E. Sacramenti Nel Vangelo Di Giovanni, edited by Pius-Ramon Tragan, 221-35. Rome: Editrice Anselmiana, 1977.
Schnellbacher, E. L. “The Temple as the Focus of Mark’s Theology.” Horizons in Biblical Theology 5, no. 2 (1983): 95-112.
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Schniedewind, William M. “King and Priest in the Book of Chronicles and the Duality of Qumran Messianism.” Journal of Jewish Studies 45 (Spring 1994): 71-78.
Schniedewind, William M. “Textual Criticism and Theological Interpretation : The Pro-Temple Tendenz. in the Greek Text of Samuel-Kings.” Harvard Theological Review 87 (1994): 107-16.
Schnoebelen, William J., and James R. Spencer. Whited Sepulchers: The Hidden Language of the Mormon Temple. Boise, ID: Triple J Publishers, 1990.
Schoeps, H.-J. “Die Tempelzerstorung des Jahres 70 in der jiidischen Religionsgeschichte.” In Coniectanea Neotestamentica, 6:1-45. Uppsala: Seminarium Neotestamentium Upsaliense, 1942. Also in Schoeps, Aus fruhchristlicher Zeit. 144-83. Tubingen: Mohr, 1950.
Schoetz, Dionys. Schuld und Sundopferim alten Testament. Breslau: Mueller and Sieffert, 1930.
→Schofield, J. N. “The Samaritan Passover.” Palestine Exploration Quarterly 68 (April 1936): 39-40.
[Israel/Samaritan/Festivals/Ritual Worship/Sacrifice]
Scholander, Hans. Det israelitiska offrets upploesning. Lund: Ohlssons, 1909.
Scholem, Gershom G. Jewish Gnosticism, Merkabah Mysticism, and Talmudic Tradition. 2nd ed. New York: Jewish Theological Seminary of America, 1965.
[Israel/Mysticism/Sacred Vestments]
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Scholes, Joseph F. “The Law of Moses and Latter-day Exaltation.” In A Symposium on the Old Testament, 147-49. Salt Lake City: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1983.
Schonberg, D. “The Temple.” Turtle–A New Jewish Arts Magazine 4 (1972): 42-53.
[Israel/Solomon/Second Temple/Herod]
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[Israel/Priesthood/Ritual/ Liturgy/Worship]
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[Israel/Solomon/Second Temple/Herod]
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[Israel/Solomon/Theology/New Temple]
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[Israel/Second Temple]
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[Israel/Second Temple]
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[Israel/Solomon/Sacrifice/Second Temple]
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[Israel/Second Temple]
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[Israel/Second Temple/Herod/Construction]
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[Israel/Heavenly Temple/Sacred Space]
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[Mormon/Salvation of the Dead]
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[Israel/Sacred Vestments]
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[Israel/Sacred Vestments]
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[Greek/Near East/Mesopotamia]
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[Israel/Qumran/Temple Scroll]
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[Eden/Guardian/Sacred Vestments]
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[Israel/Islam/Sacred Space/Ablutions]
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[Israel/Qumran/Copper Scroll/Offerings]
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[Israel/Qumran/Temple Scroll]
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[Israel/Qumran/Temple Scroll]
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[Israel/Second Temple/Mountain]
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[Israel/Qumran/Christian/New Temple/Heavenly Temple]
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[Greek/Symbolism/Sacred Space]
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[Near East/Ritual/Liturgy/Worship/Furnishings]
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Shea, William H. “The Relationship Between the Prophecies of Daniel 8 and Daniel 9.” In The Sanctuary and the Atonement: Biblical, Historical, and Theological Studies, edited by Arnold V. Wallenkampf and W. Richard Lesher, 228-50. Washington, D.C.: The Review and Herald Publishing Association, 1981.
→Shedletsky, Lauren. “Josiah’s Reform and the Dynamics of Defilement: A Phenomenological Approach to II Kings 23.” PhD diss., New York University, 2004.
Shemesh, Aharon. “‘The Holy Angels are in Their Council”: The Exclusion of Deformed Persons from Holy Places in Qumranic and Rabbinic Literature.” Dead Sea Discoveries 4 (July 1997): 179-206.
[Israel/Qumran/Sacred Space]
Shemesh, Aharon. “‘Three-Days’ Journey from the Temple’: The Use of this Expression in the Temple Scroll.” Dead Sea Discoveries 6 (1999): 126-38.
[Israel/Qumran/Temple Scroll]
Shepardson, Christine. “Paschal Politics: Deploying the Temple’s Destruction Against Fourth-Century Judaizers.” Vigiliae Christianae 62, no. 3 (2008): 233-60.
Shepherd, M. H. “Origin of the Church’s Liturgy.” Studia Liturgica 1 (1962): 83-100.
Shepherd, Tom. “The Cursing of the Fig Tree and the Cleansing of the Temple, Mark 11:12-25.” In “The Definition and Function of Markan Intercalation as Illustrated in a Narrative Analysis of Six Passages,” 209-41. PhD diss., Andrews University, 1991.
Shepherd, Tom. “The Passion Plot and the Anointing at Bethany in Mark 14:1-11.” In “The Definition and Function of Markan Intercalation as Illustrated in a Narrative Analysis of Six Passages,” 241-66. PhD diss., Andrews University, 1991.
Sheres, Ita., and Anne K. Blau. The Truth About the Virgin: Sex and Ritual in the Dead Sea Scrolls. New York: Continuum, 1995.
Sherlock, Charles. “Ezekiel 10: A Prophet Surprised.” Reformed Theological Review 42 (1983): 42-44.
Sherwood, Aaron. “The Restoration of Humanity: Temple Cosmology, Worship and Israel-Nations Unification in Biblical, Second Temple and Pauline Traditions.” PhD diss., Durham University, 2010.
[Israel/New Temple/Theology/Cosmology]
Shields, Steven L. “The Temple of the Lord: A History of the Temple of the Church of Christ (Temple Lot).” John Whitmer Historical Association Journal 28 (2008): 114-27.
Shiloh, Y. “Iron Age Sanctuaries and Cult Elements in Palestine.” In Symposia Celebrating the Seventy-Fifth Anniversary of the American Schools of Oriental Research, edited by Frank M. Cross, 147-57. Cambridge: American Schools of Oriental Research, 1979.
Shimron, Aryeh, and Orit Peleg-Barkat. “New Evidence of the Royal Stoa and Roman Flames.” Biblical Archaeology Review 36 (March/April 2010): 56-62.
[Israel/Herod/ Destruction]
Shiner, Larry E. “Sacred Space, Profane Space, Human Space.” Journal of the American Academy of Religion 40 (1972): 425-36.
[Sacred Space]
Shirts, Kathryn H. “Priesthood and Salvation: Is D&C 84 a Revelation for Women Too?” Sunstone 15 (September 1991): 20-27.
Shoemaker, Thomas R. “Unveiling of Equality: 1 Corinthians 11:2-16.” Biblical Theology Bulletin: A Journal of Bible and Theology 17 (May 1987): 60-63.
[Israel/Christian/Sacred Vestments]
Shohat, A. “Pilgrimages to Jerusalem (up to the End of the Second Temple)” (in Hebrew). In Jerusalem–Quarterly Devoted to the Study of Jerusalem and Its History 1 (1948): 21-37.
Shorter, Alan W. “Reliefs Showing the Coronation of Ramesses II.” Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 20 (1934): 18-19.
Shrawley, J. H. ed. St. Ambrose “On the Mysteries” and The Treatise “On the Sacraments” (by an Unknown Author). Translated by T. Thompson. London: SPCK, 1919.
Shu, M. S. The Tabernacle in the Narrative of Israel from the Exodus to the Conquest. SBL 50. New York: Peter Lang, 2003.
Shupak, Nili. “Jachin and Boaz.” In Encyclopedia Judaica, edited by Cecil Roth, 9: 1186-89. 17 vols. Jerusalem: Macmillan, 1971-1982.
Siebeneck, R. T. “The Messianism of Aggeus and Proto-Zacharias.” Catholic Biblical Quarterly 19 (1957): 312-28.
→Siegfried, Mendner. “Die Tempelreiniging.” Zeitschrift für die neutestamentliche Wissenschaft und die Kunde der älteren Kirche 47 (1956): 93-112.
Sievers, Joseph. “Hasmoneans.” In The Eerdmans Dictionary of Early Judaism, edited by John J. Collins and Daniel C. Harlow, 705-709. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2010.
[Israel/Second Temple/Priesthood]
Sigrist, Marcel. “Gestes symboliques et rituels a Emar.” In Ritual and Sacrifice in the Ancient Near East: Proceedings of the International Conference Organized by the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven from the 17th to the 20th April of 1991, edited by J. Quaegebeur, 381-410. Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta 55. Leuven: Peeters en Department Orientalistick, 1993.
[Near East/Ritual/Symbolism]
Silberman, Lou H. “A Note on 4Q Florilegium.” Journal of Biblical Literature 78 (June 1959): 158-59.
Sill, Sterling W. “A Fortune To Share.” In Syllabus for the Eighth Annual Priesthood Genealogical Research Seminar July 30-August 3, 1973, compiled by Roger C. Flick, 485-98. Provo, UT: Brigham Young University Press, 1973.
[Mormon/Salvation of the Dead]
Sill, Sterling W. “The Glory of Ancient Temples–And Modern.” Improvement Era 68 (February 1965): 127-29.
Silverstein, Samuel H. Korban Shemuel. St. Louis: Quality, 1944.
Sim, D. C. “Matthew 22:13a and 1 Enoch 10:4a: A Case of Literary Dependence?” Journal for the Study of the New Testament 47 (1992): 3-19.
[Israel/Marriage/Sacred Vestments]
Simhoni, J. N. “The Destruction of the Second Temple” (in Hebrew). In The Book of Festivals, edited by Z. Ariel, 332-35. Tel-Aviv: Am Oved, 1967.
Simmons, Paul. “Beyond the Fourth Generation: Continuing Family Research to Redeem the Dead.” Ensign 11 (October 1981): 20-23.
[Mormon/Salvation of the Dead]
Simmons, Paul. “A Most Urgent and Important Work.” Genealogical Research Seminar Devotional Addresses–1969, 27-40. Provo, UT: Brigham Young University Press, 1970.
[Mormon/Salvation of the Dead]
Simon, Bennet. “Ezekiel’s Geometric Vision of the Restored Temple: From the Rod of His Wrath to the Reed of His Measuring.” Harvard Theological Review 102 (October 2009): 411-38.
[Israel/Ezekiel/New Temple/Design/Measurement]
Simon M. “On Josephus, Wars, V, 5, 7.” Jewish Quarterly Review 13 (1901): 547-48.
[Israel/Sacred Vestments]
Simon, Marcel. “Le discours de Jesus sur la mine du Temple.” Revue Biblique 56 (1949): 70-75.
Simon, Marcel. “La prophetie de Nathan et le temple.” Revue d’histoire et de philosophic religieuses 32 (1952): 41-58.
Simon, Marcel. “Retour du Christ et reconstruction du Temple dans la pensee chretienne primitive.” In Recherches d’histoire judeo-chretienne, 9-19. Paris: Mouton, 1962.
[Israel/Christian/New Temple]
Simon, Marcel. “Saint Stephen and the Jerusalem Temple.” The Journal of Ecclesiastical History 2, no. 2 (1951): 127-42.
Simons, Jan. “The Problem of the Temple.” In Jerusalem in the Old Testament: Researches and Theories, 381-436. Leiden: Brill, 1952.
[Israel/Solomon/Second Temple]
Simpson, J. “Where Are the Sacred Vessels of the Temple?” Palestine Exploration Quarterly 29 (1897): 77-80.
Simpson, Robert L. “Administration of Temples.” In Encyclopedia of Mormonism, edited by Daniel H. Ludlow, 4:1456-58. 5 vols. New York: Macmillan, 1992.
Simpson, Robert L. “The House of the Lord.” Ensign 10 (November 1980): 10-11.
Simpson, Robert L. “A Most Urgent and Important Work.” In Genealogical Research Seminar Devotional Addresses–1969, 25-40. Provo, UT: Brigham Young University, 1970.
[Mormon/Salvation of the Dead]
Simpson, William. “Robinson’s Arch.” Palestine Exploration Fund Quarterly 1-2 (1869-70): 46-48.
Simpson, William. “The Temple and the Mount of Olives.” Palestine Exploration Fund Quarterly 29 (1897): 307-8.
→Singer, Itamar. “A City of Many Temples: Hattusa, Capital of the Hittites.” In Sacred Space: Shrine, City, Land: Proceedings of the International Conference in Memory of Joshua Prawer, edited by Benjamin Z. Kedar and R. J. Zwi Werblowsky, 32-44. New York: New York University Press, 1998.
[Near East/Canaan]
Singer, S. “More Temple Mount Antiquities Destroyed.” Biblical Archaeology Review 26 (September/October 2000): 28-33.
[Israel/Second Temple/Herod]
Sirard, L. “Sacrifices et rites sanglants dans I’ancien testament.” Science et Esprit 15 (1963): 173-97.
Sisti, A. “Le due alleanze (Gal 4, 21-31).” Bibbia e Oriente 11 (1969): 25-32.
Siuti, Imam Jalal. The History of the Temple of Jerusalem. Translated by James Reynolds. London: 1836. Reprinted, Kessinger Publications, 2008.
[Israel/Solomon/Second Temple/Herod]
Sizer, Stephen. “The Temple in Contemporary Christian Zionism.” In Heaven on Earth: The Temple in Biblical Theology, edited by T. Desmond Alexander and Simon Gathercole, 245-66. Carlisle, UK: Paternoster, 2004.
[Israel/Christian/New Temple]
Sjoberg, Ake W., and E. Bergmann. The Collection of the Sumerian Temple Hymns. Locust Valley: Augustin, 1969.
Sjodahl, Janne M. “Ancient Temples, a Brief Review.” Improvement Era 39 (April 1936): 230-34.
[Israel/Solomon/Second Temple/Herod]
Sjodahl, Janne M. Temples Ancient and Modern: Including an Account of the Laying of the Capstone on the Salt Lake Temple. Salt Lake City: Deseret News, 1892.
[Israel/Solomon/Herod/Mormon/Salt Lake]
→Sjoqvist, Erik. “A Cypriote Temple Attendant.” American Journal of Archaeology 59 (January 1955): 45-47.
Skarsaune, O. In the Shadow of the Temple: Jewish Influences on Early Christianity. Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity, 2002.
Skehan, P. W. “Wisdom’s House.” Catholic Biblical Quarterly 29 (1967): 468-86.
“Sketch of Sister Bathsheba Smith: Worker in the Endowment House.” Young Woman’s Journal 4 (April 1893): 295-96.
[Mormon/Endowment House/Women]
Skinner, Andrew C. “Baptism For The Dead.” In Encyclopedia of Latter-day Saint History, edited by Arnold K. Garr, Donald Q. Cannon, and Richard O. Cowan, 76-77. Salt Lake City: Deseret Book, 2000.
[Mormon/Salvation of the Dead]
Skinner, Andrew C. “Genesis 22: The Paradigm for True Sacrifice in Latter-day Israel.” In The Old Testament and the Latter-day Saints, 69-83. N. p.: Randall Book Co., 1986.
Skinner, Andrew C. “The Inextricable Link Between Temple, Covenant, and Chosenness in Judaism and Mormonism.” In Covenant and Chosenness in Judaism and Mormonism, edited by Truman G. Madsen, Seth Ward, and Raphael Jospe, 71-88. London: Associated University Presses, 2001.
Skinner, Andrew C. “Jacob in the Presence of God.” In Thy People Shall Be My People and Thy God My God: The 22nd Annual Sidney B. Sperry Symposium, 136-49. Salt Lake City: Deseret Book, 1994. Reprinted in Sperry Symposium Classics: The Old Testament, edited by Paul Y. Hoskisson, 117-32. Salt Lake City: Deseret Book, 2005.
