with Search Instructions
—Preliminary Draft—
© 2013 Danel W. Bachman
Compiled by Danel W. Bachman, Donald W. Parry, Stephen D. Ricks, John W. Welch
Begun 9 February 2006
Updated 12 September 2013
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Brief History of the Bibliography
In 2006 I began an extensive study of the temple and one of the first things I did was begin compiling a bibliography of available information. With the help of the Internet the bibliography grew rapidly. It was decided to put this “preliminary list” online on the website for The Academy of Temple Studies” while additional proofreading and editing is underway. Once the proofreading is complete and appropriate software developed, an updated version will replace the present version, and it will likely be available on other websites as well. This version was placed online in October 2012.
See “Update History” for information regarding significant changes to the online version since coming online.
Extent of Temple Studies Included
This bibliography now contains over 8,000 entries. At present the scope is limited to the following areas of temple studies: 1) Near Eastern and Mediterranean temples in general. That includes pre-Israelite temples in the Near East, and Greek, Roman, and Egyptian temples. 2) Israelite temples in the Old and New Testament periods. 3) Mormon Temples. The bibliography includes books, articles, chapters in books, pamphlets, talks and entries in various types of reference works. The matter of including book reviews in the bibliography is yet to be decided. Most items are in English, but there are also entries in Hebrew, German, French, and Spanish. The list contains 300 doctoral dissertations, as well as a few Master’s theses related to the temple.
Using the Online Version
This version is a “preliminary listing” and the software used to access it is also in its initial stage of development. In the future we want the online version to be as interactive as possible.
Downloading the bibliography. The bibliography is copyrighted and is not presently available for download in its entirety. We hope, in future versions, to allow you to create and download topical bibliographies generated by your searches, save them, and print them. However, that option is not presently available.
Searches:As mentioned above, this version of software is in its preliminary stages. However, you can perform basic searches. You can search for an author’s last name, a portion of the title, or for key words in the title or key word list accompanying each entry enclosed in brackets. To search the bibliography, simply use your browser’s “Find” feature by pressing Ctrl+F or Command+F. A drop down window or popup will appear. Type the word or phrase you wish to search for in that box. The up and down arrows beside the box will aid you in moving from one hit to the next.
Key Word Lists: To facilitate general searches on broad topics, a list of key words are enclosed in brackets following each entry in the bibliography (as in the above example). These key words may be considered as broad topical categories. The list has been kept relatively small and somewhat general. If you are interested in Egyptian or Roman temples, articles on these subjects may be located by simply searching for Egypt or Rome. Other places where temples are located may be found by typing the name of the temple or place such as: Israel, Canaan, Near East, Lachish, Elephantine, Nauvoo, Independence, etc. For periods of Israelite temples you can search with the following words: First Temple, Solomon, Second Temple, Herod, Christian. You can locate references dealing with architecture, design, and furnishings, by using those words. An alphabetical list of the topical words we have used is found below.
