
David Butler on the Stick of Joseph Podcast

Recently David Butler, author of Plain and Precious Things:  The Temple Religion of the Book of Mormon’s Visionary Men and The Goodness and the Mysteries:  On the Path of the Book of Mormon’s Visionary Men, was interviewed on the podcast The Stick of Joseph.  He talks about how temple themes are found throughout the Book of Mormon.  You can find the video of the interview below:

Part 1:

Part 2:

Part 3:


About Academy for Temple Studies

The Academy for Temple Studies is comprised of a group of American scholars and supporters, who are interested in advancing the discipline of Temple Studies in North America. This group is a spin-off of the Temple Studies Group in the United Kingdom, launched in 2008 by Dr. Margaret Barker, The Rt Rev. Dr. Geoffrey Rowell, Dr. Laurence Hemming, the Rev. Robin Griffith-Jones and Dr. Susan Parsons, who with a cohort of scholars have met annually at the Temple Church in London. This group was seeded by Margaret Barker’s pioneering application of temple studies to biblical texts and topics. See http://www.templestudiesgroup.com/Symposia/Symposium1.htm

Housed under the auspices of Philip Barlow, professor and former director of the Religious Studies program at Utah State University in Logan, Utah, this Academy is guided by its executive committee, consisting of Philip Barlow, Gary N. Anderson, and John W. Welch. Others also serve periodically on various committees under their supervision.

One aim of the Academy is to make scholars and general readers more aware of the field of Temple Studies, including the work of Margaret Barker and her pioneering application of temple studies to biblical texts and topics. Also, the Academy has sponsored conferences beginning in 2012, http://www.templestudies.org/conferences/.  And thanks especially to the work of Danel W. Bachman and Donald W. Parry, the Academy website now features an exhaustive Temple Studies Bibliography, http://www.templestudies.org/introduction-to-a-temple-studies-bibliography/

Anyone interested in receiving notices of upcoming conferences, of participating in the work of the organization, or in supporting this effort are invited to contact the Academy using this link: http://www.templestudies.org/contact/

The Academy intends to conduct other programs that will collaborate with scholars abroad and will extend the discipline of temple studies in the United States.