Skinner, Andrew C. “Jacob: Keeper of Covenants.” Ensign 28 (March 1998): 51-56.
Skinner, Andrew C. “The Temple Context of the Fifth Gospel.” In Third Nephi: The Fifth Gospel, 37-47. Springville, UT: Cedar Fort, 2012.
Skinner, Andrew C. “The Temple Sermon on Exaltation.” In Third Nephi: The Fifth Gospel, 49-66. Springville, UT: Cedar Fort, 2012.
Skinner, Andrew C. Temple Worship. Salt Lake City: Deseret Book, 2007.
Skinner, Andrew C., and Gaye Strathearn, eds. Third Nephi: An Incomparable Scripture. Provo, UT: Neal A. Maxwell Institute for Religious Scholarship, Brigham Young University, 2012.
→Sklar, Jay. “Sin and Impurity: Atoned or Purified? Yes!” In Perspectives on Purity and Purification in the Bible, edited by Baruch J. Schwartz, David P. Wright, Jeffrey Stackert, and Naphtali S. Meshel, 18-31. Library of Hebrew Bible/Old Testament Studies 474. New York: T&T Clark, 2008.
Skousen, Mark ., Jo Ann Skousen, and Craig Bell. The Dawning of a Brighter Day: A History of the Orlando Florida Temple. Orlando, FL: The Orlando Temple Historical Records Committee, 1994.
Skoyles Jarkins, Stephanie K. “Aphrahat the Persian Sage and the Temple of God: A Study of Early Syriac Theological Anthropology.” PhD diss., Marquette University, 2005.
[Israel/Christian/ Ritual/Liturgy/Worship/Theology]
Slanski, Kathryn E. “The Mesopotamian ‘Rod and Ring’: Icon of Righteous Kingship and Balance of Power between Palace and Temple.” In Regime Change in the Ancient Near East and Egypt, 37-60. New York: Oxford University Press, 2007.
Slanski, Kathryn E. “The Rod and Ring: Enduring Icon of Just Kingship, 2100-850 BCE.” Proceedings of the British Academy 136 (2008): 37-60. Reprinted in Regime Change in the Ancient Near East and Egypt: From Sargon of Agade to Saddam Hussein, edited by Harriet Crawford, 37-60. New York: Oxford University Press, 2008.
Sleeman, Matthew. “Mark, the Temple and Space: A Geographer’s Response.” Biblical Interpretation 15, no. 3 (2007): 338-49.
[Israel/Herod/Christian/Sacred Space]
Slemming, Charles W. Made according to Pattern. Fort Washington, PA: Christian Literature Crusade, 1971.
Slivniak, Dmitri. “The Golden Calf Story: Constructively and Deconstructively.” Journal for the Study of the Old Testament 33 (September 2008): 19-38.
Sloan, William R. “Northwestern States Temple Caravan to Cardston, Alberta, Canada, July 1930.” Utah Genealogical and Historical Magazine 22 (January 1931): 8-12.
Slotki, Israel W. “The Text and Ancient Form of Recital of Psalm 24 and Psalm 124.” Journal of Biblical Literature 15 (September 1932): 214-26.
Sloyan, Gerard S. “Jewish Ritual of the First Century C.E., and Christian Sacramental Behavior.” Biblical Theology Bulletin: A Journal of Bible and Theology 15 (May 1985): 98-103.
Smallwood, E. Mary. “The Chronology of Gaius’ Attempt to Desecrate the Temple.” Latomus 16 (1957): 3-17.
[Israel/Second Temple]
Smallwood, E. Mary. “High Priests and Politics in Roman Palestine.” Journal of Theological Studies, n.s., 13 (1962): 14-34.
Smelik, Willem F. “On Mystical Transformation of the Righteous into Light in Judaism.” Journal for the Study of Judaism: In the Persian Hellenistic & Roman Period 26, no. 2 (1995): 122-44.
Smit, Peter-Ben. “Incense Revisited: Reviewing the Evidence for Incense as a Clue to the Christian Provenance of the Greek Life of Adam and Eve.” Novum Testamentum 46, no. 4 (2004): 369-75.
Smith, Arthur E. The Temple and Its Teaching. Chicago: Moody, 1956.
[Israel/Solomon/Second Temple/Herod]
Smith, D. M. “The Presentation of Jesus in the Fourth Gospel.” Interpretation 31 (1977): 367-78.
Smith, Edna L. “Improvements in the Logan Temple.” Improvement Era 19 (March 1916): 458-59.
Smith, Elbert A. Differences that Persist: Between the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and the Utah Mormon Church. Independence, MO: Herald Publishing House, 1943.
[Mormon/Theology/Salvation of the Dead]
Smith, Eldred G. Address. In Genealogical Research Seminar Devotional Addresses–1970, 7-12. Provo, UT: Brigham Young University, 1971(?)
[Mormon/Salvation of the Dead/Elijah/Covenants]
Smith, Eldred G. “As Pertaining to Our Salvation.” Improvement Era 57 (December 1954): 886-87.
[Mormon/Salvation of the Dead]
Smith, Eldred G. “Do Not Procrastinate!” Ensign 4 (November 1974): 25-26.
Smith, Eldred G. “The Eternity of the Family.” Millennial Star 129 (February 1967): 20-22. [Mormon/Family]
Smith, Eldred G. “Our Responsibility to Our Dead.” Improvement Era 65 (June 1962): 436-39.
[Mormon/Salvation of the Dead]
Smith, Eldred G. “Patriarchal Order of the Priesthood.” Improvement Era 55 (June 1952): 425-26.
Smith, Eldred G. “Patriarchal Order of the Priesthood.” Improvement Era 65 (June 1962): 436-39.
Smith, Eldred G. “The Spirit of Elijah.” Millennial Star 129 (September 1967): 16-17.
[Mormon/Elijah/Salvation of the Dead]
Smith, Eldred G. “Temples are Essential.” Improvement Era 72 (December 1969): 59-61.
[Mormon/Salvation of the Dead]
Smith, Eldred G. “Why do Latter-day Saints Build Temples?” Ensign 3 (January 1973): 55-56.
Smith, Eldred G. “Work for the Dead.” Improvement Era 62 (June 1959): 462-63.
[Mormon/Salvation of the Dead]
Smith, Frank Miller. “Monument to Spirituality: Sacrifice, Dreams, and Faith Build the Washington Temple.” Ensign 4 (August 1974): 7-13.
[Mormon/Washington, DC]
Smith, Frank Miller. “The Washington Temple.” Ensign 2 (January 1972): 26-27.
[Mormon/Washington, DC]
Smith, G. V. “The Concept of God/The Gods as King in the Ancient Near East and the Bible.” Trinity Journal 3 (1982): 1-38.
[Near East/Israel/Kingship/Coronation]
Smith, George Albert. “The Tenth Temple.” Improvement Era 48 (October 1945): 561, 602.
[Mormon/Idaho Falls]
Smith, Heman C. “The Reorganized Church vs. Salvation for the Dead.” Saints’ Herald 54 (January 2, 1907): 6-8.
[Mormon/Salvation of the Dead]
Smith, J. A. “Which Psalms Were Sung in the Temple?” Music and Letters 71 (May1990): 167-86.
Smith, J. M. P. “The Jewish Temple at Elephantine.” The Biblical World 31 (1908): 448-59.
Smith, J. M. Powis. “Law and Ritual in the Psalms.” The Journal of Religion 2, no. 1 (1922): 58-69.
Smith, James K. The Temple of Zeus at Olympia. Bergamo: n.p., 1924.
Smith, Janet Katherine. “Dust or Dew: Immortality in the Ancient Near East and in Psalm 49.” PhD diss., Union Institute and University, 2009.
Smith, Joanna S. “Preliminary Comments on a Rural Cypro-Archaic Sanctuary in Polis-Peristeries.” Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research 308 (November 1997): 77-98.
Smith, Jonathan Z. “The Bare Facts of Ritual.” History of Religions 20, nos. 1-2 (1980): 112-27.
Smith, Jonathan Z. “Earth and Gods.” Journal of Religion 49 (1969): 103-27.
Smith, Jonathan Z. “The Garments of Shame.” History of Religions 5 (Winter 1966): 217-38.
[Sacred Vestments]
Smith, Jonathan Z. To Take Place: Toward Theory in Ritual. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1992.
Smith, Jonathan Z. “The Temple and the Magician.” In Map is Not Territory: Studies in the History of Religion,172-89. Studies in Judaism in Late Antiquity 23. Leiden: Brill, 1978. Reprinted, Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1993.
[Egypt/Rome/Theology/New Temple]
Smith, Joseph. “Baptism for the Dead.” Times and Seasons (Nauvoo, Illinois 3 (April 1842): 759-61.
[Mormon/Salvation of the Dead]
Smith, Joseph. “Becoming Saviors on Mount Zion.” Teachings of the Presidents of the Church: Joseph Smith, 469-78. Salt Lake City: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 2007.
[Mormon/Salvation of the Dead]
Smith, Joseph. “Beyond the Veil.” Teachings of the Presidents of the Church: Joseph Smith, 217-26. Salt Lake City: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 2007.
[Mormon/Salvation of the Dead]
Smith, Joseph. “Elijah and the Restoration of the Sealing Keys.” Teachings of the Presidents of the Church: Joseph Smith, 401-11. Salt Lake City: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 2007.
[Mormon/Kirtland/Elijah/Priesthood/Sealings/Salvation of the Dead]
Smith, Joseph. “Family: The Sweetest Union for Time and for Eternity.” Teachings of the Presidents of the Church: Joseph Smith, 479-91. Salt Lake City: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 2007.
Smith, Joseph. “Receiving the Ordinances and Blessings of the Temple.” Teachings of the Presidents of the Church: Joseph Smith, 413-22. Salt Lake City: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 2007.
Smith, Joseph. “Redemption for the Dead.” Teachings of the Presidents of the Church: Joseph Smith, 217-26. Salt Lake City: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 2007.
[Mormon/Salvation of the Dead]
Smith, Joseph F. “Fashion and the Violation of Covenants and Duty.” Improvement Era 9 (August 1906): 813-14.
[Mormon/Sacred Vestments]
Smith, Joseph F. “Sacred Temples of the Lord.” In Teachings of the Presidents of the Church: Joseph F. Smith, 305-12. Salt Lake City: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1998.
[Mormon/Theology/Salvation of the Dead]
Smith, Joseph F. “Temples and Temple Work.” Utah Genealogical and Historical Magazine 7 (January 1916): 24-30.
[Mormon/Theology/Salvation of the Dead]
Smith, Joseph Fielding. “The Coming of Elijah.” Ensign 2 (January 1972): 2, 4-5.
[Mormon/Elijah/Priesthood/Salvation of the Dead/Family]
Smith, Joseph Fielding. “The Divine Family.” The Improvement Era 68 (June 1965): 494-95.
Smith, Joseph Fielding. “The Duties of the Priesthood in Temple Work.” Utah Genealogical and Historical Magazine 30 (January 1939): 1-4. Reprinted in Improvement Era 62 (February 1959): 98-99, 111.
Smith, Joseph Fielding. “Elijah’s Mission to the World.” Improvement Era 51 (May 1948): 277, 315-16.
[Mormon/Elijah/Priesthood/Salvation of the Dead]
Smith, Joseph Fielding. “Elijah the Prophet and His Mission.” Utah Genealogical and Historical Magazine 12 (January 1921): 1-20.
[Mormon/Elijah/Priesthood/Salvation of the Dead]
Smith, Joseph Fielding. Elijah the Prophet and His Mission; Salvation Universal. Salt Lake City: Deseret Book, 1957.
[Mormon/Theology/Elijah/Priesthood/Salvation of the Dead/Family]
Smith, Joseph Fielding. “For Whom is Vicarious Work Done?” Improvement Era 67 (July 1964): 566-67.
[Mormon/Salvation of the Dead]
Smith, Joseph Fielding. “Hearts of the Children–Turned to the Fathers.” Millennial Star 102 (December 12, 1940): 850-852, 864.
[Mormon/Elijah/Salvation of the Dead/Covenants/Family]
Smith, Joseph Fielding. “Heirs to Exaltation.” Utah Genealogical and Historical Magazine 26 (April 1935): 49-62.
Smith, Joseph Fielding. “How Could the Melchizedek Priesthood Be Taken Away From Israel? Improvement Era, 66 (June 1963): 446-47.
Smith, Joseph Fielding. “Justice for the Dead.” Millennial Star 95 (June 15, 1933): 387-91.
[Mormon/Salvation of the Dead]
Smith, Joseph Fielding. “The Keys of the Priesthood Restored.” Utah Genealogical and Historical Magazine 27 (July 1936): 98-102.
Smith, Joseph Fielding. “The Keys Restored by Elijah.” Utah Genealogical and Historical Magazine (April 1936): 49-60.
[Mormon/Elijah/Priesthood/Salvation of the Dead]
Smith, Joseph Fielding. “Latter-day Temple Work.” Utah Genealogical and Historical Magazine 31 (October 1940): 193-200.
Smith, Joseph Fielding. “The Los Angeles Temple.” Improvement Era 54 (November 1951): 784-785, 798.
[Mormon/Los Angeles]
Smith, Joseph Fielding. “Magnifying Our Callings in the Priesthood.” Improvement Era 73 (June 1970): 65-66.
Smith, Joseph Fielding. “The Mission of Ephraim.” Utah Genealogical and Historical Magazine 21 (January 1930): 1-4.
Smith, Joseph Fielding. “The Mission of the Kirtland Temple.” Improvement Era 39 (April 1936): 204-7.
Smith, Joseph Fielding. “The Oath and Covenant of the Priesthood.” Improvement Era 73 (December 1970): 26-27.
Smith, Joseph Fielding. “Ogden Temple Dedicatory Prayer: January 18, 19, 20, 1972.” Ensign 2 (March 1972): 6-13.
Smith, Joseph Fielding. “Privileges Concerning Temples and Other Ordinances.” Improvement Era 30 (June 1927): 736-38.
Smith, Joseph Fielding. “The Promises Made to the Fathers.” Improvement Era 25 (July 1922): 829-31.
[Mormon/Elijah/Salvation of the Dead/Covenants]
Smith, Joseph Fielding. “The Prophet’s Vision of Salvation for the Dead.” Improvement Era 58 (February 1955): 79.
[Mormon/Salvation of the Dead]
Smith, Joseph Fielding. “Reorganized” Church versus Salvation for the Dead. N. p., n. d.
[Mormon/Salvation of the Dead]
Smith, Joseph Fielding. “Sacredness of the Eternal Marriage Covenant.” Improvement Era 52 (May 1949): 272, 349-50.
Smith, Joseph Fielding. “Salvation for the Dead: Social Service Value of the Doctrine.” Parts 1 and 2. Improvement Era 20 (January 1917): 196-99; (February 1917): 360-64.
[Mormon/Salvation of the Dead]
Smith, Joseph Fielding. “Salvation for the Dead.” Utah Genealogical and Historical Magazine 17 (April 1926): 145-56. Reprinted in Millennial Star 89 (December 8, 1927): 769-775, 782-83.
[Mormon/Salvation of the Dead]
Smith, Joseph Fielding. “Salvation for the Living and the Dead.” Relief Society Magazine 5 (December 1918):677-81.
[Mormon/Salvation of the Dead/Ritual/Liturgy/Worship]
Smith, Joseph Fielding. “Salvation Universal.” Parts 1-5. Improvement Era 13 (November 1909): 38-45; (December 1909): 144-51; (January 1910): 244-51; (February 1910): 351-55; (March 1910): 453-57.
[Mormon/Theology/Salvation of the Dead]
Smith, Joseph Fielding. “Saviors on Mount Zion.” Improvement Era 68 (February 1965): 111-12.
[Mormon/Oakland/Salvation of the Dead]
Smith, Joseph Fielding. “Temple Work.” Improvement Era 62 (June 1959): 430-31.