Ablutions/Ai/Ain Dara/Akkad/Alberta/Aleppo/Anointing/Arabia/ Arad/Architecture/ Ascent/
Baalbek/Banias/Bethel/Beth Shean/ Beth Shemesh/Boston/Bountiful/
Christian/Cleansing/Colonia Juarez/Confidential/Construction/Copper Scroll/Coptic/ Coronation/Cosmology/Covenants/Creation/Crete/Cyprus/
Ebal/Eden/Ekron/Elephantine/Elijah/Endowment House/Ezekiel/Eastern Orthodox/
Family/Far West/Festivals/First Temple/Freiberg/ Furnishings/
Hawaii/Hazor/Heavenly Temple/Hebron/Heliopolis/Herod/
Idaho Falls/Independence/Iran/Islam/
Japan/Jebel Khalid/Jeremiah/Joppa/Jubilee/Judgment/Julian/
Karnak/Kieryat Jearim/Khurbet Harrawi/Kinship/Kirtland/
Lachish/Leontopolis/Liturgy/Logan/Los Angeles/Luxor/
Manti/Mari/Marriage/Masonry/Measurement/Megiddo/Mesa/Mesoamerica/Mesopotamia/ Mevorakh/Mexico City/Michael/Mormon/Mountain/Music/Muslim/Mysticism/Mysteries/Mystery Religions/
Names/Nauvoo/Near East/Netherlands/New Temple/
Sacred Space/Sacred Vestments/Sacrifice/Sal Paulo/ Salt Lake/Salvation of the Dead/ Samoa/ Samaritan/San Diego/Sealings/Second Temple/Serabit/Shechem/Shiloh/ Solomon/Sonship/St George/St Louis/Sweden/Swiss/ Symbolism/Synagogue/
Taanach/Tel Dah/Tel Qasile/Tel Qiri/Templars/Temple Scroll/Theology/Transfiguration/ Tree of Life/
Washington DC/Women/Worship/
Eg.: Kuhnel, Bianca. “Jewish Symbolism of the Temple and the Tabernacle and Christian Symbolism of the Holy Sepulchre and the Heavenly Tabernacle.” Journal of Jewish Art 12, no 3 (1986-7): 147-68. [Tabernacle/Israel/Christian/Symbolism/ Heavenly Temple]
Format of Entries
Entries are formatted according to the 16th edition of the Chicago Manual of Style for bibliographies. Where Chicago gives some latitude or options, those used in the bibliography are explained below.
Journal Entries: Chicago style does not require both date and issue number for journal entries. We elected to use the volume and month (or season) as the default. However, we did not always have that information, so we included what we had. Many of the entries only give the volume, year, and page numbers. Some have an issue number but no date. So, there is a mixture of styles. The goal is to provide at least the date or issue number when possible, in order to help the user as much as possible.
Alphabetization of Last Names: Chicago style allows alphabetizing last names with particles (de Silva), either with the particle first or the last name first, but prefers using the particle first. We standardized alphabetizing according to this recommendation, i.e., “van der Toorn.”
Translated titles: Where titles in foreign languages are translated into English the translation is enclosed in brackets, e.g., [English translation of title].
Your Suggestions and Help Welcomed
- We invite your ideas for improving this bibliography and its usefulness
- If you discover errors and can assist with corrections or have new sources to share with us, both are welcome. When corrections and new sources are verified and properly formatted, they will be included in the bibliography.
- If you find references in the bibliography that are not really about the temple, or temple-related matters such as festivals, temple theology, etc., please bring them to our attention. We will review them, and where appropriate, they will be deleted.
- If you have an interest in helping build this bibliography, we need the following:
- Those with skills in the following languages: German, French, Spanish, Italian, and Hebrew.
Many German and French titles already in the bibliography need to be translated into English. - Those with expertise relative to Egyptian, Roman, Greek, Near Eastern, and pre-Israelite temples.
- Those with expertise in archeology, architecture, design, and history of temples.
- Experts in software programming who could assist in creating a searchable, interactive online bibliography with numerous proprietary features.
- Those with skills in the following languages: German, French, Spanish, Italian, and Hebrew.
Please contact me at: danbachman@comcast.net
A Temple Studies Bibliography is an indispensable tool for anyone pursuing serious study of temples in the Near East and Mediterranean world including Israelite and Mormon temples. Searchable by author, key word, and topical categories this bibliography instantly brings the wealth of the burgeoning scholarly field of temple studies to the fingertips of the researcher. It includes published books and articles and references to scores of relevant dissertations.
—David R. Seely
Disclaimer: The bibliography entitled “A Temple Studies Bibliography” is a working draft and is placed online as a good will gesture to assist temple studies around the world. The authors and The Academy of Temple Studies, make no claim for the absolute accuracy for the entries and associated key word lists found in this bibliography. Those using these references for whatever purpose should consult the original publications and assume responsibility for their own work. The authors and Academy further disclaim responsibility for errors found in the published and unpublished works of those who consult and use this collection. Finally, the references found in this collection do not constitute recommendations of the compilers or the Academy.