Keel, Othmar. “The Temple: Place of Yahweh’s Presence and Sphere of Life.” In The Symbolism of the Biblical World: Ancient Near Eastern Iconography and the Book of Psalms, translated by Timothy J. Hallett, 111-76. Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns, 1997. [Israel/Mountain/Design/
I first encountered Keel through William Dever. In his book, Does God Have a Wife, Dever devotes a portion of an early chapter to a discussion of how Biblical scholars have neglected archaeology as a resource. An exception is what Dever referred to as the “magisterial 1992 German work by Othmar Keel and Christoph Uehlinger, translated into English as Gods, Goddesses, and Images of God in Ancient Israel.” (p. 54) Such high praise led me to search for this book on the Internet. I found it to be quite expensive, but I obtained the work in which the chapter herein being reviewed was found. It too merits high marks. Continue reading