[Mormon/Salvation of the Dead/Ritual/Liturgy/Worship]
Smith, Joseph Fielding. “Thoughts on Temple Work and Salvation.” Utah Genealogical and Historical Magazine 21 (April 1930): 53-57.
[Mormon/Theology/Salvation of the Dead]
Smith, Joseph Fielding. “Was Temple Work Done in the Days of the Old Prophets?” Improvement Era 58 (November 1955): 794.
[Israel/Solomon/Salvation of the Dead]
Smith, Joseph Fielding. The Way to Perfection: Short Discourses on Gospel Themes Dedicated to All Who Are Interested in the Redemption of the Living and the Dead. 4th ed. Salt Lake City: Genealogical Society of Utah, 1945. Subsequently reprinted as The Way to Perfection. Salt Lake City: Deseret Book, 1970.
[Mormon/Theology/Salvation of the Dead/Heavenly Temple]
Smith, Joseph Fielding. “Why are Baptisms for the Dead Performed Below the Surface of the Earth in Our Temples?” Improvement Era 63 (May 1960): 304-5.
[Mormon/Theology/Salvation of the Dead]
Smith, Joseph L. Tombs, Temples and Ancient Art. Norman, OK: University of Oklahoma Press, 1956.
Smith, Mark S. “Like Deities, Like Temples (Like People).” In Temple and Worship in Biblical Israel. Proceedings of the Oxford Old Testament Seminar, edited by John Day, 3-27. London: T&T Clark, 2007.
Smith, Mark S. “The Near Eastern Background of Solar Language for Yahweh.” Journal of Biblical Literature 109 (Spring 1990): 29-39.
[Israel/Near East/Theology/Cosmology]
Smith, Mark S. “Sacred Marriage in the Ugaritic Texts? The Case of KTU/CAT 1.23 (Rituals and Myths of the Goodly Gods).” In Sacred Marriages: The Divine-Human Sexual Metaphor from Sumer to Early Christianity, edited by Martti Nissinen and Risto Uro, 93-113. Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns, 2008.
Smith, Morton. Clement of Alexandria and a Secret Gospel of Mark. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1973.
→Smith, Sidney. “On the Meaning of Goren.” Palestine Exploration Quarterly 85 (April 1953): 42-45.
→Smith, Sidney. “The Threshing Floor at the City Gate.” Palestine Exploration Quarterly 78 (April 1946): 5-14.
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[Israel/Second Temple/Ritual/Liturgy/Worship/Marriage]
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[Mormon/Salvation of the Dead]
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[Mormon/Endowment House/Dedication]
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[Mormon/Theology/Salvation of the Dead]
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[Israel/Christian/Heavenly Temple/Festivals]
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[Israel/Ezekiel/New Temple]
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[Mormon/Elijah/Priesthood/Salvation of the Dead]
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[Israel/Christian/New Temple]
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[Israel/Second Temple]
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[Mormon/Theology/Salvation of the Dead]
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[Mormon/Elijah/Salvation of the Dead]
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[Mormon/St. Louis]
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[Israel/Christian/Tabernacle/New Temple]
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[Israel/Second Temple]
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[Christian/Heavenly Temple/Furnishings/Ritual]
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[Israel/Qumran/Temple Scroll]
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[Israel/Qumran/Temple Scroll]
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[Israel/Qumran/Temple Scroll]
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[Israel/Tabernacle/Sacred Vestments]
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[Israel/Canaan/Theology/Ritual/Liturgy/Worship/Second Temple]
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[Israel/Mt. Gerizim/Samaritan]
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[Israel/Mt. Gerizim/Samaritan]
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[Israel/Second Temple]
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[Israel/Near East/Solomon]
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[Israel/Near East/Solomon]
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[Israel/Herod/Christian/Symbolism/Destruction/Greek/Rome/New Temple]
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[Israel/Herod/Christian/Symbolism/Destruction/Greek/Rome/New Temple]
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[Israel/Ezekiel/New Temple]
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[Israel/Christian/Heavenly Temple]
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[Israel/Solomon/Second Temple/Herod]
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[Israel/Christian/New Temple]
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[Israel/Christian/Marriage/Qumran/Temple Scroll]
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[Israel/Ascent/Sacred Vestments/Covenant/Christian]
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[Mormon/Salvation of the Dead]
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[Israel/Second Temple/Furnishings/Anointing/Tree of Life]
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[Mysticism/Salvation of the Dead]
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[Israel/Qumran/Temple Scroll]
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[Israel/Heavenly Temple]
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[Mormon/Salt Lake/Dedication]
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[Israel/Ezekiel/New Temple]
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[Israel/Sacred Space/Symbolism]
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[Israel/Canaan/Heavenly Temple]
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[Israel/Near East/Furnishings/Kingship/Coronation]
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[Near East/Israel/Tabernacle/Solomon/Furnishings/Symbolism]
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[Israel/Qumran/Temple Scroll]
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[Israel/Priesthood/Sacred Vestments/Sacrifice]
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[Israel/Qumran/Temple Scroll]
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[Israel/Qumran/Festivals/Temple Scroll]
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[Israel/New Temple]
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[Israel/Greek/Rome/Ascent/ Ritual/Liturgy/Worship]
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[Israel/Second Temple]
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[Near East/Covenants/Oaths]
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[Mormon/Salvation of the Dead]
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[Salvation of the Dead]
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[Mormon/Salvation of the Dead]
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[Mormon/Salvation of the Dead/Ritual/Liturgy/Worship]
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[Mormon/Salvation of the Dead]
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[Mormon/Theology/Ritual/Liturgy/Worship/Salvation of the Dead]
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[Cosmology/Sacred Space]
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[Mormon/Salvation of the Dead]
Tanner, N. Eldon. “Seek Out Your Dead.” Improvement Era 68 (February 1965): 125-27.
[Mormon/Oakland/Salvation of the Dead]
Tanner, N. Eldon. “Why Do We Doubt?” In Genealogical Research Seminar Devotional Addresses– 1969, 71-81. Provo, UT: Brigham Young University Press, 1970.
[Mormon/Salvation of the Dead]
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[Mormon/Salvation of the Dead]
Tate, George S. “I Saw the Hosts of the Dead.” Ensign 39 (December 2009): 54-59.
[Mormon/Theology/Salvation of the Dead]
Tate, George S. “Prayer Circle.” In Encyclopedia of Mormonism, edited by Daniel H. Ludlow, 3:297-321. 5 vols. New York: Macmillan, 1992.
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[Israel/Ezekiel/New Temple]
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[Israel/Christian/Sacred Space]
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[Mormon/Family/Salvation of the Dead]
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[Mormon/Mexico City]
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[Israel/Sacred Space/Presence]
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[Sacred Space]
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[Israel/Qumran/Temple Scroll]
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[Israel/Qumran/Temple Scroll]
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[Israel/Solomon/Second Temple/Herod]
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[Israel/Sacred Space/Ritual/Liturgy/Worship]
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[Israel/Canaan/Sacred Space/Ritual/Liturgy/Worship]
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[Israel/Canaan/Sacred Space/Ritual/Liturgy/Worship]
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[Mormon/Alberta/Salvation of the Dead]
Thomas, John C. “To Take the Temples to the People.” In Out of Obscurity: The LDS Church in the Twentieth Century, 321-38. Salt Lake City: Deseret Book, 2000.
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[Mormon/Theology/Salvation of the Dead]
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Thomasson, Gordon C. “What’s in a Name? Book of Mormon Language, Names, and [Metonymic] Naming.” Journal of Book of Mormon Studies 3 (Spring 1994): 1-27.
[Mormon/Ritual/Liturgy/Worship/Divine Name]
Thomson, Clive A. “Samuel, the Ark, and the Priesthood.” Bibliotheca Sacra 118 (July 1961): 259-63.
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[Christian/Ritual/Liturgy/Worship/Sacred Vestments]
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[Near East/Covenant]
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[Mormon/Theology/Symbolism/ Presence]
Thompson, K. C. “1 Corinthians 15, 29 and Baptism for the Dead.” In Studia Evangelica: Vol. II: Papers Presented to the Second International Congress on New Testament Studies Held at Christ Church, Oxford, 1961, edited by Frank M. Cross, 647-59. Berlin: Akademie-Verlag, 1964.
[Christian/Salvation of the Dead]
Thompson, L. “Cult and Eschatology in the Apocalypse of John.” Jewish Review 49 (1969): 330-50.
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[Israel/Ezekiel/Sacrifice/Offerings/New Temple]
Thomson, H. C. “The Right of Entry to the Temple in the Old Testament.” Transactions of the Glasgow University Oriental Society 21 (1965/1966): 25-34.
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[Israel/Qumran/Temple Scroll]
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[Israel/Qumran/Temple Scroll]
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[Israel/Qumran/Temple Scroll]
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[Israel/Qumran/Temple Scroll]
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[Israel/Christian/New Temple]
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[Israel/Sacred Vestments]
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[Mormon/Salvation of the Dead]
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[Mormon/Salvation of the Dead]
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[Eden/Israel/Christian/Sacred Vestments]
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[Near East/Greek/Rome/Israel]
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[Near East/Greek/Rome/Israel]
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[Israel/Qumran/Temple Scroll/Festivals]
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[Israel/Second Temple/Furnishings]
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[Israel/Second Temple/Presence/Ritual/Liturgy/Worship]
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[Israel/Qumran/Temple Scroll]
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[Israel/Festivals/Ritual/Heavenly Temple]
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[Israel/Second Temple/Priesthood]
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[Israel/Second Temple]
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[Israel/Second Temple/Herod/Christian]
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[Israel/Second Temple/Ritual/Liturgy/Worship/Sacrifice]
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[Christian/Salvation of the Dead]
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[Israel/Ezekiel/New Temple]
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[Israel/Ezekiel/New Temple]
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[Israel/Sacred Space]
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[Israel/Christian/Sacred Space/New Temple]
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[Israel/Tabernacle/Beth Shemesh/Furnishings]
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[Mormon/Theology/Salvation of the Dead/Priesthood]
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[Mormon/Theology/Elijah/Family/Salvation of the Dead]
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[Mormon/Salvation of the Dead]
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[Mormon/Theology/Ritual/Salvation of the Dead]
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[Israel/Sacred Vestments]
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[Mormon/Salvation of the Dead]
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[Israel/Heavenly Temple/New Temple]
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[Israel/Herod/Destruction/Heavenly Temple]
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[Israel/Solomon/Second Temple/Herod/Construction]
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[Israel/Near East/Solomon]
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[Israel/Christian/New Temple]
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[Mormon/Salvation of the Dead]
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[Israel/Ezekiel/New Temple]
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[Mormon/Salvation of the Dead]
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[Israel/Heavenly Temple]
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[Near East/Sacrifice/Offerings]
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[Israel/Canaan/Near East/Solomon]
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[Israel/Canaan/Ein Gedi]
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[Israel/Canaan/Ein Gedi]
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[Israel/Christian/Theology/New Temple]
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[Israel/Christian/Qumran/Temple Scroll/Theology/Presence/Temple Scroll]
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[Mormon/Netherlands/Sacred Space]
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[Ritual/Liturgy/Worship/New Temple]
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[Christian/New Temple/Theology]
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[Israel/Qumran/Temple Scroll]
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[Israel/Sacred Space]
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[Israel/Second Temple/Herod/Priesthood]
VanderKam, James C. “Isaac’s Blessing of Levi and His Descendants in Jubilees 31.” In The Provo International Conference on the Dead Sea Scrolls: Technological Innovations, New Texts, and Reformulated Issues, edited by D. W. Parry and E.C. Ulrich, 497-519. Leiden: Brill, 1999.
VanderKam, James C. “Jewish High Priests of the Persian Period: Is the List Complete?” In Priesthood and Cult in Ancient Israel, edited by Gary A. Anderson and Saul M. Olyan, 67-91. Journal for the Study of the Old Testament Supplement 125. Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 1991.
VanderKam, James C. “John 10 and the Feast of the Dedication.” In Of Scribes and Scrolls: Studies on the Hebrew Bible, Intertestamental Judaism, and Christian Origins, Presented to John Strugnell on the Occasion of His Sixtieth Birthday, edited by H. W. Attridge, John J. Collins, and Thomas H. Tobin, 203-14. College Theology Society Resources in Religion 5. Lanham, MD: University Press of America, 1990.
VanderKam, James C. “Joshua the High Priest and the Interpretation of Zechariah 3.” Catholic Biblical Quarterly 53 (1991): 553-70.
[Israel/Second Temple/Priesthood]
VanderKam, James C. “The Temple Scroll and the Book of Jubilees.” In Temple Scroll Studies, edited by George J. Brooke, 211-36. Journal for the Study of Pseudepigrapha Supplement Series 7. Sheffield: Sheffield Academic, 1989.
[Israel/Qumran/Temple Scroll]
VanderKam, James C. “The Theology of the Temple Scroll.” Jewish Quarterly Review 85 (1994): 129-35.
[Israel/Qumran/Temple Scroll/Theology]
VanderKam, James C. “Weeks, Festival of.” In The Anchor Bible Dictionary, edited by David Noel Freedman, 6:895-97. 6 vols. New York: Doubleday, 1992.
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van der Toorn, Karel. “Female Prostitution in Payment of Vows in Ancient Israel.” Journal of Biblical Literature 108 (Summer 1989): 193-205.
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van der Toorn, Karel. “The Significance of the Veil in the Ancient Near East.” In Pomegranates and Golden Bells: Studies in Biblical, Jewish, and Near Eastern Ritual, Law, and Literature in Honor of Jacob Milgrom, edited by David P. Wright, David Noel Freedman, and Avi Hurvitz, 327-39. Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns, 1995.
[Near East/Sacred Vestments]
van der Toorn, Karel. “Theology, Priests, and Worship in Canaan and Ancient Israel.” In Civilizations of the Ancient Near East, edited by Jack M. Sassons, 3:2043-58. 4 vols. NY: Scribner’s, 1995.
van der Toorn, Karel, and Cees Houtman. “David and the Ark.” Journal of Biblical Literature 113 (Summer 1994): 209-31.
Van der Waal, C. “The Temple in the Gospel According to Luke.” Neotestamentica 7, no. 1 (1973): 49-59. Also in Essays on the Gospel of Luke and Acts: Proceedings of the Ninth Meeting of Die Nuwe Testamentiese Werkgemeenskap van Suid Afirika, edited by W. van Unnik, 49-59. Pretoria: University of Pretoria, 1973.
van der Watt, J. G. Family of the King: Dynamics of Metaphor in the Gospel According to John. Leiden: Brill, 2000.
Van der Woude, Adam S. “Ein bisher unveroffentlichtes Fragment der Tempelrolle.” Revue de Qumran 13 (1988): 89-92.
[Israel/Qumran/Temple Scroll]
Van der Woude, Adam S. “Melchizedek.” In The Interpreter’s Dictionary of the Bible, edited by George A. Buttrick, supp. vol., 585-86. Nashville: Abingdon Press, 1962.
Van der Woude, Adam S. “Melchizedek als himmlische Erlosergestalt in den neugefundenen eschatoligischen Midraschim aus Qumran Hohle XI.” Oudtestamentische studien 14 (1965): 354-73.
Van der Woude, Adam S. “Serubbabel und die messianischen Erwartungen des Propheten Sacharja.” Zeitschrift fur die alttestamentliche Wissenschaft 100 (1988): 138-56.
[Israel/Second Temple]
Van der Woude, Adam S. “De Tempel van Qumran.” Nederlands Theologisch Tijdschrift 34 (1980): 177-90, 281-93.
VanDevelder, Frank R. “The Form and History of the Abrahamic Covenant Traditions.” PhD diss., Drew University, 1967.
→Van Dyk, Peet. “Creation, Temple and Magic: A Magico-Mythical Reading of Genesis 1.” Old Testament Essays 22, no. 2 (2009): 422-36.
