Author Archives: Danel W. Bachman

Abstract of Addams, R. Jean. “A Contest for ‘Sacred Space.’”

Addams, R. Jean.  “A Contest for ‘Sacred Space.’” The John Whitmer Historical Association Journal 31 (Spring/Summer 2011): 44-68.   [Mormon/Independence]

This is a chronological account of the struggles between the RLDS and the Church of Christ (Temple Lot) for the property of the original Mormon Temple site in Independence, Missouri. Continue reading

Abstract of Lane, Jennifer C. “Redemption’s Grand Design for Both the Living and the Dead.”

Lane, Jennifer C.  “Redemption’s Grand Design for Both the Living and the Dead.”  In The Doctrine and Covenants Revelations in Context, edited by Andrew H. Hedges, J. Spencer Fluhman, and Alonzo L. Gaskill, 188-211.  Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2008.  [Mormon/Salvation of the Dead]

Lane defines “redemption” as a particular kind of salvation, i.e., “deliverance from bondage through the payment of a ransom price” which emphasizes both captivity and payment. Continue reading

Review of Oaks, Dallin H. His Holy Name.

Oaks, Dallin H.  His Holy Name.  Salt Lake City: Bookcraft, 1998.  [Mormon/Theology/Ritual/ Liturgy/Worship/Divine Name]

This small book reports a decade-long study by Elder Oaks of the use of the phrase, or equivalents,  “the name of the Lord” in scripture.  The word “name” appears more than 1,500 times, “mostly as references to deity or to the name of Deity.” Continue reading

Abstract of Christensen, Kevin. “The Temple, the Monarchy, and Wisdom: Lehi’s World and the Scholarship of Margaret Barker.”

Christensen, Kevin. “The Temple, the Monarchy, and Wisdom: Lehi’s World and the Scholarship of Margaret Barker.” In Glimpses of Lehi’s Jerusalem, edited by John W. Welch, David Rolph Seely, and Jo Ann H. Seely, 449-522. Provo, UT: FARMS, 2004. [Israel/Solomon/Theology/Mormon] Continue reading