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[Israel/Eden/Sacred Space]
Van Dyke, Blair G. “Profiles of a Covenant People.” In Covenants, Prophecies, and Hymns of the Old Testament: The Thirtieth Annual Sidney B. Sperry Symposium, 35-54. Salt Lake City: Deseret Book, 2001.
Van Engen, John. “Anoint, Anointing.” In Evangelical Dictionary of Theology, edited by W. A. Elwell, 51-52. Grand Rapids: Baker Book House, 1984.
VanGemeren, W. A. “Mountain Imagery.” In Dictionary of the Old Testament: Wisdom, Poetry, and Writings, edited by T. Longman and P. Enns, 481-83. Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity, 2008.
van Gennep, Arnold. The Rites of Passage. Translated by Monika B. Vizedom and Gabrielle L. Caffe. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1960.
→Van Hecke, Pierre. “The House of God? The Conceptualization of Sacred Places in the Hebrew Bible and Beyond.” In Loci Sacri: Understanding Sacred Places, edited by Thomas Coomans, Herman De Dijn, Jan De Maeyer, Rajesh Heynickx, and Bert Verschaffel, 57-65. KADOC Studies on Religion, Culture and Society 9. Leuven, Belgium: Leuven University Press, 2012.
[Israel/Sacred Space]
van Hoonacker, Albin. “La date de l’introduction de l’encens dans le culte de Jahve.” Revue Biblique 11 (1914): 161-87.
van Hoonaker, Albin. “Ezekiel’s Priests and Levites.” The Expository Times 12 (1900-01): 494-98.
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van Hoonacker, Albin. “Les Pretres et les levites dans le livre d’Ezechiel.” Revue Biblique 8 (1899): 177-205.
van Hoonacker, Albin. Le sacerdoce tevitique dans la hi et dans l’histoire des Hebreux. London: Williams and Norgate, 1899.
van Hoonacker, Albin. “Zorobabel et le second temple.” Le Museon 10 (1891): 379-97, 489-515, 634-44.
[Israel/Second Temple]
van Hoonacker, Albin. Zorobabel et le second temple: Etude sur la chronologie des six premiers chapitres du livre d’Esdras. Gand: Engelcke, 1892.
[Israel/Second Temple]
Van Iersel, B. “The Finding of Jesus in the Temple: Some observations on the original form of Luke ii 41-51a.” Novum Testamentum 4 (October 1960): 161-73.
Vanhoye, Albert. “Le Christ, grand-pretre selon Heb. 2, 17-18.” La nouvelle revue thfologique 91 (1969): 449-74.
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Van Orden, Bruce A. “Redeeming the Dead as Taught in the Old Testament.” In A Witness of Jesus Christ: The 1989 Sperry Symposium on the Old Testament, edited by Richard Draper, 261-70. Salt Lake City: Deseret Book 1990.
[Mormon/Salvation of the Dead]
Van Orden, Bruce A. “Writing to Zion: The William W. Phelps Kirtland Letters, (1835-1836).” Brigham Young University Studies 33, no. 3 (1993): 543-93.
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van Perusen, Wido, and Eep Talstra. “Computer-Assisted Analysis of Parallel Texts in the Bible. The Case of 2 Kings xviii-xix and its Parallels in Isaiah and Chronicles.” Vetus Testamentum 57, no. 1 (2007): 45-72.
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Van Ruiten, Jacques. “Garden of Eden–Paradise.” In The Eerdmans Dictionary of Early Judaism, edited by John J. Collins and Daniel C. Harlow, 658-61. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2010.
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→Van Seters, John. “From Child Sacrifice to Pascal Lamb: A Remarkable Transformation in Israelite Religion.” Old Testament Essays 16, no. 2 (2003): 453-63.
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[Near East/Israel/Solomon]
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van Unnik, Willem Cornelius. “The Redemption in 1 Peter 1:18-19 and the Problem of the First Epistle of Peter.” In Sparsa Collecta: The Collected Essays of W. C. van Unnik, 3-82. Novum Testamentum Supplement 30. Leiden: Brill, 1980.
[Israel/Christian/Salvation of the Dead]
van Unnik, Willem Cornelius. “‘With Unveiled Face’: An Exegesis of Corinthians 3:12-18.” Novum Testamentum 6 (July 1963): 153-69.
[Christian/Sacred Vestments]
Van Velduizen, Milo. “Moses: A Model of Hellenistic Philanthropia.” Reformed Review 38 (1985): 215-24.
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[Israel/Second Temple]
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[Near East/Israel/Kingship]
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[Israel/Solomon/Second Temple/Herod]
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[Israel/Qumran/Temple Scroll]
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[Israel/Christian/Ritual/Liturgy/Worship/ Heavenly Temple]
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Ventura, Raphael. “Bent Axis or Wrong Direction? Studies on the Temple of Serabit el-Khadim.” Israel Exploration Journal 38, no. 3 (1988): 128-38.
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[Christian/Salvation of the Dead]
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[Near East/Symbolism]
Vermes, Geza. “Lion-Damascas-Mehokek-Man.” In Scripture and Tradition in Judaism: Haggadic Studies, 40-66. Leiden: Brill, 1961.
[Near East/Israel]
Vermes, Geza. “Redemption and Genesis XXII: The Binding of Isaac and the Sacrifice of Jesus.” In Scripture and Tradition in Judaism: Haggadic Studies, 193-227. Leiden: Brill, 1961.
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[Near East/Israel/Christian/Ritual/Worship/Sacrifice]
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[Israel/Christian/Heavenly Temple]
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[Near East/Ritual/Liturgy/Worship]
Vigano, Lorenzo. “Rituals at Ebla II, i-gis sag: A Purification Ritual or Anointing of the Head?” Journal of Near Eastern Studies 59 (January 2000): 13-22.
[Near East/Ritual/Liturgy/Worship/Anointing]
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[Israel/Solomon/Furnishings/Heavenly Temple/Sacred Space/Symbolism/Theology]
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[Near East/Sacred Vestments/Symbolism]
Vogt, E. “Von Tempel zum Felsendom.” Biblica 55 (1974): 23-64.
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[Israel/Solomon/Second Temple/Herod]
Volgger, David. “The Day of Atonement According to the Temple Scroll.” Biblica 87, no. 2 (2006): 251-60.
[Israel/Festivals/Qumran/Temple Scroll]
Volschenk, Gert J. “Review Article: The Mountain Motif in the Plot of Matthew.” Hervormde Teologiese Studies/Theological Studies 66, no. 1 (2010): article #326, 9 pages. doi: 10.4102/hts.v66i1.326
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[Israel/Sacred Space]
W, H. .B.S. “The Samaritan Temple.” Palestine Exploration Fund Quarterly Statement 17 (April 1885): 139.
Wacholder, Ben Zion. “Calendar of Sabbatical Cycles during the Second Temple and the Early Rabbinic Period.” Hebrew Union College Annual 44 (1973): 153-96.
[Israel/Second Temple/Herod/Festivals]
Wacholder, Ben Zion. The Dawn of Qumran. Cincinnati: Hebrew Union College Press, 1983.
Wacholder, Ben Zion. “The Fragmentary Remains of 11QTorah (Temple Scroll), 11QTorahb and 11 QTorahc plus 4 Opara Torah Integrated with 11 Q Torah.” Hebrew Union College Annual 62 (1991): 1-116.
[Israel/Qumran/Temple Scroll]
→Wacholder, Ben Zion. “Rules of Testimony in Qumranic Jurisprudence: CD9 and 11Q Torah 64.” Journal of Jewish Studies 40, no. 2 (1989): 163-74.
[Israel/Qumran/Temple Scroll]
Wadsworth, Nelson B. Set in Stone, Fixed in Glass: The Great Mormon Temple and Its Photographers. Salt Lake City, Utah: Signature Books, 1992.
[Mormon/Salt Lake]
Wagenaar, J. A. “Passover and the First Day of the Festival of Unleavened Bread in the Priestly Festival Calendar.” Vetus Testamentum 54, no. 2 (2004): 250-68.
Wagenaar, J. A. “The Priestly Festival and the Babylonian New Year Festivals: Origin and Transformation of the Ancient Israelite Festival Year.” In The Old Testament in its World, edited by R. P. Gordon and J. C. De Moor, 218-52. Old Testament Studies 52. Leiden: E. J. Brill, 2005.
Wahlen, Clinton. “The Temple in Mark and Contested Authority.” Biblical Interpretation 15, no. 3 (2007): 248-67.
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Wainwright, Geoffrey. “Baptismal Eucharist before Nicaea: An Essay in Liturgical History.” Studia Liturgica 4 (1965): 9-36.
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Wainwright, Geoffrey. “Rites and Ceremonies of Christian Initiation: Developments in the Past.” Studia Liturgica 10 (1974): 2-24.
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[Near East/Sacred Vestments]
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[Near East/Mountain]
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[Mormon/Salt Lake]
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[Israel/Christian/Covenants/Heavenly Temple/Priesthood]
Walker, L. L. “Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil.” In New International Dictionary of Old Testament Theology and Exegesis, edited by W. A. VanGemeren, 4:1259-60. 5 vols. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1997.
[Eden/Tree of Life]
Walker, L. L. “Tree of Life.” In New International Dictionary of Old Testament Theology and Exegesis, edited by W. A. VanGemeren, 4:1260-61. 5 vols. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1997.
[Eden/Tree of Life]
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[Christian/New Temple]
Walker, P. W. L. “The Temple.” In Jesus and the Holy City: New Testament Perspectives on Jerusalem, 3-13, 28-32, 60-68, 119-27,163-75, 203-10, 243-48, 297-303. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1996.
[Israel/Herod/Christian/New Temple]
Walker, Peter. “Introduction.” In Heaven on Earth: The Temple in Biblical Theology, edited by T. Desmond Alexander and Simon Gathercole, 1-10. Carlisle, UK: Paternoster, 2004.
Walker, M. Richard, and Kathleen H. Walker. House of Learning: Getting More from Your Temple Experience. Salt Lake City: Deseret Book, 2010.
[Mormon/Salt Lake/Ritual/Worship]
Walker, Ronald W. “‘A Banner is Unfurled’: Mormonism’s Ensign Peak.” Dialogue: A Journal of Mormon Thought 26 (Winter 1993): 71-91.
Wallace, D. H. “The Essenes and Temple Sacrifice.” Theologische Zeitschrift 13 (1957): 335-38.
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[Eden/Tree of Life]
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Wallenkampf, Arnold V., and W. Richard Lesher, eds., The Sanctuary and the Atonement: Biblical, Historical, and Theological Studies. Washington, D.C.: The Review and Herald Publishing Association, 1981.
Heavenly Temple]
Walter, N. “Tempelzerstorung und synoptische Apokalypse.” Zeitschrift fur die neutestamentlischen Wissenschaft 57, nos. 1-2 (1966): 38-49.
Waltke, Bruce K. “The Phenomenon of Conditionality within Unconditional Covenants.” In Israel’s Apostasy and Restoration: Essays in Honor of Roland K. Harrison, edited by Avraham Gileadi, 123-39. Grand Rapids: Baker, 1988.
Walton, John H. “The Cosmos Is a Temple.” In The Lost World of Genesis One: Ancient Cosmology and the Origins Debate, 77-85. Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 2009.
[Creation/Cosmology/Heavenly Temple]
Walton, John H. Covenant: God’s Purpose, God’s Plan. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1994.
Walton, John H. “Divine Rest Is in a Temple.” In The Lost World of Genesis One: Ancient Cosmology and the Origins Debate, 71-76. Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 2009.
Walton, John H. “Equilibrium and the Sacred Compass: The Structure of Leviticus.” Bulletin for Biblical Research 11, no. 2 (2001): 293-304.
Walton, John H. “‘Functional Cosmic Temple’ Offers Face-Value Exegesis.” In The Lost World of Genesis One: Ancient Cosmology and the Origins Debate, 101-106. Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 2009.
[Creation/Cosmology/Eden/Heavenly Temple]
Walton, John H. “The Imagery of the Substitute King Ritual in Isaiah’s Fourth Servant Song.” Journal of Biblical Literature 122 (Winter 2003): 734-43.
Walton, John H. The Lost World of Genesis One: Ancient Cosmology and the Origins Debate. Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Academic, 2009.
[Israel/Creation/Cosmology/Eden/Heavenly Temple]
Walton, John H. “The Mesopotamian Background of the Tower of Babel Account and Its Implications.” Bulletin for Biblical Research 5 (1995): 155-75.
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[Israel/Creation/Cosmology/Eden/Heavenly Temple]
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[Israel/New Temple]
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[Israel/Herod/Christian/New Temple]
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[Israel/Herod/Christian/New Temple]
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[Israel/Herod/Christian/Qumran/Egypt/Leontopolis/Samaritan/Priesthood/New Temple]
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[Israel/Solomon/Second Temple/Herod/Christian/Theology/Symbolism/Furnishings/Sacrifice]
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[Israel/Solomon/Second Temple/Herod/Furnishings]
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[Israel/Solomon/Second Temple/Herod]
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[Israel/Solomon/Second Temple/Herod]
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[Israel/Near East/Canaan]
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[Near East/Sacred Space/Ritual]
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[Israel/New Temple]
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[New Temple]
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[Israel/Near East/Egypt/Greek/Rome/Sacrifice/Offerings]
Weinel, Heinrich. “MSH und seine Derivate.” Zeitschrift fur die alttestamentliche Wissenschaft 18 (1898): 1-82.
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Weinert, Francis D. “The Meaning of the Temple in the Gospel of Luke.” PhD diss., Fordham University, 1979.
Weinert, Francis D. “The Multiple Meanings of Luke 2:49 and Their Significance.” Biblical Theology Bulletin: A Journal of Bible and Theology 13 (February 1983): 19-22.
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[Near East/Israel/Covenants]
Weinfeld, Moshe. “Covenant Terminology in the Ancient Near East and Its Influence on the West.” Journal of the American Oriental Society 93 (1973): 190-99.
[Near East/Covenants]
Weinfeld, Moshe. “Cult Centralization in Israel in Light of Neo-Babylonian Analogy.” Journal of Near Eastern Studies 23 (July 1964): 202-12.
Weinfeld, Moshe. “Feminine Features in the Imagery of God in Israel: The Sacred Marriage and the Sacred Tree.” Vetus Testamentum 46 (October 1996): 515-29.
[Israel/Canaan/Eden/Tree of Life/Marriage]
Weinfeld, Moshe. “Instructions for Temple Visitors in the Bible and in Ancient Egypt.” In Studies in History and Literature of Ancient Egypt, edited by Sarah Israelit-Groll, 224-50. Scripta Hierosolymitana 28. Jerusalem: Magnes, 1982.
Weinfeld, Moshe. “The King as the Servant of the People: The Source of the Idea.” Journal of Jewish Studies 33(1982): 189-94.
Weinfeld, Moshe. “Pentecost as Festival of the Giving of the Law.” Immanuel 8 (Spring 1978): 7-18.
Weinfeld, Moshe. “Sabbath, Temple, and the Enthronement of the Lord–The Problem of the Sitz im Leben of Genesis 1:1–2:3.” In Melanges bibliques et orientaux en lhonneur de M. Henri Cazelles, edited by A. Caquot and M. Delcor, 501-12. Kevelaer: Butzon & Bercker; Neukirchen-Vluyn: Neukirchener Verlag, 1981.
Weinfeld, Moshe. “Social and Cultic Institutions in the Priestly Source against Their Ancient Near Eastern Background.” In Proceedings of the Eighth World Congress of Jewish Studies, Jerusalem, August 16-21, 1981: Panel Sessions, Bible Study and Hebrew Language, edited by David Assaf, 95-129. Jerusalem: World Union of Jewish Studies, 1983.
[Israel/Near East]
Weinfeld, Moshe. “Zion and Jerusalem as Religious and Political Capital: Ideology and Utopia.” In The Poet and the Historian: Essays in Literary and Historical Criticism, edited by R. E. Friedman. 75-115. Chico, CA: Scholars, 1983.
Weinfeld, Shemuel. The Writing of the Plan of the Chosen House (in Hebrew). Jerusalem: Eshkol, 1966.
Weinstock. St. “Templum.” In Paulys Preal-Encyclopadie der Classischen Altertumswissenshaft, edited by Georg Wissowa and Wilhelm Kroll, 9:480-485. Second series. Stuttgart: J.B. Metzler, 1918.
Weippert Helga. “Der Ort, den Jahwe erwahlen wird, um dort seinen Namen wohnen zu lassen: Die Geschichte einer alttestamentlichen Formel.” Biblische Zeitschrift 24 (1980): 76-94.
Weiser, Artur. “Die Tempelbaukrise unter David.” Zeitschrift fur die alttestamentliche Wissenschaft 77 (1965): 153-68.
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Weisman, Z. “National Consciousness in the Patriarchal Promises.” Journal for the Study of the Old Testament 31 (1985): 55-73.
Weisman, Z. “Anointing as a Motif in the Making of the Charismatic King.” Biblica 57 (1976): 378-98.
Weiss, Herold. “Foot Washing in the Johannine Community.” Novum Testamentum 21, no. 4 (1979): 298-325.
Weiss, Meir. The Chosen House–The Second Temple as Described by the Sages of Blessed Memory (in Hebrew). Jerusalem: Mosad Harav Kook, 1946.
[Israel/Second Temple]
Weiss, Meir. “Concerning Amos’ Repudiation of the Cult.” In Pomegranates and Golden Bells: Studies in Biblical, Jewish, and Near Eastern Ritual, Law, and Literature in Honor of Jacob Milgrom, edited by David P. Wright, David Noel Freedman and Avi Hurvitz, 199-214. Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns, 1995.
[Israel/Second Temple]
Weiss, Zeev. “Were Priests Communal Leaders in Late Antique Palestine? The Archaeological Evidence.” In Was 70 CE a Watershed in Jewish History?: On Jews and Judaism before and after the Destruction of the Second Temple, edited by Daniel R. Schwartz, Zeev Weiss and Ruth A. Clements, 91-111. Ancient Judaism and Early Christianity 78. Leiden, Brill, 2012.
Weitzman, Steven. “Copper Scroll (3Q15).” In The Eerdmans Dictionary of Early Judaism, edited by John J. Collins and Daniel C. Harlow, 486-87. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2010.
[Israel/Qumran/Copper Scroll]
Welch, Adam C. “The Share of N. Israel in the Restoration of the Temple Worship.” Zeitschrift fur die alt-testamentliche Wissenschaft n.s., 7 (1930): 175-87.
[Israel/Second Temple]
Welch, Adam C. “When Was the Worship of Israel Centralized at the Temple?” Zeitschrift fur die alttestamentliche Wissenschaft, n.s., 2 (1925): 250-55.
Welch, John W. “Abinadi and Pentecost.” In Reexploring the Book of Mormon, edited by John W. Welch, 135-38. Salt Lake City: Deseret Book, 1992.
Welch, John W. “Connections Between the Visions of Lehi and Nephi.” In Pressing Forward with the Book of Mormon: The FARMS Updates of the 1990s, edited by John W. Welch and Melvin J. Thorne, 49-53. Provo, UT: FARMS, 1999.
[Mormon/Ascent/Tree of Life]
Welch, John W. “Counting to Ten.” Journal of Book of Mormon Studies 12, no. 2 (2003): 42-57.
Welch, John W. Illuminating the Sermon at the Temple and Sermon on the Mount: An Approach to 3 Nephi 11-18 and Matthew 5-7. Provo: FARMS, 1999.
Welch, John W., comp. “King Benjamin’s Speech in the Context of Ancient Israelite Festivals.” In FARMS Preliminary Report. Provo, UT: FARMS, 1985.
Welch, John W. “A Latter-day Saint Reception of Temple Themes in Christian Worship.” The Farms Review 21, no. 1 (2009): 3-7.
Welch, John W. “The Melchizedek Material in Alma 13:13-19.” In By Study and Also By Faith: Essays in Honor of Hugh W. Nibley, edited by John M. Lundquist and Stephen D. Ricks, 2:238-72. 2 vols. Salt Lake City: Deseret Book, 1990.
Welch, John W. “Seeing 3 Nephi as the Holy of Holies of the Book of Mormon.” In Third Nephi: An Incomparable Scripture, edited by Andrew C. Skinner and Gaye Strathearn, 1-33. Provo, UT: Neal A. Maxwell Institute for Religious Studies, Brigham Young University, 2012.
Welch, John W. “The Sermon at the Temple.” In Reexploring the Book of Mormon, ed. John W. Welch, 253-56. Provo, UT: FARMS, 1992.
Welch, John W. The Sermon at the Temple and the Sermon on the Mount: A Latter-day Saint Approach. Salt Lake City: Deseret Book, 1990.
Welch, John W. The Sermon on the Mount in the Light of the Temple. London: Ashgate, 2009.
Welch, John W. “The Temple in the Book of Mormon: The Temples at the Cities of Nephi, Zarahemla, and Bountiful.” In Temples of the Ancient World: Ritual and Symbolism, edited by Donald W. Parry, 297-387. Salt Lake City: Deseret Book, 1994.
Welch, John W. “Temple Themes and Ethical Formation in the Sermon on the Mount.” Studies in Christian Ethics 22, no. 2 (2009): 148–60.
Welch, John W. “The Temple, the Sermon on the Mount, and the Gospel of Matthew.” In Mormonism and the Temple: Examining an Ancient Religious Tradition, edited by Gary N. Anderson, 61-107. Provo, UT: Brigham Young University, 2013.
Welch, John W., and Claire Foley. “Gammadia on Early Jewish and Christian Garments.” Brigham Young University Studies , 36, no. 3 (1996-97): 252-58. Also in, Masada and the World of the New Testament, edited by John F. Hall and John W. Welch, 253-58. Provo, UT: Brigham Young University Studies, 1997.
[Israel/Christian/Ritual/Liturgy/Worship/Sacred Vestments]
Welch, John W., and Donald W. Parry, eds. The Tree of Life: From Eden to Eternity. Provo, UT: Neal A. Maxwell Institute for Religious Scholarship, 2011.
[Eden/Tree of Life]
Welch, Thomas Weston. “Early Mormon Woodworking at Its Best: A Study of the Craftsmanship in the First Temples of Utah.” M.S. thesis, Brigham Young University, 1983.
Weller, Charles H. Athens and Its Monuments. New York: Macmillan, 1913.
Wellhausen, Julius. “History of the Ordinances of Worship” In Prolegomenon to the History of Ancient Israel, 17-167. New York: Meridian, 1957. Originally published in 1878.
[Near East/Israel/Ritual/Liturgy/Worship]
Wells, Junius F. “Logan Temple.” The Contributor 5 (June 1884): 354-57.
Wells, Paul. “Covenant, Humanity, and Scripture: Some Theological Reflections.” Westminster Theological Journal 48 (1986): 17-45.
Welten, Peter. “Kulthohe.” In Biblisches Reallexikon, edited by Kurt Galling, 94-5. 2nd ed. Tubingen: Mohr, 1977.
Welten, Peter. “Kulthohe and Jahwetempel.” Zeitschift des deutschen Palastina-Vereins 88 (1972): 19-37.
Welten, Peter. “Lade-Tempel-Jerusalem: Zur Theologie der Chronikbucher.” In Textgemass: Aufsatze und Beitrage zur Hermeneutik des alten Testaments: Festschrift fiir Ernst Wurthwein zum 70. Geburtstag, edited by A. H. J. Gunneweg and Otto Kaiser, 169-83. Gottingen: Vandenhoeck and Ruprecht, 1979.
Welwei, K. W. “Abhangige Landbevolkerung auf ‘Templeterritorien’ im hellenistischen Kleinasian und Syrien.” Ancient Society 10 (1979): 97-118.
Wendel, Adolf. Das Opfer in der altisraelitischen Religion. Leipzig: Pfeiffer, 1927.
→Wendland, E. R. “The Structure, Style, Sense, and Significance of Haggai’s Prophecy Concerning the ‘House of the Lord’–With Special Reference to the Bible Interpretation and Translation in Africa.” Pts. 1 and 2. Old Testament Essays 18, no. 3 (2005): 907-26; 19, no. 1 (2006): 281-306.
Wenell, Karen J. “Contested Temple Space and Visionary Kingdom Space in Mark 11-12.” Biblical Interpretation: A Journal of Contemporary Approaches 15, no. 3 (2007): 323-37.
[Israel/Herod/Christian/Sacred Space/Heavenly Temple]
Wenell, Karen J. Jesus and Land: Sacred and Social Space in Second Temple Judaism. Library of New Testament Studies 334. London, UK: T&T Clark, 2007.
[Israel/Second Temple/Sacred Space]
Wenham, Gordon J. “The Akedah: A Paradigm of Sacrifice.” In Pomegranates and Golden Bells: Studies in Biblical, Jewish, and Near Eastern Ritual, Law, and Literature in Honor of Jacob Milgrom, edited by David P. Wright, David Noel Freedman and Avi Hurvitz, 93-102. Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns, 1995.
Wenham, Gordon J. “Deuteronomy and the Central Sanctuary.” Tyndale Bulletin 22 (1971): 103-18.
Wenham, Gordon. “Purity.” In The Biblical World, edited by John Barton, 2:378-94. 2 vols. London: Foutledge, 2002.
Wenham, Gordon J. “Sanctuary Symbolism in the Garden of Eden Story.” In Proceedings of the Ninth World Congress of Jewish Studies, 19-25. Jerusalem: World Union of Jewish Studies, 1986. Also in “I Studied Inscriptions from Before the Flood”: Ancient Near Eastern, Literary, and Linguistic Approaches to Genesis 1-11, edited by Richard S. Hess and David Toshio Tsumura, 399-404. Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns, 1994.
Wenham, Gordon J. “The Symbolism of the Animal Rite in Genesis 15: A Response to G. F. Hasel.” Journal for the Study of the Old Testament 22 (1982): 134-37.
Wenham, Gordon J. “The Theology of Old Testament Sacrifice.” In Sacrifice in the Bible, edited by Roger T. Beckwith and Martin J. Selman, 75-87. Carlisle, UK: Paternoster, 1995.
Wenham, Gordon J. “Were David’s Sons Priests?” Zeitschrift fur die alttestamentliche Wissenschaft 87 (1975): 79-82.
Wenschkewitz, Hans. “Die Spiritualisierung der Kultusbegriffe: Temple, Priester und Opfer im Neuen Testament.” Angelos 4 (1932): 70-230.
[Israel/Christian/Priesthood/New Temple]
Wensinck, A. J. Arabic New Year and the Feast of Tabernacles. Amsterdam: Uitgave van de Koninklijke Academie van Wetenschappen te Amsterdam, 1925.
Wensinck, A. J. The Ideas of the Western Semites Concerning the Naval of the Earth. (Amsterdam: Johannes Muller, 1916.
[Near East/Israel/Cosmology]
Wentling, Judith. “Unraveling the Relationship Between 11QT, and the Eschatological Temple and the Qumran Community.” Revue de Qumran 14 (1989-90): 61-73.
[Israel/Qumran/Temple Scroll/New Temple]
Werblowsky, R. J. Zvi. “Temple and Temples: Some Linguistic Reflections.” In Revelation, Reason, and Faith: Essays in Honor of Truman G. Madsen, edited by Donald W. Parry, Daniel C. Peterson and Stephen D. Ricks, 743-52. Provo, UT: FARMS, 2002.
Werbrouck, Marcelle. Le Temple de Hatshepsut a Deir-el-Bahari. Brussels: Fondation egyptologique reine Elisabeth, 1949.
Werline, R. A. Penitential Prayer in Second Temple Judaism: The Development of a Religious Institution. Journal of Biblical Literature: Early Judaism and its Literature. Atlanta: Scholars Press, 1998.
Werman, Cana. “על מועדי הכפרה במגילת המקדש [Appointed Times of Atonement in the Temple Scroll].” In מגילות: מחקרים במגילות מדבר יהודה ד [Meghillot- Studies in the Dead Sea Scrolls IV], edited by Moshe Bar-Asher and Devorah Dimant, 89-119. Jerusalem: Haifa University and Bialik Institute, 2006.
[Festivals/Qumran/Temple Scroll]
Werman, Cana. “The Concept of Holiness and the Requirements of Purity in Second Temple and Tannaic Literature.” In Purity and Holiness: The Heritage of Leviticus, edited by M. J. H. M. Poorthuis and J. Schwartz, 163-79. Jewish and Christian Perspectives Series 2. Leiden: Brill, 2000.
[Israel/Second Temple/Ritual/Liturgy/Worship]
Werman, Cana. “מועדי הביכורים במגילת המקדש [The First Fruit Festivals according to the Temple Scroll].” In צפנת פענח: מחקרי לשון מוגשים לאלישע קימרון במלאות לו שישים וחמש שנה [Zaphenath-Paneah: Linguistic Studies Presented to Elisha Qimron on the Occasion of His Sixty-Fifth Birthday], edited by Daniel Sivan, David Talshir and Chaim Cohen, 177-198. Beer-Sheva: Beer-Sheva University Press, 2009.
Werman, Cana. “God’s House: Temple and Universe.” In Philo und das Neue Testament, edited by R. Deines, 309-320. Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament 172, Tubingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2000.
[Israel/Cosmology/Heavenly Temple]
Werman, Cana. “Levi and Levites in the Second Temple Period.” Dead Sea Discoveries 4, no. 2 (1997): 211-25.
[Israel/Second Temple/Priesthood]
Werman, Cana. “The Rules of Consuming and Covering the Blood in Priestly and Rabbinic Law.” Revue de Qumran 16, no. 64 (1995): 621-36.
Werman, Cana. “The Sons of Zadok and the Sons of Aaron.” In The Dead Sea Scrolls: 50
Years after Their Discoveries, edited by L. H. Schiffman, E. Tov and J. C. VanderKam, 623-30. Jerusalem: Israel Exploration Society and the Israel Museum, 2000.
Werrett, Ian C. “Ritual Purity and the Dead Sea Scrolls.” PhD diss., University of St. Andrews, 2006.
Werrett, Ian C. Ritual Purity and the Dead Sea Scrolls. Studies on the Texts of the Desert of Judah 72. Leiden: Brill, 2007.
Wescoat, Bonna Daix. “The Architecture and Iconography of the Temple of Athena at Assos.” PhD diss., University of Oxford, 1983.
→Wescoat, Bonna D. “Designing the Temple of Athena at Assos: Some Evidence from the Capitals.” American Journal of Archaeology 91 (October 1987): 553-68.
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→Wessels, Wilhelm J. “The Tip of the Iceberg: Leadership and Leader Interaction in the Book of Haggai in a Time of Resettling and Reconstruction.” Old Testament Essays 16, no. 2 (2003): 502-17.
[Israel/Second Temple/Building]
→Wessels, Wilhelm J. “Tracking an Ancient Near Eastern Economic System: The Tributary Mode of Production and the Temple State.” Old Testament Essays 18, no. 2 (2005): 426-43.
[Israel/Near East]
☹Wessner, Mark D. “Toward a Literary Understanding of Moses and the Lord “Face to Face” [Hebrew words] in Exodus 33:7-11.” Restoration Quarterly 44 (2002): 109-16.
West, Joseph A. “Importance of Temple Work and Tithing.” Improvement Era 29 (December
1925): 153-55.
[Mormon/Salvation of the Dead]
West, Joseph A. “Objections to Temple Work.” Relief Society Magazine 6, no. 9 (1919): 515-18.
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[Israel/Solomon/Second Temple/Herod]
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Wheeler, Samuel B. “Prayer and Temple in the Dedication Speech of Solomon, 1 Kings 8:14-61.” PhD diss., Columbia University, 1977.
[Israel/Solomon/Dedication/Ritual/ Liturgy/Worship]
Whirley, Carlton F. “Significance of the Temple Cultus in the Background of the Gospel of John.” PhD diss., Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, 1958.
Whiston, William. “Dissertation II. Concerning God’s Command to Abraham to Offer Up Isaac, His Son, for a Sacrifice.” In Josephus Complete Works, 647-52. Grand Rapids: Kregel Publications, 1963.
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[Israel/Christian/New Temple]
Whitchurch, David M. “Jewish Holy Days and the Testimony of Christ.” In The Testimony of John the Beloved, The 27th Annual Sidney B. Sperry Symposium, 301-26. Salt Lake City: Deseret Book, 1998.
Whitcomb, John C. “Christ’s Atonement and Animal Sacrifices in Israel.” Grace Theological Journal 6 (1985): 208-13.
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[Sinai/Israel/Christian/Tabernacle/Sacred Vestments/Priesthood/Symbolism]
White, H. C. “The Divine Oath in Genesis.” Journal of Biblical Literature 92 (1973): 165-79.
White, Joel R. “‘Baptized on Account of the Dead’: The Meaning of 1 Corinthians 15:29 in its Context.” Journal of Biblical Literature 116 (Autumn 1997): 487-99.
[Christian/Salvation of the Dead]
White, L. Michael. Building God’s House in the Roman World: Architectural Adaptation Among Pagans, Jews and Christians. Baltimore: John Hopkins University Press, 1990.
Whitehorne, J. E. G. “New Light on Temple and State in Roman Egypt.” Journal of Religious History 11 (December 1980): 218-26.
Whitekettle, Richard. “Leviticus 12 and the Israelite Woman: Ritual Process, Liminality, and the Womb.” Zeitschrift fur die alttestamentliche Wissenschaft 107 (1995): 393-408.
Whiting, Scott D. “Temple Standard.” Ensign 42 (November 2012): 37-39.
Whitney, J. T. “‘Bamoth’ in the Old Testament.” Tyndale Bulletin 30 (1979): 125-48.
Whitney, J. T. “The Israelite ‘bamah.’” PhD diss., Nottingham University, 1974.
Whitney, Orson F. “Abraham and the House of Israel.” In Saturday Night Thoughts, by Orson F. Whitney, in Cowley & Whitney on Doctrine, edited by Forace Green, 319-25. Salt Lake City: Bookcraft, 1963.
Whitney, Orson F. “Two Great Phases of the Lord’s Work.” Improvement Era 24 (February 1921): 281-88.
[Mormon/Salvation of the Dead]
Whitney, Orson F. “The Welding Link.” Improvement Era 28 (January 1925): 187-96.
Whittaker, David J. “A Covenant People: Old Testament Light on Modern Covenants.” Ensign 10 (August 1980: 36-40.
Why Symbols?” Ensign 37 (February 2007): 12-17.
Whybray, Roger N. “Proverbs 8:22-31 and Its Supposed Prototypes.” Vetus Testamentum 15 (October 1965): 504-14.
Whitters, Mark F. “Why Did the Bystanders Think Jesus Called upon Elijah before He Died (Mark 15:34-36)?” Harvard Theological Review 95 (January 2002): 119-24.
Wickman, Lance B. “‘Stand Ye In Holy Places.’” Ensign 24 (November 1994): 82-83.
Widell, Magnus. “The Interpretation and Reconstruction of the Double Temple at Hazor.” Svensk Exegetisk (1997): 27-56.
Widengren, Geo. The Ascension of the Apostle and the Heavenly Book (King and Saviour III). Uppsala: Lundequistska Bokhandeln, 1950.
Widengren, Geo. “Aspetti simbolici dei templi e luoghi di culto del vicino oriente antico.” Numen 1 (1960): 1-25. Also in a slightly revised version in German as “Der Kultplatz: Symbolische Bedeutung des Heiligtums im alten Vorderen Orient.” In Widengren, Religionsphanomenologie, 328-39. Berlin: de Gruyter, 1969.
Widengren, Geo. “Baptism and Enthronement in Some Jewish-Christian Gnostic Documents.” In The Saviour God, edited by Samuel G. F. Brandon, 205-17. New York: Barnes and Noble, 1963.
Widengren, Geo. “Early Hebrew Myths and Their Interpretation.” In Myth, Ritual, and Kingship: Essays on the Theory and Practice of Kingship in the Ancient Near East and in Israel, edited by S. H. Hooke, 149-203. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1958.
Widengren, Geo. “Heavenly Enthronement and Baptism, Studies in Mandean Baptism.” In Religions in Antiquity, Essays in Memory of E. R. Goodenough, edited by Jacob Neusner, 551-82. Leiden: Brill, 1968.
Widengren, Geo. “King and Covenant.” Journal of Semitic Studies 2 (January 1957): 1-32.
[Near East/Kingship/Covenants]
Widengren, Geo. The King and the Tree of Life in Ancient Near Eastern Religion. Uppsala: Universitets Arsskrift, 1951.
[Near East/Eden/Kingship/Coronation/Tree of Life]
Widengren, Geo. “Der Kultplatz.” In Religionsphanomenologie, 328-59. Berlin: de Gruyter, 1969.
[Sacred Space]
Widengren, Geo. “Royal Ideology and the Testaments of the Twelve Patriarchs.” In Promise and Fulfillment: Essays Presented to S. H. Hooke, edited by F. F. Bruce, 202-12. Edinburgh: Clark, 1963.
[Israel/Kingship/Sacred Vestments]
Widengren, Geo. “The Sacral Kingship of Iran.” In The Sacral Kingship/La Regalita Sacra. 242-57. Leiden: Brill, 1959.
[Near East/Kingship/Coronation]
Widengren, Geo. “Das sakrale Konigtum.” In Widengren, Religions-phanomenologie, 360-93. Berlin: de Gruyter, 1969.
Widengren, Geo. Sakrales Konigtum im alten Testament und im Judentum. Stuttgart: Kohlhammer, 1955.
Widtsoe, John A. “The Basis of Spirituality.” In Joseph Smith, Seeker After Truth, Prophet of God, 243-49. Salt Lake City: Bookcraft, 1957.
Widtsoe, John A. “The Beginnings of Modern Temple Work.” Improvement Era 30 (October 1927): 1073-79.
Widtsoe, John A. “A Covenant People.” New Era 6 (February 1976): 44-6.
Widtsoe, John A. “Dedication of the Alberta Temple.” Utah Genealogical and Historical Magazine 14 (October 1923): 153-60.
Widtsoe, John A. “Elijah, the Tishbite.” Utah Genealogical and Historical Magazine 27, no. 2 (April 1936): 53-60.
[Mormon/Elijah/Priesthood/Salvation of the Dead]
Widtsoe, John A. “Fundamentals of Temple Doctrine.” Utah Genealogical and Historical Magazine 13 (June 1922): 129-135.
Widtsoe, John A. “Genealogical Activities in Europe.” Utah Genealogical and Historical Magazine 22 (July 1931): 97-106.
[Mormon/Salvation of the Dead]
Widtsoe, John A. “The House of the Lord.” Improvement Era 39 (April 1936): 22.
Widtsoe, John A. “The House of the Lord.” Improvement Era 48 (October 1945): 584. Reprinted in 72 (July 1969): 13-14.
Widtsoe, John A. “How Does Work for the Dead Promote World Peace?” Improvement Era 51 (June 1948): 385, 400.
[Mormon/Theology/Salvation of the Dead]
Widtsoe, John A. “The Joys of Temple Work.” Improvement Era 71 (April 1968): 8-9.
[Mormon/Ritual/Liturgy/Worship/Salvation of the Dead]
Widtsoe, John A. “Lessons in Genealogy.” Utah Genealogical and Historical Magazine 16 (January 1925): 35-9.
[Mormon/Salvation of the Dead]
Widtsoe, John A. “Looking Towards the Temple.” Improvement Era 65 (October 1962): 706-10, 765. Reprinted in Ensign 2 (January 1972): 56-58.
Widtsoe, John A. “Purpose of the Family Organization.” Utah Genealogical and Historical Magazine 14 (April 1923): 79-81.
Widtsoe, John A. “Salvation for the Dead.” Millennial Star 91 (September 19, 1929): 600-1.
[Mormon/Salvation of the Dead]
Widtsoe, John A. “Serving Our Dead.” Millennial Star 89 (August 4, 1927): 481-85.
[Mormon/Salvation of the Dead]
Widtsoe, John A. “The Temple Calls.” Improvement Era 46 (April 1943): 224.
[Mormon/Ritual/Liturgy/Worship/Salvation of the Dead]
Widtsoe, John A. “Temple Ordinances.” In A Rational Theology, 125-29. Salt Lake City: Deseret Book, 1966.
Widtsoe, John A. “Temple Worship.” Utah Genealogical and Historical Magazine 12 (April 1921): 49-64.
Widtsoe, John A. “Temples and Temple Building.” Utah Genealogical and Historical Magazine 12 (July 1921): 113-22.
Widtsoe, John A. “Universal Brotherhood Will Save the World.” Improvement Era 53 (May 1950): 372, 428-30.
[Mormon/Salvation of the Dead]
Widtsoe, John A. “The Urgency of Temple Service.” Utah Genealogical and Historical Magazine 28 (January 1937): 5.
[Mormon/Salvation of the Dead/Ritual/Liturgy/Worship]
Widtsoe, John A. “The Way of Salvation.” Improvement Era 46 (May 1943): 278-79.
[Mormon/Salvation of the Dead/Ritual/Liturgy/Worship]
Widtsoe, John A. “Whence Came the Temple Endowment?” Improvement Era 53 (February 1950): 94-95.
Widtsoe, John A. “Who Is Elias? What Is the Mission of Elias?” Improvement Era, 45 (October 1942): 641.
Widtsoe, John A. “Who Was Melchizedek?” Improvement Era 48 (December 1945): 761.
Widtsoe, John A. “Work for the Dead.” Utah Genealogical and Historical Magazine 6 (January 1915): 33-35.
[Mormon/Salvation of the Dead]
Widtsoe, John A. “The Worth of Souls.” Millennial Star 96 (March 1, 1934): 129-34.
[Mormon/Salvation of the Dead]
→Wiener, Calude. “Circumcision.” In Dictionary of Biblical Theology, edited by Xavier Leon-Dufour, 78-81. Updated Second Edition. Frederick, MD: The Word Among Us Press, 1988.
→Wiener, Calude. “Marriage.” In Dictionary of Biblical Theology, edited by Xavier Leon-Dufour, 334-37. Updated Second Edition. Frederick, MD: The Word Among Us Press, 1988.
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Wiener, Harold M. “The Position of the Tent of Meeting.” Expositor (1912): 476-80.
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[Israel/Second Temple]
Wightman, G. J. “Temple Fortunes in Jerusalem, Part I: The Ptolemaic and Seleucid Akras.” Bulletin of the Anglo-Israel Archaeological Society 9 (1989-90): 29-40; “Part II: The Hasmonean Baris and Herodian Antonia,” 10 (1990-91): 7-35.
[Israel/Second Temple/Herod]
Wijngaards, J. N. M. “The Adoption of Pagan Rites in Early Israelite Liturgy.” In God’s Word among Men, Papers in Honor of Fr. Joseph Putz, edited by G. Gispert Sauch, 247-56. Delhi: Vidyajyoti, 1973.
[Near East/Israel/Ritual/Liturgy/Worship]
Wijngaards, J. N. M. “Death and Resurrection in Covenantal Context (Hos. VI 2).” Vetus Testamentum 17 (April 1967): 226-39.
Wijngaards, J. N. M. The Dramatization of Salvific History in the Deuteronomic Schools. Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1969.
Wilcox, S. Michael. “The Abrahamic Covenant.” Ensign 28 (January 1998): 42-48.
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Wilder, William N. “Illumination and Investiture: The Royal Significance of the Tree of Wisdom in Genesis 3.” Westminster Theological Journal 68 (2006): 51-69.
[Eden/Tree of Life]
Wilhelm, G. “Qumran (‘Tempelrolle’).” Archiv fur Orientforschung 22 (1968-69): 165-66.
[Israel/Qumran/Temple Scroll]
Wilkinson, Carol. “Temple Symbolism of the Body.” Religious Educator 6, no. 1 (2005): 65-74.
[Christian/New Temple/Symbolism]
Wilkinson, John D. “Jesus Comes to Jerusalem.” In Jerusalem as Jesus Knew It, 70-122. London: Thames and Hudson, 1978.
Wilkinson, John D. “Orientation, Jewish and Christian.” Palestine Exploration Quarterly 116 (1984): 16-30.
Wilkinson, John D. “Jewish Influences on the Early Christian Rite of Jerusalem.” Le Museon 92, nos. 3-4 (1979): 347-59.
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Wilkinson, Richard H. “The stylos of Revelation 3:12 and Ancient Coronation Rites.” Journal of Biblical Literature 107 (September 1988): 498-501.
Will, Ernest. “Un probleme d’interpretatio graeca: la pseudo-tribune d’Echmoun a Sidon.” Syria 62, nos. 1-2 (1985): 105-24.
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→Williams, Caroline. “The Corinthian Temple of Zeus Olbios at Uzuncaburc: A Reconsideration of the Date. American Journal of Archaeology 78 (October 1974): 405-414.
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→Williamson, Christine. “City and Sanctuary in Hellenistic Asia Minor: Constructing Civic Identity in the Sacred Landscapes of Mylasa and Stratonikeia in Karia.” PhD diss., University of Groningen, 2012.
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[Israel/Second Temple]
Williamson, H. G. M. “The Dynastic Oracle in the Books of Chronicles.” In Essays on the Bible and the Ancient World: Isac Leo Seeligmann Volume, edited by A. Rofe and Y. Zakovitch, 3: 305-18. Jerusalem: E. Rubinstein, 1983.
Williamson, H. G. M. “Hezekiah and the Temple.” In Texts, Temples, and Traditions: A Tribute to Menahem Haran, edited by Michael V. Fox, Victor Avigdor Hurowitz, Avi Hurvitz, Michael L. Klein, Baruch J. Schwartz, and Nili Shupak, 47-52. Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns, 1996.
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Willis, John T. “An Anti-Elide Narrative Tradition from a Prophetic Circle at the Ramah Sanctuary.” Journal of Biblical Literature 90 (September 1971): 288-308.
Wilson, A. M., and L. Wills. “Literary Sources of the Temple Scroll.” Harvard Theological Review 75 (1982): 275-88.
→Wilson, Charles W. “The Masonry of the Haram Wall.” Palestine Exploration Fund Quarterly Statement 12 (1880): 9-65.
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Wilson, E. Jan. “Inside a Sumerian Temple: The Ekishnugal at Ur.” In The Temple in Time and Eternity, edited by Donald W. Parry and Stephen D. Ricks, 303-34. Provo, UT: FARMS, 1999.
[Mesopotamia/Sacred Vestments]
Wilson, Gnanamuthu S. “A Descriptive Analysis of Creation Concepts and Themes in the Book of Psalms.” PhD diss., Andrews University, 1996.
[Near East/Israel/Creation/Cosmology/Theology]
Wilson, Ian. “Merely a Container? The Ark in Deuteronomy.” In Temple and Worship in Biblical Israel. Proceedings of the Oxford Old Testament Seminar, edited by John Day, 212-49. London: T&T Clark, 2007.
Wilson, Ian. Out of the Midst of the Fire: Divine Presence in Deuteronomy. Society of Biblical Literature Dissertation Series. Atlanta: Scholars Press, 1995.
Wilson, J. Daniel. “Jesus’ Rhetoric of Authority in the Temple Conflict Narrative: A Rhetorical Analysis of Matthew 21-23.” PhD diss, University of Memphis, 1993.
[Israel/Second Temple/Herod/Christian]
Wilson, John A. “The Oath in Ancient Egypt.” Journal of Near Eastern Studies 7 (July 1948): 129-56.
Wilson, Lerona A. “My Testimony Concerning Temple Work.” Relief Society Magazine 3 (February 1916): 82-84.
[Mormon/Salvation of the Dead]
Wilson, Lynne Hilton. “The Holy Spirit: Creating, Anointing, and Empowering.” In The Gospel of Jesus Christ in the Old Testament, edited by D. Kelly Ogden, Jared W. Ludlow, and Kerry Muhlestein, 250-81. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2009.
Wilson, Penelope. “A Lexicographical Study of the Ptolemaic Texts in the Temple of Edfu. (Volumes I-III) (Edfu, Egypt, Hellenistic).” PhD diss., The University of Liverpool, 1991.
Wimber, Kristina Michelle. “Four Greco-Roman Era Temples of Near Eastern Fertility Goddesses: An Analysis of Architectural Tradition.” M.A. thesis, Brigham Young University, 2007.
Winder, John R. “Temples and Temple Work.” Young Women’s Journal 14 (February 1903): 50-53.
[Mormon/Salvation of the Dead]
Winder, Michael Kent. “A Herculean Task: Completing the Temple, 1892-1900.” In John R. Winder, Member of the First Presidency, Pioneer, Temple Builder, Dairyman, 181-96. Bountiful, UT: Horizon Publishers, 1999.
[Mormon/Salt Lake/Construction]
Winer, Georg B. “Tempel-herodianischer.” Biblisches Realwoerterbuch, edited by Georg B. Winer, 2:578-91. 2 vols. Leipzig: Reclam, 1848.
Winkle, Richard H. “The Temple is About Families.” Ensign 35 (November 2005): 9-11.
Winkle, Ross E. “‘Clothes make the (one like a son of) man’: Dress Imagery in Revelation 1 as an Indicator of High Priestly Status.” Phd diss., Andrews University, 2012.
[Israel/Herod/Christian/Herod/Sacred Vestments]
Winkle, Ross E. “The Jeremiah Model for Jesus in the Temple.” Andrews University Seminary Studies 23, no. 2, (1986): 155-72.
Winkler, G. “Confirmation or Chrismation: A Study in Comparitive Liturgy.” Worship 58 (January 1984): 2-17.
Winkler, G. “The Original Meaning of the Pre-Baptismal Anointing and its Implications.” Worship 52, no.1 (1978): 24-45.
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→Winter, P. “Isa lxiii9 (GK) and the Passover Haggadah.” Vetus Testamentum 63, no. 3 (2013): 29-31.
Winter, Paul. “Twenty-Six Priestly Courses.” Vetus Testamentum 6 (April 1956): 215-17. [Israel/Priesthood]
Winter, Robert. “Architecture on the Frontier: The Mormon Experiment.” Pacific Historical Review 43 (February 1974): 50-60.
Wischnitzer, R. “Maimonides’ Drawings of the Temples.” Journal of Jewish Art 1 (1974): 16-27.
Wise, Michael O. “The Covenant of Temple Scroll 29:3-10.” Revue de Qumran 14, no. 1 (1989): 49-60.
[Israel/Qumran/Temple Scroll/Covenants]
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[Israel/Qumran/Temple Scroll]
Wise, Michael O. “The Eschatological Vision of the Temple Scroll.” Journal of Near Eastern Studies 49 (April 1990): 155-72.
[Israel/Qumran/Temple Scroll/Heavenly Temple]
Wise, Michael O. “4QFlorilegium and the Temple of Adam.” Revue de Qumran 15 (1991-92): 103-32.
Wise, Michael O. “A New Manuscript Join in the ‘Festival of Wood Offering’ (Temple Scroll XXIII).” Journal of Near Eastern Studies 43 (April 1988): 113-21.
[Israel/Qumran/Temple Scroll/Festivals]
Wise, Michael O. “Temple.” In Dictionary of Jesus and the Gospels, edited by J. B. Green and S. McKnight, 811-17. Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 1992.
Witsius, Herman. The Economy of the Covenants Between God and Man: Comprehending a Complete Body of Divinity. Reprint of the1803 edition. Escondido, CA: den Dulk Christian Foundation, 1990.
→Wittorf. John H. “An Historical Investigation of the Ruined ‘Altars” at Adam-ondi-Ahman Missouri.” Newsletter and Proceedings of the Society for Early Historic Archaeology 113 (15 April 1969): 1-8.
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[Israel/Solomon/Second Temple/Herod]
Wolff, Odilo. Der Tempel von Jerusalem und seine Masse. Graz: Styria, 1887.
[Israel/Solomon/Second Temple/Herod]
Wolfsen, Elliot R. “Seven Mysteries of Knowledge: Qumran Esotericism Recovered.” In The Idea of Biblical Interpretation: Essays in Honor of James L. Kugel, edited by Hindy Najman and Judith H. Newman, 177-213. Leiden: Brill, 2004.
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[Israel/Qumran/Copper Scroll/Offerings]
Wolters, Al. The Copper Scroll: Overview, Text and Translation. Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 1996.
[Israel/Qumran/Copper Scroll/Offerings]
Wolters, Al. “‘The Fifth Cache of the Copper Scroll:’ The Plastered Cistern of Manos.” Revue de Qumran 13 (1988): 167-76.
[Israel/Qumran/Copper Scroll/Offerings]
Wolters, Al. “History and the Copper Scroll.” In Methods of Investigation of the Dead Sea Scrolls and the Khirbet Qumran Site: Present Realities and Future Prospects, edited by Michael O. Wise, Norman Golb, John J. Collins and Denis Pardee, 285-98. New York: New York Academy of Science, 1994.
[Israel/Qumran/Copper Scroll/Offerings]
Wolters, Al. “The Last Treasure of the Copper Scroll.” Journal of Biblical Literature 107 (September 1988): 419-29.
[Israel/Qumran/Copper Scroll/Offerings]
Wolters, Al. “Literary Analysis and the Copper Scroll.” In Intertestamental Essays in Honor of Jozef Tadeusz Milik, edited by Zdzislaw J. Kapera, 239-52. Krakow: The Enigma Press, 1992.
[Israel/Qumran/Copper Scroll/Offerings]
Wolters, Al. “Notes on the Copper Scroll.” Revue de Qumran 12 (1987): 595-96.
[Israel/Qumran/Copper Scroll/Offerings]
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Woodfin, Warren T. The Embodied Icon: Liturgical Vestments and Sacramental Power in Byzantium. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2012.
[Christian/Sacred Vestments]
Woodford, Robert J. “How Much Do We Know about Baptism Before Christ’s Time?” Ensign 21 (July 1991): 74-75.
→Woodger, Mary Jane. “Joseph Smith’s Restoration of the Eternal Roles of Husband and Father.” In Joseph Smith and the Doctrinal Restoration, no editor,381-96. The 34th Annual Sidney B. Sperry Symposium. Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2005.
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[Mormon/Theology/Salvation of the Dead]
Woodring, Hoyt Chester, Jr. “Grace Under the Mosaic Covenant.” ThD diss., Dallas Theological Seminary, 1956.
Woodruff, Wilford., and George Q. Cannon. “The Law of Adoption.” Utah Genealogical and Historical Magazine 13 (October 1922): 145-58.
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[Israel/Ezekiel/New Temple]
Woolley, Reginald M. Coronation Rites. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1915.
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Woudstra, M. H. “The Ark of the Covenant from Conquest to Kingship.” PhD thesis, Philadelphia, Westminster Theological Seminary, 1961.
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Woudstra, M. H. “The Ark of the Covenant in Jeremiah 3:16-18.” In Grace Upon Grace: Essays in Honor of Lester J. Kuyper, edited by J. Cook, 117-27. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1975. [Israel/Tabernacle/Furnishings]
Woudstra, M. H. “The Everlasting Covenant in Ezekiel 16:59-63.” Calvin Theological Journal 6 (1971): 22-48.
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Wright, Addison G. “The Widow’s Mites: Praise or Lament? – A Matter of Context.” Catholic Biblical Quarterly 43 (1981): 30-40.
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Wright, Benjamin G., III. “Fear the Lord and Honor the Priest: Ben Sira as Defender of the Jerusalem Priesthood.” In The Book of Ben Sira in Modern Research: Proceedings of the First International Ben Sira Conference, 28-31 July 1996, Soesterberg, Netherlands, edited by Pancratius C. Beentjes, 189-222. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter, 1997.
Wright, Benjamin G., III. “Jewish Ritual Baths–Interpreting the Digs and the Texts: Some Issues in the Social History of Second Temple Judaism.” In The Archaeology of Israel: Constructing the Past, Interpreting the Present, edited by N. A. Silberman and D. Small, 19-214. Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 1997.
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Wright, David P. “Deciphering a Definition: The Syntagmatic Structural Analysis of Ritual in the Hebrew Bible.” Journal of Hebrew Scriptures 8, article 12 (2008): 2-9.
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[Near East/Israel/Ritual/Liturgy/Worship]
Wright, David P. “Holiness, Sex, and Death in the Garden of Eden.” Biblica 77 (1996): 305-29. [Eden/Ritual/Liturgy/Worship]
Wright, David P. “Ritual Analogy in Psalm 109.” Journal of Biblical Literature 113 (Autumn 1994): 385-404.
Wright, David P. Ritual in Narrative: The Dynamics of Feasting, Mourning, and Retaliation Rites in the Ugaritic Tale of Aqhat. Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns, 2001.
Wright, David P. “Ritual Theory, Ritual Texts, and the Priestly-Holiness Writings of the Pentateuch.” In Social Theory and the Study of Israelite Religion, edited by Saul M. Olyan, 195-216. Atlanta: Society of Biblical Literature, 2012.
[Israel Ritual/Liturgy/Worship]
Wright, David P. “The Spectrum of Priestly Impurity.” In Priesthood and Cult in Ancient Israel, edited by Gary. A. Anderson and Saul M. Olyan, 150-81. Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 1991.
Wright, David P. “The Study of Ritual in the Hebrew Bible.” In The Hebrew Bible: New Insights and Scholarship, edited by Frederick E. Greenpahn, 120-38. Jewish Studies in the Twenty-First Century. NY: New York University Press, 2008.
Wright, David P. “Unclean and Clean.” In The Anchor Bible Dictionary, edited by David Noel Freedman, 6:729-41. 6 vols. New York: Doubleday, 1992.
Wright, Delbert F. “Appreciation.” Improvement Era 68 (February 1965): 107-8.
Wright, Dennis A. “The Celestial Jerusalem.” In The Testimony of John the Beloved, The 27th Annual Sidney B. Sperry Symposium, 327-40. Salt Lake City: Deseret Book, 1998.
[Israel/Mormon/New Temple/Heavenly Temple]
Wright, Dennis A. “‘None Were Greater’: A Restoration View of Melchizedek.” Ensign 28 (February 1998): 30-35.
→Wright, G. R. H. “Another Fluted Column Fragment from Bronze Age Shechem.” Palestine Exploration Quarterly 101 (January 1969): 34-36.
Wright, G. R. H. “Bronze Age Temple at Amman.” Zeitschrift für die Alttestamentliche Wissenschaft 78, no. 3 (1966): 351-61.
→Wright, G. R. H. “Fluted Columns in the Bronze Age Temple of Baal-Berith at Shechem.” Palestine Exploration Quarterly 97 (January 1965): 66-84.
Wright, G. R. H. “Joseph’s Grave under the Tree by the Omphalos at Shechem.” Vetus Testamentum 22 (October 1972): 476-86.
[Israel/Canaan/Shechem/Sacred Space]
Wright, G. R. H. Kalabsha: The Preserving of the Temple. Berlin: Mann, 1972.
Wright, G. R. H. “The Mythology of Pre-Israelite Shechem.” Vetus Testamentum 20 (1970): 75-82.
Wright, G. R. H. “Pre-Israelite Temples in the Land of Canaan.” Palestine Exploration Quarterly 103 (1971): 17-32.
Wright, G. R. H. “Shechem and League Shrines.” Vetus Testamentum 21 (1971): 572-603.
Wright, G. R. H. “Square Temples East and West.” In Memorial Volume of the Fifth International Congress of Iranian Art and Archaeology. Teheran-Isfahan-Shiraz, 11th-18th April 1968, 1: 380-88. 2 vols. Teheran: Ministry of Culture and Arts, 1972.
[Near East/Mesopotamia]
Wright, G. R. H. “Structure of the Qasr Bint Far’un: A Preliminary Review.” Palestine Exploration Quarterly 93 (1961): 8-37.
Wright, G. R. H. “Temples at Shechem.” Zeitschrift fur die alttestamentliche Wissenschaft 80 (1968): 1-35.
Wright, G. R. H. “Temples at Shechem: A Detail.” Zeitschrift fur die alttestamentliche Wissenschaft 87 (1975): 56-64.
Wright, George Ernest. “Dr. Waterman’s View Concerning the Solomonic Temple.” Journal of Near Eastern Studies 7 (January 1948): 53.
Wright, George Ernest. “God Amidst His People: The Story of the Temple.” In Rule of God: Essays in Biblical Theology, 57-76. Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1960.
Wright, George Ernest. “The Levites in Deuteronomy.” Vetus Testamentum 4 (July 1954): 325-30.
Wright, George Ernest. Shechem: The Biography of a Biblical City. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1965.
→Wright, George Ernest. “The Significance of the Temple in the Ancient Near East.” The Biblical Archaeologist 7 (September 1944): 41-44.
[Near East/Mesopotamia/Egypt/Israel]
Wright, George Ernest. “The Significance of the Temple in the Ancient Near East, Part III, The Temple in Palestine-Syria.” The Biblical Archaeologist 7 (December 1944): 65-77.
Wright, George Ernest. “Solomon’s Temple Resurrected.” The Biblical Archaeologist 4 (May 1941): 17-31.
Wright, George Ernest. “The Stevens’ Reconstruction of the Solomonic Temple.” Biblical Archaeologist 18 (1955): 41-44.
→Wright, George Ernest. “‘Sun-Image’ or ‘Altar of Incense?’” The Biblical Archaeologist 1 (May 1938): 9-10.
Wright, George Ernest. “The Temple in Palestine-Syria.” The Biblical Archaeologist, 7 (December 1944): 65-77. Also in Biblical Archeologist Reader, edited by G. E. Wright and David Noel Freedman, 1:169-84. Garden City, New York, 1961.
[Israel/Near East/Canaan]
Wright, J. W. “‘Those Doing the Work for the Service in the House of the Lord’: 1 Chronicles 23:6–24:31 and the Sociohistorical Context of the Temple of Yahweh in Jerusalem in the Late Persian/Early Hellenistic Period.” In Judah and the Judeans in the Fourth Century BCE, edited by Oded Lipschits, Gary N. Knoppers, and Rainer Albertz, 361-84. Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns, 2007.
[Israel/Second Temple/Priesthood]
Wright, James C. “The Old Temple Terrace at the Argive Heraeum and the Early Cult of Hera in the Argolid.” Journal of Hellenic Studies 102 (1982): 186-201.
Wright, John S. The Building of the Second Temple. London: Tyndale, 1958.
[Israel/Second Temple/Construction]
Wright, John Wesley. “Guarding the Gates: 1 Chronicles 26:1-19 and the Roles of Gatekeepers in Chronicles.” Journal for the Study of the Old Testament 48 (1990): 69-81.
Wright, Nicholas L. “The Last Days of a Seleucid City: Jebel Khalid on the Euphrates and Its Temple.” In Selucid Dissolution: The Sinking of the Anchor, edited by Kyle Erickson and Gillian Ramsey, 117-32. Weisbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag, 2011.
[Mesopotamia/Jebel Khalid]
Wright, Nicholas L. “Seleucid Royal Cult, Indigenous Religious Traditions and Radiate Crowns: The Numismatic Evidence.” Mediterranean Archaeology 18 (2005): 67-82.
Wright, N. T. The Climax of the Covenant: Christ and the Law in Pauline Theology. Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 1993.
Wright, Raymond T. “Redeeming the Dead.” In Encyclopedia of Latter-day Saint History, edited by Arnold K. Garr, Donald Q. Cannon, and Richard O. Cowan, 278-79. Salt Lake City: Deseret Book, 2000.
[Mormon/Elijah/Salvation of the Dead].
Wright, Theodore F. “The Boards of the Tabernacle.” Palestine Exploration Fund Quarterly 31 (1899): 70.
Wright, Theodore F. “The Tabernacle Roof.” Palestine Exploration Fund Quarterly 29 (1897): 225-26.
Wright, Theodore F. “Was the Tabernacle Oriental?” Journal of Biblical Literature 18, nos. 1-2 (1899): 195-98.
→Wrightson, T. “On the Relation of Certain Arch Springings Found within the Area of the Temple of Jerusalem.” Palestine Exploration Quarterly 23 (July 1891): 219-24.
Wrigley, Heather W. “Technology Helps Family Search Volunteers Hit Major Milestone.” Ensign 39 (December 2009): 76-78.
[Mormon/Salvation of the Dead]
Wu, J. L. “Liturgical Elements.” In Dictionary of the Later New Testament and Its Developments, edited by R. P. Martin and P. H. Davids, 659-65. Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 1997.
Wyatt, Nicholas. “David’s Census and the Tripartite Theory.” Vetus Testamentum 40 (July 1990): 352-60.
Wyatt, Nicholas. “Degrees of Divinity: Some Mythical and Ritual Aspects of West Semitic Kingship.” In “There’s Such Divinity Doth Hedge a King”: Selected Essays of Nicholas Wyatt on Royal Ideology in Ugaritic and Old Testament Literature, 191-220. Aldershot, England: Ashgate, 2005.
[Near East/Kingship/Coronation/Ritual/Liturgy/Worship]
Wyatt, Nicholas. “The Hollow Crown: Ambivalent Elements in West Semitic Royal Ideology.” Ugarit-Forschungen 18 (1986): 421-36. Also in “There’s Such Divinity Doth Hedge a King”: Selected Essays of Nicholas Wyatt on Royal Ideology in Ugaritic and Old Testament Literature, 31-48. Aldershot, England: Ashgate, 2005.
[Near East/Kingship/Coronation]
Wyatt, Nicholas. “The Liturgical Context of Psalm 19 and its Mythical and Ritual Origins.” Ugarit-Forschungen 27 (1995): 559-96, 103-31.
Wyatt, Nicholas., ed. The Mythic Mind: Essays on Cosmology and Religion in Ugaritic and Old Testament Literature. London: Equinox, 2005.
Wyatt, Nicholas. “The Significance of the Burning Bush.” Vetus Testamentum 36 (July 1986): 361-65.
Wyatt, Nicholas. ‘There’s such Divinity doth Hedge a King’” Selected Essays of Nicholas Wyatt on Royal Ideology in Ugaritic and Old Testament Literature. Ashgate Publishing, 2005.
Wylie, C. C. “On King Solomon’s Molten Sea.” Biblical Archaeologist 12 (1949): 86-90.
Xella, Paolo. “A propositi) del sacrificio umano nel mondo mesopotamico.” Qrientalia 45 (1976): 185-96.
Xeravits, Geza G. King, Priest, Prophet: Positive Eschatological Protagonists of the Qumran Library. Studies on the Texts of the Desert of Judah 47. Leiden: Brill Academic, 2002.
Yaari, A. “Drawings of Jerusalem and the Temple Place as Ornament in Hebrew Books” (in Hebrew). Kirjath Sepher 15 (1938-39): 377-82.
Yadin, Yigael. “Beer-Sheba: The High Place Destroyed by King Josiah.” Bulletin of the American School of Oriental Research 222 (1976): 5-17.
[Israel/Canaan/Beer Sheba]
Yadin, Yigael. “The Dead Sea Scrolls and the Epistle to the Hebrews.” Scripta Hierosolymitana, 4 (1958): 36-55.
Yadin, Yigael. “Excavations at Hazor, 1957: Preliminary Communique.” Israel Exploration Journal 8, no. 1 (1958): 1-14, 68, Plates 1-10.
Yadin, Yigael. “Excavations at Hazor, 1968-1969: Preliminary Communique.” Israel Exploration Journal 19, no. 1 (1969): 1-19.
Yadin, Yigael. “The Gate of the Essenes and the Temple Scroll.” Qadmoniot 5 (1972): 129-30.
[Israel/Herod/Qumran/Temple Scroll/Architecture/Design]
Yadin, Yigael. “Excavations at Hazor, 1958: Preliminary Communique.” Israel Exploration Journal 9, no. 2 (1959): 74-88.
Yadin, Yigael. “The Gate of the Essenes and the Temple Scroll.” In Jerusalem Revealed: Archaeology in the Holy City 1968-1974, 90-1. Jerusalem, Israel Exploration Society, 1976.
[Israel/Qumran/Temple Scroll/Architecture/Design]
Yadin, Yigael. Hazor: The Rediscovery of a Great Citadel of the Bible. New York: Random House, 1975.
Yadin, Yigael. “A Huge Altar and Mysterious Tunnels–Area F.” In Hazor: The Rediscovery of a Great Citadel of the Bible, 59-77. New York: Random House, 1975.
Yigael Yadin, ed. Jerusalem Revealed: Archaeology in the Holy City, 1968-1974. Jerusalem: Israel Exploration Society, 1976.
[Israel/Solomon/Second Temple/Herod]
Yadin, Yigael. “The Last of Four Temples–Area H.” In Hazor: The Rediscovery of a Great Citadel of the Bible, 79-99. New York: Random House, 1975.
Yadin, Yigael. “A Note on Melchizedek and Qumran.” Israel Exploration Journal 15, no. 3 (1965): 152-54.
Yadin, Yigael. “Un nouveau manuscrit de la Mer Morte: ‘Le Rouleau du Temple.’” Competes rendus de I’Academie des inscriptions et belles-lettres 1967, 607-19.
[Israel/Qumran/Temple Scroll]
Yadin, Yigael. “Le Rouleau du Temple.” In Qumran: Sa piete, sa theologie et son milieu, edited by Mathias Delcor, 115-19. Bibliotheca Ephemeridum Theologicarum Lovaniensium 46. Paris: Duculot, Glemboux, 1978.
[Israel/Qumran/Temple Scroll]
Yadin, Yigael. “Site of Three Major Discoveries–Area C.” In Hazor: The Rediscovery of a Great Citadel of the Bible, 43-57. New York: Random House, 1975.
Yadin, Yigael. “The Temple” (in Hebrew). Encyclopedia Hebraica 8:555-91. Jerusalem: Mass, 1981.
[Israel/Solomon/Second Temple/Herod/Ezekiel]
Yadin, Yigael. “Temple.” In Encyclopedia Judaica, edited by M. Berenbaum and F. Skolnik, 19:601-27. Detroit: Macmillan Reference, 2007.
[Israel/Solomon/Second Temple/Herod/Ezekiel]
Yadin, Yigael. “De Tempelrol.” Spiegel historical 4 (1969): 203-10.
[Israel/Qumran/Temple Scroll]
Yadin, Yigael. The Temple Scroll. 3 vols. Jerusalem: Israel Exploration Society, 1977-83.
[Israel/Qumran/Temple Scroll]
Yadin, Yigael. “The Temple Scroll.” Biblical Archaeologist 30 (1967): 135-39.
[Israel/Qumran/Temple Scroll]
Yadin, Yigael. The Temple Scroll: The Hidden Law of the Dead Sea Sect. London: Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1985.
[Israel/Qumran/Temple Scroll]
Yadin, Yigael. “The Temple Scroll. In Jerusalem Through the Ages: The Twenty-fifth Archaeological Convention, edited by J. Aviram, 72-82. Jerusalem: The Israel Exploration Society, 1968.
[Israel/Qumran/Temple Scroll]
Yadin, Yigael. “The Temple Scroll–The Longest Dead Sea Scroll.” In Understanding the Dead Sea Scrolls: A Reader from the Biblical Archaeology Review, edited by Hershel Shanks, 79-84. New York: Random House, 1992.
[Israel/Qumran/Temple Scroll]
Yadin, Yigael. “The Temple Scroll–The Longest and Most Recently Discovered Dead Sea Scroll.” Biblical Archaeology Review 10, no. 5 (1984): 32-49.
[Israel/Qumran/Temple Scroll]
Yadin, Yigael. “The Temple Scroll.” In New Directions in Biblical Archaeology, edited by D. N. Freedman and J. C. Greenfield, 139-48. Garden City: Doubleday, 1969.
[Israel/Qumran/ Temple Scroll]
Yadin, Yigael. “The Temple Scroll.” Nouvelles Chreitiennes d’Israel 18(1967): 41-48.
[Israel/Qumran/Temple Scroll]
Yadin, Yigael. “Three More Below!” In Hazor: The Rediscovery of a Great Citadel of the Bible, 101-19. New York: Random House, 1975.
Yamauchi, Edwin M. “Cultural Aspects of Marriage in the Ancient World.” Bibliotheca Sacra 135 (1978): 241-52.
Yarden, Leon. “Aaron, Bethel and the Priestly Menorah.” Journal of Jewish Studies 26, nos. 1-2 (1975): 39-47.
Yarden, Leon. The Tree of Light: A Study of the Menorah, the Seven-branched Lampstand. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1971.
Yarn, David H., Jr. “I Have a Question?” [In light of eternal marriage how do we explain Matthew 22:29-30?] Ensign 16 (February 1986): 34-35.
[Mormon/Theology/Marriage/ Family/Covenants]
Yarn, David H., and Marilyn S. Yarn. “Temple President and Matron.” In Encyclopedia of Mormonism, edited by Daniel H. Ludlow, 4:1445-46. 5 vols. New York: Macmillan, 1992.
Yarnold, Edward J. The Awe-Inspiring Rites of Initiation: Baptismal Homilies of the Fourth Century. England: St. Paul Publications, 1971.
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Yassine, K. “The Open Court Sanctuary of the Iron Age I Tell el-Mazar Mound A.” Zeitschrift des Deutsche Palastina-Vereins 100 (1984): 108-18.
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Yeivin, S. “Casemated Walls and Sacred Areas.” Proceedings of the Fifth World Congress on Jewish Studies, August 3-11, 1969, 62-68. Jerusalem: World Union of Jewish Studies, 1972.
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Yeivin, S. “Was There a High Portal in the First Temple?” Vetus Testamentum 14 (July 1964): 331-43.
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Yerushalmi, Moses. Yede Mosheh. Jerusalem: Yeshivat Kodesh Hilulim, 1968/1969.
→Yisrael, Y., and D. Nachlieli. “Remains of Campsites and Ritual Structures on Desert Roads” (Hebrew). In Researches in the Archaeology of Nomads in the Negev and Sinai, edited by S. Ahituv, 145-54. Beer Sheva: 1998.
→“Yoma, or the Day of Atonement: With the Commentary of Rabbi Obadiah of Bartenora.” Palestine Exploration Quarterly 17 (October 1885): 286-93.
Yon, M. “Sanctuaires d’Ougarit.” In Temples et Sanctuaires: Seminaire de recherche 1981-1983, edited by G. Roux, 37-50. Lyon: GIS – Maison de l’Orient, 1984.
Yorgason, Blaine M, Richard A. Schmutz, and Douglas D. Alder. All That Was Promised: The St. George Temple and the Unfolding of the Restoration. Salt Lake City: Deseret Book, 2013.
[Mormon/St. George/Theology/Salvation of the Dead]
Young, Brigham. “Necessity of Building Temples–The Endowment.” In Journal of Discourses, 2:29-33. Liverpool: F. D. Richards, 1855. Reprint, Salt Lake City: Bookcraft, 1964.
Young, Brigham. “Ordinances that Can Only Be Administered in the Temple–Endowments, Etc.” In Journal of Discourses 16:185-89. Liverpool: Joseph F. Smith, 1884. Reprint, Salt Lake City: Bookcraft, 1964.
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Young, Francis M. “Temple Cult and Law in Early Christianity: A Study in the Relationship between Jews and Christians in the Early Centuries.” New Testament Studies 19 (April 1973): 325-38.
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Young, Frances M. The Use of Sacrificial Ideas in Greek Christian Writers from the New Testament in John Chrysostom. Philadelphia: Patristic Foundation, 1979.
Young, Frank W. Initiation Ceremonies. Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill, 1965.
Young, Norman H. “The Day of Dedication or the Day of Atonement? The Old Testament Background to Hebrews 6:19-20 Revisited.” Andrews University Seminary Studies 40 (Spring 2002): 61-68.
Young, Norman H. “Where Jesus Has Gone as a Forerunner on Our Behalf (Hebrews 6:20).” Andrews University Seminary Studies 39 (Autumn 2001): 165-73.
[Christian/Heavenly Temple]
Young, S Dilworth. “Lord, What is Thy Purpose?” In Genealogical Research Seminar Devotional Addresses–1969, 57-68. Provo, UT: Brigham Young University Press, 1970.
[Mormon/Salvation of the Dead]
Youngberg, Christopher Jon. “Latter-day Saint Marriage: An Exploration of Meanings Attributed to Temple Marriage.” PhD diss., the University of Louisiana, Monroe, 2003.
Yulin, Liu. “Temple Purity in 1–2 Corinthians in the Context of the Jewish and Greco-Roman World.” PhD diss., Trinity International University, 2012.
→Yulin, Liu. Temple Purity in 1-2 Corinthians. Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen Zum Neuen Testament 2. Reihe 343. Tubingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2013.
Zaas, Peter. “Matthew’s Birth Story: An Early Milepost in the History of Jewish Marriage Law.” Biblical Theology Bulletin: A Journal of Bible and Theology 39 (August 2009): 125-28.
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Zabkar, L. V. “Six Hymns to Isis in the Sanctuary of Her Temple at Philae and Their Theological Significance.” Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 69 (1983): 115-37.
Zahavy, Tzvee. “How Society Shaped the Liturgy of the Scribes, Priests, and Rabbis.” In When Judaism and Christianity Began: Essays in Memory of Anthony J. Saldarini, edited by Alan J. Avery-Peck, Daniel Harrington and Jacob Neusner, 2:509-25. Supplements to the Journal for the Study of Judaism. Leiden: Brill, 2004.
→Zahn, Molly M. “Identifying Reuse of Scripture in the Temple Roll: Some Methodological Reflections.” In A Teacher for all Generations: Essays in Honor of James C. VanderKam, edited by Eric F. Mason, 341-58. Supplements to the Journal for the Study of Judaism 153. Leiden: Brill, 2012.
[Israel/Qumran/Temple Scroll]
Zahn, Molly M. “New Voices, Ancient Words: The Temple Scroll’s Reuse of the Bible.” In Temple and Worship in Biblical Israel. Proceedings of the Oxford Old Testament Seminar, edited by John Day, 435-58. London: T&T Clark, 2007.
[Israel/Qumran/Temple Scroll]
Zahn, Theodore. “Der zerrissene Templevorhang.” Neue kirchliche Zeitschrift 13 (1902): 729-56.
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[Israel/Mt Ebal/Sacrifice]
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[Near East/Mesopotamia]
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[Sacred Space]
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[Israel/Ezekiel/New Temple]
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[Israel/Qumran/Copper Scroll]
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[Israel/Solomon/Ezekiel/New Temple/Measurement/Theology]
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[Mormon/Salt Lake]
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[Israel/Solomon/Second Temple/Marriage/Covenants/Symbolism]
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[Mormon/Salvation of the Dead]
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[Mormon/Idaho Falls]
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[Israel/Second Temple]
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